[izpack-devel] Another patch suggestion: setting multiple variables in radio fields

Joachim Hofer joachim.hofer at imbus.de
Wed Jul 19 14:13:22 CEST 2006

Tino Schwarze wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 19, 2006 at 12:47:03PM +0200, Joachim Hofer wrote:
>> another thing I needed to add...
>> Scenario: The user selects a JDBC driver type via radio buttons. The
>> application has two variables "$jdbcURL" and "$jdbcClass" that need to
>> be substituted in various configuration files. The current radio field
>> can only set one of them. We need to set both at once.
> Well, the ultimate solution would be conditional inputs (like choosing
> type of database first, then displaying only settings applicable for the
> selected type). But this is already helpful. :-)

Sure... - but I don't want to torment the setup user with technical JDBC
details too much, and therefore I want to silently set those variables.

However, conditional inputs combined with "hidden" fields would probably
do the trick quite nicely (adding another feature to the ultimate
solution). :-)

>> The patch is combined with my previous patch suggestion, as I haven't
>> branched separately.
> Thanks for your work - could you please submit your patch again in
> unified diff format (pass -u to diff).

Sorry for my knowing-nothing-about-diff. I was relying on some visual
diff tool. Oh, I just realize that it was based on the latest release
version of the file, not on the one from the svn trunk...

Now, I have included a unified diff to the release version (3.8.1) -
which I have tested and am working with - as well as the diff Subversion
generates for the latest trunk revision (1492) when I apply my changes
to it - which compiles, but is yet untested.

I hope you can use one of these.

>> I also cleaned up two compiler warnings happening with jdk 1.5 (though
>> this will probably stop compilation with jdk 1.4 if that has still been
>> working before).
> I'm not sure about our policy regarding the compiler. At least, the
> installer should run on Java 1.3 IIRC.

I haven't tested it with older Java versions. No problem with leaving
those two cleanups out of the patch if you want. In fact, I just noticed
that they don't compile in your standard build. :-( So I changed them
again for the 1492 diff.

Joachim Hofer
imbus AG
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