[izpack-devel] Patch to allow JDKPathPanel to work properly on MacOSX .. and more

Grégory Joseph gregory.joseph at magnolia.info
Thu Dec 14 19:29:30 CET 2006

I forgot to mention: it also makes it works (ie "find" a default JDK)  
on systems where the JAVA_HOME env.var points to a JDK, on systems  
where the installer is started *with* a jdk's java and on systems  
where the JAVA_HOME env.var points to a JRE which is in a subdir of a  
JDK but where the installer is started with another JDK (ie JAVA_HOME  
not in synch with PATH, or the mighty MS JVM...)

I worked on the 3.9.0 tag, but the patch is applicable on the trunk too.


On Dec 14, 2006, at 19:17 , Grégory Joseph wrote:

> Hi list,
> As mentionned on the user-list, the JDKPathPanel does not work  
> properly on MacOSX: it tries to get the parent directory of the  
> running vm (idata.getVariable("JAVA_HOME"), which confusingly  
> actually corresponds to System.getProperty("java.home")), which  
> makes no sense on MacOSX (i.e this will not point to a jdk if we're  
> running from a jre). Since I wasn't checking for a minimal version  
> in my installer, the installed application just did not work.
> Anyways, here's my patch for this. Instead of just trying to find a  
> jdk at java.home's parent, it checks
> java.home
> java.home's parent
> JAVA_HOME (the system env. variable)
> JAVA_HOME's parent
> As you'll see, I had to introduce a pathIsValid(String path) method  
> in PathInputPanel, which is actually probably a good thing and  
> should help in further separating gui code from logic, and for  
> instance, avoids unnecessary calls to          
> pathSelectionPanel.setPath(chosenPath) (lines 126-129 in JDKPathPanel)
> Please let me know what you think.
> Cheers,
> greg
> <jdkpathpanel.patch>
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