[izpack-devel] Shortcuts On Windows -- Allowed Only for "Current User"?

Hal Vaughan hal at thresholddigital.com
Tue May 16 10:23:30 CEST 2006

On Tuesday 16 May 2006 04:07, Marc Eppelmann wrote:
> Hi Hal,
> This is possible a bug - But it can be also a restriction on/of your
> system.
> The test if this radio-button can be enabled
> 1. gets the "link-folder" of the OS - on windows this is native code
> /maybe buggy/-
> 2. Tests if the current user alias "installateur" have write
> permission in this folder.

Then it's a bug, since I'm running the program as Administrator.  I even 
created a folder in the C:/My Documents/All Users folder (maybe there 
was another folder in between, I'm not a Windows person, so I may have 
lost track).

> To find out whats the reason is on your system,
> 1.you should check the second condition.
> 2.run the setup with the JVM Param for DEBUG/LOG
> java -DLOG -jar setup.jar
> Send me the console output.

Wow.  I never new there were debug options on IzPack.  Cool.

BTW, as for debugging, a while back I uploaded DataCheckPanel, which 
prints out a list of all variables when called and also displays them 
in a window.  I played around with that and checked some code and 
finally found that there is an undocumented variable, 
"DesktopShortcutCheckboxEnabled" that, when set to true, automatically 
checks the "Create Desktop Shortcuts" button.


> Cheers Marc
> Am Dienstag, 16. Mai 2006 06:40 schrieb Hal Vaughan:
> > I'm setting up shortcuts and am testing my install on Windows. 
> > While testing, I'm running it as Administrator, so I'd expect to be
> > able to create shortcuts for all users.
> >
> > When I get to the shortcut panel, I have a choice of creating the
> > shortcut for the current user or all users, but "all users" is
> > ghosted. I cannot find anything about this in the docs.  How can I
> > make it select "All Users" by default (or force it)?  I know this
> > sounds like a strong choice, but my clients are either small
> > business owners or people with control over their systems and they
> > do not have multiple users on the systems, but there is a good
> > chance they'll be installing as Administrator.  I need to make sure
> > the shortcuts are available under their username as well.
> >
> > So how can I make sure "All Users" is allowed, preferably
> > automatically selected, or if possible, forced?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Hal
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