[izpack-changes] r1911 - in izpack-src/trunk: . src/doc-reST src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/panels src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/util

noreply at berlios.de noreply at berlios.de
Wed Nov 21 18:00:37 CET 2007

Author: jponge
Date: 2007-11-21 18:00:22 +0100 (Wed, 21 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 1911

Various fixes (Loic via Julien Ponge)

Modified: izpack-src/trunk/Versions.txt
--- izpack-src/trunk/Versions.txt	2007-11-20 14:32:36 UTC (rev 1910)
+++ izpack-src/trunk/Versions.txt	2007-11-21 17:00:22 UTC (rev 1911)
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
 - Fixed wrong required size of packs (Dennis Reil)
 - Added condition-attribute to pack element in installer.xml (Dennis Reil)
 - Spanish langpack update (Sergio Banos Calvo via Julien Ponge)
+- Various fixes (Loic via Julien Ponge)
   > 3.10.2 (build 2007.05.11)

Modified: izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/desktop-shortcuts.txt
--- izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/desktop-shortcuts.txt	2007-11-20 14:32:36 UTC (rev 1910)
+++ izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/desktop-shortcuts.txt	2007-11-21 17:00:22 UTC (rev 1911)
@@ -1,1027 +1,1073 @@
-Desktop Shortcuts
-(by Elmar GROM and Marc EPPELMANN)
-Defining Shortcuts
-On todays GUI oriented operating systems, users are used to launching
-applications, view web sites, look at documentation and perform a variety of
-other tasks, by simply clicking on an icon on the desktop or in a menu system
-located on the desktop. Depending on the operating system these icons have
-different names. In this context we will refer to them collectively as
-Apart from actually placing an application on the target system, users
-routinely expect an installer to create the necessary shortcuts for the
-application as well. For you as application developer, this means that for a
-professional appearance of your product you should also consider creating
-In contrast to the general specification of an IzPack installer, the
-specification of shortcuts in IzPack requires a little more effort. In
-addition, some of the concepts are a bit more complex and there are some
-operating system specific issues to observe. Fortunately, you only need to
-worry about operating system specifics if you want to deploy your application
-to multiple different operating systems. In any case, it will pay off to
-spend some time to study this documentation and the example spec files before
-you start to implement your own shortcuts.
-At the time of writing this Chapter the current IzPack Version 3.7.0-M3 is
-only capable to creating shortcuts on
-1.  Microsoft Windows, and
-2.  Unix and Unix-based operating systems (like Linux), which use the
-    `X11` GUI-System and ` FreeDesktop.org` based shortcut handling (such
-    as `KDE` and `Gnome`).
-Other operating or GUI systems, such as MacOS X are not
-supported. However, there is a special UI-variant that automatically pops up
-on unsupported systems. It informs the user about the intended targets of
-your shortcuts and allows the user to save this information to a text file.
-While this is not an elegant solution, at least it aids the user in the
-manual creation of the shortcuts.
-If you would like to review what an end user would see if the target
-operating system is not supported, you can do the following. Simply place the
-tag ``<notSupported/>`` in the spec file. This tag requires no attributes or
-other data. It must be placed under ``<shortcuts>``, just like the individual
-shortcut specifications. Be sure to remove this tag before getting your
-application ready for shipment.
-We expect other operating systems to be supported in the near future and as
-always, contributions are very welcome. At present someone is actively
-working on Mac support.
-What to Add to the Installer
-There are some things that you have to add to your installer to enable
-shortcut creation. Obviously you need to add the panel responsible for
-creating shortcuts. This panel is aptly enough called ShortcutPanel. However,
-in order for the ShortcutPanel to work properly a number of additional items
-are required. These must be added manually to the installer, as all other
-resourcs, since the front-end will be rewritten. In this chapter we will
-explain which of these items are required and for what reason.
-First, we would like to discuss items that are supplied with IzPack and only
-need to be added to the installer. After that, we move on to the things you
-have to prepare yourself before you can add them. The way in which shortcuts
-are created varies widely among operating systems. In some cases it is
-possible to do this with pure Java code, while other systems -such as MS-
-Windows- require native code to accomplish this task. On the other side, the
-current implementation, which creates shortcuts on Unix based systems needs
-no native library at all, since it works with 'these' pure Java code. The
-native library required for the Windows operating systems are supplied with
-IzPack is called ``ShellLink.dll``. Note: They will not be automatically
-added to your installer file. You need to list them yourself in the XML file
-for the installer. A describtion how to do this follows in the next section.
-Native libraries can be added to the installer by using the ``<native>`` tag.
