[izpack-devel] FW: Logging

Elmar Grom elmar at grom.net
Wed Nov 29 23:37:17 CET 2006


you make a good point here. Users might not be happy about a load of
messages, even if they are all good.

The logger works as follows:

1) log messages are posted by calls to the logger
2) there are three categories of messages: messages, warnings and errors
3) the logger simply collects the messages but takes no further action
4) the logger provides information if any warnings or errors have been
5) the installer uses this information to display an appropriate generic
message (probably in the finish panels) -> (success, possible problems,
install failed)
6) a button will be provided to allow the user to save a detailed report
7) when asked to save a report, the logger produces a report with generic
information about the install plus all messages posted. The messages are
sorted by category (message/warning/error) and they are localized.

In this way the user is never bombarded with a flood of messages that might
only succeed in leaving doubt about the success of the operation, even
though they might be completely meaningless. If necessary the report text
file may be e-mailed to the developer.

Because of your input, I think it might be a good idea to allow developers
to decide if logging is actually turned on and perhaps even to what level.
This could be done by a top level switch in the xml file. Even if this is
done, there might be cases where an installation problem might need to be
debugged. For such cases logging might be forced on by a command line

Here is what a report looks like right now. The message and warning section
would not show up at all if there is nothing recorded, I just wanted to show
what it would look like.

                           IzPack INSTALLATION REPORT

WARNING!!! The installation did not succeed!

This report contains 0 general message(s), 0 warning(s) and 1 error(s)

Installation report for : ProScholar Version 2.2
Install time            : 11-29-2006 [14:29:37]  Pacific Standard Time
Install directory       : D:\ProgramFiles\ProScholar

                         --- Installation Messages ---

Message  [0] - ...

                               --- Warnings ---

Warning [0] - ...

                                --- Errors ---

Error [0] - unable to write 'D:\ProgramFiles\ProScholar\app.jar'



-----Original Message-----
From: Bartz, Klaus [mailto:Klaus.Bartz at coi.de]
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 1:13 AM
To: elmar at grom.net; izpack-devel at lists.berlios.de
Subject: RE: [izpack-devel] Logging

Hi Elmar,
I think all developer of IzPack knows that there are some
points in the product which are not optimal solved. Of course,
we should solve it if possible and time is right on work-time-device.

Some weeks ago I have had a little problem with logging; I log
some things which are interested especially for me, but it will be
logged if logging is activated. One user persisted on the
meaning that the logged information was fatal for IzPack.

Therefore it will be nice if the new logging stuff will be support
different topics (as you have decribed) and logs a prefix. May be
configurable what topic should be logged.



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