[izpack-devel] Heading panel, panels counter

Miraodb miraodb at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 6 10:07:27 CEST 2006

Hi Klaus,

After reading your mail, i realised that too.
It depends on wether you have the focus at first place for me. And it
depends on which type of button too.
For instance, if i start the installer and don't touch anything, then the
focus is on the First button.
To move back and forth between button i can use tab,cntr+tab,shift+tab and
Once the cursor is on a listbox, i can use the up and down arrow keys to
select from the list and then use enter to select it and use tab to change
button again.
Same thing for text area, i can go there using tab and then move down or up
with arrow keys.

Now the tricky part, concerning the radio button, we can use only keyboard
to access it.
Once moving to the text area (licence panel) using the tabs, if you press
once tab and then space, it changes to yes instead of no and put the focus
on the next button. Thus by pressing space again, you validate the licence.

The only problem i have is with the checkboxes, once i check one using space
it seems like i can't leave the checkboxes area.

So far, that's my analysis.

Can you check it too ?
Some inputs from anyone is more than welcome too.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bartz, Klaus" <Klaus.Bartz at coi.de>
To: <izpack-devel at berlios.de>
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 2:25 PM
Subject: RE: [izpack-devel] Heading panel, panels counter

> Hi Fabrice,
> >> A false written key will be create runtime errors.
> oops, this is sometimes (or most?) not correct. Only some
> keys creats runtime errors (my error).
> <snip>
> >
> >I agree with you that the compatibility aspect, but regarding
> >validation
> >it's quite important to have one.
> >Couldn't we add maybe an error message specific to this
> >situation in order
> >to be able to understand the reason of the error rather than
> >having a global
> >runtime error which for most of the people doesn't make any sense...
> >
> Let us speak about <modifier> under <guipref>:
> I think we have to differ between some possibilities:
> 1) There are keys which are used as switch: In the moment I test
> if( !((String) installdata.guiPrefs.modifier.get(<key name>))
>                         .equalsIgnoreCase("yes")))
>   do_nothing();
> Possible to test also for "no" and throw an exception if the
> key is defined but no allowed value is set.
> 2) After the principle switch is done, existent of keys has a meaning
> if( caller.getI18nStringForClass(<key name>, null) == null)
>   do_nothing();
> At this point I cannot throw an exception because the key self is
> used as switch.
> 3) A wrong key triggers an runtime error. Example:
> headingLines = Integer.parseInt((String) installdata.guiPrefs.modifier
>   .get("headingLineCount"));
> If the value is not an integer a NumberFormatException will be
> thrown. I think this is OK. All installer builder should test
> there installation. Then they see that there is a wrong number in
> createHeading.
> OK, it will be possible to add as comment the key name to an exception.
> Also other participants of this list are invited at such a discussion :-)
> IzPack can only be better with it.
> Cheers
> Klaus
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