-To add the ``ShellLink.dll``, you just have to add the following line to the
-installer XML file:
-``<native type="izpack" name="ShellLink.dll"/>``
-For more details about the use of the ``<native>`` tag see the chapter about
-the format of the XML file.
-You have also to add an extra specification file for each platform family to
-enable shortcut creation on these platforms. At least one (the default file)
-is required by the shortcut panel. The format of all spec files is XML and
-they must be added to the installer as a resource. The source name of this
-specification does not matter, however its resource name (also called id or
-alias) when added to the installer must be ``(prefix)+shortcutSpec.xml``.
-At this release, there are only two prefixes supported: "Win" for the
-Windows family and "Unix" for all Unixes. If the prefix is ommited the
-shortcut panel searches for a named resource: `` shortcutSpec.xml``. This is
-the default resource name. As the default resource name will be used on
-Windows platforms, the ``"Win_shortcutSpec.xml"`` can be ommited.
-Hint: If the shortcut panel does not find one of these named resources, it
-will never appears. So, do not use different resource names and do not add a
-path to these.
-    <res src="C:\MyDocuments\Installer\default_shortcut_specification.xml"
-         id="shortcutSpec.xml"/>
-    <res src="C:\MyDocuments\Installer\unix_shortcut_specification.xml"
-         id="Unix_shortcutSpec.xml"/>
-Why use different shortcut spec files?
-1.  The Target filenames are most different.(batch files on Windows vs.
-    shell scripts on Unix.)
-2.  The Icon file formats are different. ICOs on Windows-, PNGs on Unix-
-    platforms.
-3.  The Target locations can be different.
-This is the simple reason.
-Why Native Code to do the Job on Windows?
-by Elmar
-This little chapter is not strictly part of the documentation but i have been
-asked this question sufficiently often that i think it's worth explaining
-right here. It is certainly a natural question to ask. After all IzPack is an
-application completely written in Java and primarily targeted for the
-installation of Java based programs. So why wouldn't we try to keep
-everything pure Java and avoid the use of native code altogether? There must
-be some personal preference of the developer hidden behind this approach you
-might think. Well, not really, but i admit at first it seems quite feasible
-to write it all in Java. On virtually any operating system or GUI surface
-around, Shortcuts are simply files on the local file system. Files can be
-created and accessed directly from within Java, so why should there be a need
-for using native code?
-Well, it turns out that just creating a file is not good enough, it also
-needs to have the right content. Shell Links as they are called in Windows
-land are binary files. i actually managed to find documentation on the
-format. Naturally this was hacker data, you won't get this sort of thing from
-Microsoft (by the way: thanks a lot to Jesse Hager for a smash job!). Armed
-with this information i tried to create these files myself in Java. The
-problem was that the documentation was not entirely accurate and had some
-gaps as well. i tried for over a month to get this to work but finally i had
-to give up. Even if i would have succeeded, it would have been a hack, since
-a shell link requires some information that is impossible to obtain from
-within Java. Usually you can successfully create a shell link by only filling
-in the bare minimum information and then ask Windows to resolve the link.
-Windows then repairs the shell link. Unfortunately this was only the
-beginning, soon i encountered a host of other problems. For one thing, the
-installer needs to know the correct directories for placing the links and it
-turns out they are named differently in different countries. In addition,
-there are ways of manually modifying them, which some people might actually
-have done. The only way to place the shortcut files reliably is through
-accessing the Windows Registry. Naturally, this operation also required
-native code. Same thing with asking Windows to resolve the link... On the
-bottom line, at every step and turn you run into an issue where you just need
-to use native code to do the trick. So i decided that i would do it the
-proper way all the way through. That is in a nutshell the reason why i used
-native code to create shortcuts on MS-Windows.
-As i am writing this i am at work with a friend to replicate this work for
-the Mac and it looks very much like we need to take the same approach there
-as well. On the various Unix GUIs on the other hand, we are lucky that we can
-do the job without native libraries.
-The Shortcut Specification
-As we say above, the specification for shortcuts is provided to the
-ShortcutPanel in the XML fileformat. At the time of this writing (for IzPack
-version 3.7.0-M3) the front-end will be rewritten. Until these work is in
-progress you have to write the specification files manually. For your
-convenience, there are two annotated sample specification files in the sample
-subdirectory of your IzPack installation. At the beginning you might want to
-experiment with these files.
-Both specification files have one root element called ``<shortcuts>``. This
-root elements recognizes 3 different child elements:
-``<programGroup>``, ``<skipIfNotSupported/>`` and ``<shortcut>``.
