[izpack-devel] Documentation -> Fabrice

Bartz, Klaus Klaus.Bartz at coi.de
Fri Dec 1 09:01:52 CET 2006

only the jar files are really needed for building an
installation with compiler.jar.
Same for customActions.
This is since 3.5 with the comment
"changes to allow Panels to be from different packages"
from Chad.



>-----Original Message-----
>From: izpack-devel-bounces at lists.berlios.de
>[mailto:izpack-devel-bounces at lists.berlios.de]On Behalf Of Elmar Grom
>Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 12:04 AM
>To: Izpack
>Subject: [izpack-devel] Documentation -> Fabrice
>Hi Fabrice,
>here is another documentation problem that I just happened upon.
>In the chapter about writing your own panel you will find the following
>Next Steps
>Once you have a successful compilation, you must place the 
>compiled result
>of your panel code at a special place, so that the installer 
>compiler can
>fetch it when building an installer that uses your panel. Go to:
>You will see that there is a subdirectory for each panel. Make a
>subdirectory for your new panel with the exact same name as 
>your panel and
>place your compiled panel code there.
>Once this is accomplished, you are ready to use your panel in 
>an installer.
>Just list it in the spec file like any other panel, compile 
>and in theory it
>will show up when running the installer. Once you made it this 
>far, you can
>dig deeper and get going with your specific needs.
>Oh, and one other thing: If you think the your code might be 
>useful for a
>larger audience, please think about a contribution to IzPack.
>I remember writing this text myself. The problem is, it's not 
>true any more.
>The subdirectories now contain the complete directory tree to 
>the panel,
>plus there is a jar file containing the panel. At presnet I am 
>not clear
>which is actually being used.
>       Elmar
>izpack-devel mailing list
>izpack-devel at lists.berlios.de

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