[izpack-devel] IZPACK_HOME for the compiler (packager)

Tino Schwarze berlios.de at tisc.de
Mon Aug 7 15:33:25 CEST 2006

On Mon, Aug 07, 2006 at 03:29:20PM +0200, Bartz, Klaus wrote:

> 1. the -DIZPACK_HOME procedure works already
> 2. there is no the comandline argument -h "Path"
> 3. If 1. and 2. are not exist or take no valid path
>    the compiler tries to resolve the path depending
>    on the jar file or class path which contains the
>    Compiler class file.
> 4. If 1. - 3. results no valid path, an exception 
>    will be thrown.
> A valid path is a path where the subpath
> bin/native/izpack/ShellLink.dll exist.
> With the standalone-compiler only 1. and 2. will
> be perfomed. If no valid path was found "." will
> be assumed. If this is not correct, please fix it
> (the person who knows where the IZPACK_HOME path
> should link using the standalone-compiler).
> See CompilerConfig.java line 1896.

IZPACK_HOME doesn't make any sense with the standalone compiler. It will
never use it since everything it needs has to be contained in the
standalone compiler jar (that is, it has to be accessible via

I haven't looked at the code though.


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