-``<skipIfNotSupported/>`` can be used to avoid the panel to show the
-alternative UI which shows the shortcut information that would have been
-created on a system that supports it. In other words, using this tag will
-make the panel be silent on non-supported systems. The default is to show the
-alternative UI.
-The ``<programGroup>`` tag allows you to specify the name of the menu, or
-more precise, the folder in which the shortcuts will be grouped. The exact
-location and appearance of the program group depends on the specific target
-system on which the application will be installed, however you can partially
-control it. Please note that ``<programGroup>`` may only appear once in the
-specification. If more than one instance occurs, only the first one will be
-used. This tag requires two attributes: ``defaultName`` and ``location``.
-``defaultName`` specifies the name that the group menu should have on the
-target system. You should be aware that the ShortcutPanel will present this
-name to the user as a choice. The user can then edit this name or select a
-group that already exists. As a result, there is no guarantee that the actual
-name of the program group on the target system is identical with your
-specification. ``location`` specifies where the group menu should show up.
-There are two choices: ``applications`` and ``startMenu``. If you use
-``applications``, then the menu will be placed in the menu that is ordinarily
-used for application shortcuts. ``applications`` is recommended for Unix
-shortcuts. If you use ``startMenu``, the group menu will be placed at the top
-most menu level available on the target system. Depending on the target
-system, it might not be possible to honor this specification exactly. In such
-cases, the ShortcutPanel will map the choice to the location that most
-closely resembles your choice. Unix shortcuts do not need to support the
-``startMenu``, because the ``applications`` menu is already on the highest
-level. This means this has no affect on thess platform.
-For each shortcut you want to create, you have to add one ``<shortcut>`` tag.
-Most details about the shortcut are listed as attributes with this tag. The
-following sections describe what each attribute does, which attributes are
-optional and which ones are required and what the values are that are
-accepted for each of the attributes. Note that all attributes that have a
-yes/no choice can also be omitted. Doing so has the same effect as using a
-value of no. The shortcut attributes can be divided into two groups
--   attributes that describe properties of the shortcut
--   attributes that define the location(s) at which a copy of the
-    shortcut should be placed.
-The following attributes are used to define location:
--   ``programGroup``
--   ``desktop``
--   ``applications``
--   ``startMenu``
--   ``startup``
-Shortcut Attributes
-There are three classes of attributes. Some are required, most are completely
-optional and some are semi-optional. The set of semi-optional attributes are
-all the attributes used to define the location of a shortcut. These are semi-
-optional because for any individual one it is your choice if you want to
-include it or not. However they are not completely optional. You must specify
-at least one location. If all were omitted, the instruction would essentially
-tell the panel that a copy of this shortcut is to be placed at no location.
-In other words no copy is to be placed anywhere.
-**name** ``- required``
-The value of this attribute defines the name that the shortcut will have.
-This is the text that makes up the menu name if the shortcut is placed in a
-menu or the caption that is displayed with the shortcut if it is placed on
-the desktop.
-**target** ``- required``
-The value of this attribute points to the application that should be launched
-when the shortcut is clicked. The value is translated through the variable
-substitutor. Therefore variables such as ``$INSTALL_PATH`` can be used to
-describe the location. **You should be aware that the use of this tag is
-likely to change once other operating systems are supported**.
-**commandLine** ``- optional``
-The value of this attribute will be passed to the application as command
-line. i recommend to work without command line arguments, since these are not
-supported by all operating systems. As a result, your applications will not
-be portable if they depend on command line arguments. Instead, consider using
-system properties or configuration files.
-**workingDirectory** ``- optional``
-This attribute defines the working directory for the application at the time
-it is launched. i would recommend some caution in relying on this too heavily
-if your application should be portable, since this might not be supported by
-all operating systems. At this time i don't have enough information to make a
-definite statement one way or the other. The value is translated through the
-variable substitutor. Therefore variables such as ``$INSTALL_PATH`` can be
-used to describe the directory.
-**description** ``- optional``
-The value of this attribute will be visible to the user when a brief
-description about associated application is requested. The form of the
-request and the way in which this description is displayed varies between
-operating systems. On MS-Windows the description is shown as a tool tip when
-the mouse cursor hovers over the icon for a few seconds. On some operating
-systems this feature might not be supported but i think it is always a good
-idea to include a brief description.
