[izpack-devel] more patches - small i18n change and ShortcutPanel

Joachim Hofer joachim.hofer at imbus.de
Thu Jul 27 12:10:17 CEST 2006


still hoping to help a bit, so here goes.

I have created a subversion patch based on rev. 1508 which is attached.

First, there is a type of messages which do not come with a correctly
localized title, namely notifications ("emitNotification()"). This only
happens if the OS is of another language than the installation language,
but nevertheless. I added a title parameter and also added the necessary
strings in the German and English language packs (I don't know how you
handle synchronizing with all the other packs).

Then, there is the rather new feature of subgroups for shortcuts in the
ShortcutPanel. Currently I have to define them in a rather cumbersome
(and yet undocumented) way. For example, look at this way of doing it
(after my patch):

<programGroup defaultName="someGroup" location="startMenu" />
  <shortcut name="docu1" subgroup="documentation"
  <shortcut name="docu2" subgroup="documentation"
  <shortcut name="docu3" subgroup="documentation"

in comparison with this (as it has to be done currently):
<programGroup defaultName="someGroup" location="startMenu" />
  <shortcut name="docu1" subgroup="\documentation"
  <shortcut name="docu2" subgroup="\..\documentation"
  <shortcut name="docu3" subgroup="\..\documentation"

The former xml code would currently generate start menu entries looking
like this:
someGroupdocumentation / docu1
someGroupdocumentationdocumentation / docu2
someGroupdocumentationdocumentationdocumentation / docu3

Did you expect that? ;) - I expected:
someGroup / documentation / docu1
someGroup / documentation / docu2
someGroup / documentation / docu3

So I'd say the latter xml code is unintuitive, you can easily run into
problems when switching the order of the shortcuts (forgetting about the
"subgroup path cursor") and you also need to explicitely care for the
file separators. So I fixed it so that the first of my two samples works.

I also added the subgroup field to the automation xml file for the
shortcut panel (though the automated setup doesn't seem to generate
shortcuts at all atm).

Joachim Hofer
imbus AG
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