[izpack-devel] Backup for the installed files and the wipeAbortproblem

Michael Scherer michi at buks-island.org
Mon Aug 21 10:08:43 CEST 2006


--On Montag, 21. August 2006 09:45 +0200 "Bartz, Klaus" 
<Klaus.Bartz at coi.de> wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> nice, but e.g. are your installing knowing whether a version of your
> program is already installed or not? What about adding or removing
> a pack to/from the installation?
Packs don't matter much, cause only these files are in the backup, that get 
So uninstall just a pack isn't possible. Solution is to roll back 
completely and install again with
the right packs selected.
I don't see a problem here.

> Since longer time I am thinking about "maintenance" in IzPack.
> I will not tinker here a little bit and there a little bit else
> make an update/upgrade mechanism like it is in MSI.
I dunno the MSI in details.

> E.g. I think there should be a data base independant from one
> installation to store e.g. what packs are installed in what
> version etc.
Uh oh, what do you mean with "independent" from an installation?
Sounds like "pack some stuff in the registry", which isn't available 
An idea here would be to have a "versions.db" file in the uninstaller 
subdirectory to
save such data. Which would be installation/application dependant which is 
what it
should be IMHO.
Though I kinda dislike that idea a bit to be honest cause I don't see much 
use in saving
all that informations.
The main purpose should be to be able to roll back all/the latest 
Personally we create all installation.xml files here from templates. 
Setting the correct
uninstall-filename is easy with that approach. If you do that, you'll be 
able to roll back
all installations you have made. But yes, you would need some brain to know 
the correct
way (as in version) back.
Using the word "version" raises the next problem, what pattern do you use 
for versions?

We use something like <release>-<patchlevel> here which looks like 
July-2006 release, patchlevel 2.
Ok, IzPack could use an internal counter for the installations/updates 
made, though
I still don't see much gain in that.

> Up to know I have not had the time to do it because I think it
> will be much work. Next time there are also not to much time for
> it. It will be nice if work can be shared.
> The first step should be to make a concept. Are you - or any other -
> interested?
I think I already made the first "concept", which relates a bit to the 
"KISS" principle.
By setting an appropriate uninstaller-name and backup="yes" you can keep 
of all installation/updates made into a directory and roll them back if 

So far,
 Michael :)

  I love deadlines, especially the sound they make as they go whooshing by.

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