[izpack-devel] Some more Xinclude thoughts

Tino Schwarze berlios.de at tisc.de
Sat Dec 15 16:25:47 CET 2007

Hi Matthew,

On Sat, Dec 15, 2007 at 08:03:28AM -0700, Matthew Fudge wrote:

> Perhaps you could clarify somthing for me. I was looking at the code
> for CompilerConfig#addResources
> (http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/izpack/izpack-src/trunk/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/compiler/CompilerConfig.java)
> In that file it appears that the "parse" attribute (on a "res"
> element) causes variable substitution to occur at compile time (sorry
> I don't have an IDE to help me track through the code at the moment to
> see if this is really the case).

I don't have an IzPack/IDE setup there, currently, so I'm just trying to
remember stuff. I mixed this up with the <parsable> tag where parsing
happens at installation time. 

Yes, the above code parses at compile time. I would opt for introducing
an "parsexml" attribute which is independent of the parse attribute.
This way the user has freedom of choice: No parsing, just XML parsing
(=including), just variable parsing or both.

Hm, this xinclude stuff may be useful for me as well - we're currently
using a wrapper script to substitute some magic comments by XML snippets.
On the other hand, we'd still need to substitute the magic comments by
appropiate <xinclude> tags since the number of modules may vary...

Bye+Thanks for the work,



Tino Schwarze * Parkstraße 17h * 09120 Chemnitz

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