[izpack-devel] TreePacksPanel implementation

Miraodb miraodb at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 7 11:37:39 CEST 2006

Hi Riaan,

It would a nice feature... I vote for option 2 as long as it doesn't break
current setup. Need to think about users who has already their setup done
and doesn't wish to change it right away.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Zycor.net Development Solutions" <airhead at webmail.co.za>
To: <izpack-devel at lists.berlios.de>
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 10:59 AM
Subject: [izpack-devel] TreePacksPanel implementation

> Hi all,
> We've been discussing the option of developing a TreePacksPanel (and
> ImgTreePacksPanel) on the users list. I've looked at the source for the
> PacksPanel, ImgPacksPanel, PacksPanelBase and PacksModel.
> To create a TreePacksPanel, I wouldn't be able to use the PacksPanelBase
> as is. There's two options:
> 1) Create a new (Tree)PacksPanelBase for the TreePacksPanels or
> 2) Modify the existing PacksPanelBase to return a JComponent instead of
> a JTable from the createPacksTable.
> Option 1 would be easier to implement, and has the benefit of not
> changing existing panels, but in the long run, it means there's two
> (nearly identical) classes two change whenever packsPanels are modified.
> For option 2, I think pretty much the only changes would be to
> createPacksTable(...) and panelActivate().
> I definately think option 2 would be better. If you want, I can make the
> changes on a local copy of the source, and when I'm done, I can send the
> source to you guys, and you can decide whether to incorporate it into
> IZPack or not...
> Cheers
> Riaan
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