[izpack-devel] Distrubuted install.xml files ...

Hans Aikema aikebah at aikebah.net
Mon Apr 23 23:44:42 CEST 2007

While testing this patch by using an updated IzPack-install.xml 
(seperating the Documentation and nanoXML documentation to seperate 
specifications I encountered some issues I'd like to discuss with the list.

Using distributed package-definitions by the refpack enhancement 
contributed by Syed Khadeer showed an (IMHO) unwanted sequence-dependecy 
between the resources and the pack-definitions in the 
installer-specification. (i.e. if you change the sequence of packs 
without adopting the sequencenumber suffix of the ImgPacksPanel.img.<n> 
of the packs you will get incorrect icons in the ImgPacksPanel for the 

I have currently 2 alternatives in mind:
1) Specify the id-suffix for the wanted image-resource on the 
pack-definition (create a new optional attribute (required when using 
ImgPacksPanel) packIconId on the pack-tag.
2) Use the pack name as the Id-suffix instead of a sequence-number

Either choice would mean adaptation of the ImgPacksPanel (both 
image-selection code and image preloading code) in a similar manner.

Besides that I think that at least the resources-section should also be 
processed for refpack (so that the pack and it's icon can be defined in 
a single xml-definition).

I can do these changes, but I'd like to here fellow developers' opinions 
on these matters first. So please respond regarding the following issues:
- do you agree on changing the id's for the pack's icon resource and if 
so which of the 2 alternatives is the best
- should resources be processed from the refpack xml-file as well?
- should anything else also be specifiable (and thus processed) from the 
refpack xml-file?

Hans Aikema

Julien Ponge wrote:
> Hi Hans,
>> (willing to look into it if no-one else has time available)
> Thanks a lot for reminding me, it had indeed slowly got into the lower
> parts of the todo stack :-(
> I agree if you want to handle this patch and eventually merge it to the trunk!
> Thanks a lot
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