-**iconFile** ``- optional``
-The value of this attribute points to the file that holds the icon that
-should be displayed as a symbol for this shortcut. This value is also
-translated through the variable substitutor and consequently can contain
-variables such as $INSTALL_PATH. If this attribute is omitted, no icon will
-be specified for the shortcut. Usually this causes the OS to display an OS
-supplied default icon. **The use of this attribute is also likely to change
-once other operating systems are supported. Read the Section about Icons
-below, for more information.**
-**iconIndex** ``- optional``
-If the file type for the icon supports multiple icons in one file, then this
-attribute may be used to specify the correct index for the icon. i would also
-advise against using this feature, because of operating system
-incompatibilities in this area. In file formats that do not support multiple
-icons, this values is ignored.
-**initialState** ``- optional``
-There are four values accepted for this attribute: ``noShow``, ``normal``,
-``maximized`` and ``minimized``. If the target operating system supports this
-feature, then this value will have the appropriate influence on the initial
-window state of the application. ``noShow`` is particularly useful when
-launch scripts are used that cause a command window to open, because the
-command window will not be visible with this option. For instance on MS-
-Windows starting a batch file that launches a Java application has the less
-than pretty side effect that two windows show: the DOS command prompt and the
-Java application window. Even if the shortcut is configured to show
-minimized, there are buttons for both windows in the task bar. Using
-``noShow`` will completely eliminate this effect, only the Java application
-window will be visible. *On Unix use* ``normal`` *, because this is not
-**programGroup** ``- semi-optional``
-The value for this attribute can be either yes or no. Any other value will be
-interpreted as no. If the value is yes, then a copy of this shortcut will be
-placed in the group menu. *On Unix (KDE) this will always be placed on the
-top level.*
-**desktop** ``- semi-optional``
-For this attribute the value should also be yes or no. If the value is yes,
-then a copy of the shortcut is placed on the desktop. *On Unix the shortcuts
-will only be placed on the (KDE-) desktop of the user, who currently runs the
-installer. For Gnome the user can simply copy the *.desktop files from*
-``/Desktop`` *to* ``/gnome-desktop``. (This is already a TODO for the Unix-
-shortcut implementation.)
-**applications** ``- semi-optional``
-This is also a yes/no attribute. If the value is yes, then a copy of the
-shortcut is placed in the applications menu (if the target operating system
-supports this). This is the same location as the applications choice for the
-program group. *This makes no sense on Unix.*
-**startMenu** ``- semi-optional``
-This is a yes/no attribute as well. If the value is yes, then a copy of the
-shortcut is placed directly in the top most menu that is available for
-placing application shortcuts. *This is not supported on Unix. see above.*
-**startup** ``- semi-optional``
-This is also a yes/no attribute. If the value is yes, then a copy of the
-shortcut is placed in a location where all applications get automatically
-started at OS launch time, if this is available on the target OS. *This is
-also not supported on Unix.*
-Unix specific shortcut attributes
-This extension was programmed by MARC EPPELMANN. This is still in development
-and may be changed in one of the next releases of IzPack.
-**type** ``- required``
-This must be one of ``Application`` or ``Link``
--   Application: To start any application, native, Java or shell-script
-    based, the **type** has to be ``Application``. The GUI-System will launch
-    this Application, so as is, thru their native shell or application
-    launcher. In this case, note that the right ``workingDirectory`` is
-    always important on Unix platforms. If the users PATH environment
-    variable does not contain the path, where the application is located,
-    this can never be run, until the ``workingDirectory`` does not contain
-    these path. The needed current path: ".", this is the case on most
-    systems, should be in the users PATH environment variable. Consult the
-    Unix manuals for more details.
--   Link: If you want to open a URL in the users default Webbrowser, you
-    have to set the **type** to ``Link``. Note: The ``url`` attribute must be
-    set to work properly.
--   Other: There are more supported types on KDE, like FSDevice, but
-    these types makes no sense for IzPack, in my opinion.
-Without the type the Unix shortcut does not work.
-**url** ``- semi-optional``
-If you want to create a shortcut as type *Link*, then you have to set the
-``url`` attribute. The value can be a locally installed html or another
-document, with a known MIME type, like plain text, or a WWW Url i.e.
-A local document can be referenced by i.e. "$INSTALL_PATH/doc/index.html".
-The IzPack variable substitution system is supported by the **url**.
-**encoding** ``- required``
-This should always set to **UTF-8**.
-**terminal** ``- optional``
-If you want, the user can see the console output of a program (in Java
-applications "System.outs"), set the ``terminal`` attribute to **true**.
-**KdeSubstUID** ``- unused``
-This is not fully implemented by IzPack. i the future this is the sudo option
-for a shortcut.
-Selective Creation of Shortcuts
-Usually all shortcuts that are listed will be created when the user clicks
-the 'Next' button. However it is possible to control to some degree if
-specific shortcuts should be created or not. This is based on install
-conditions. By including one or more ``<createForPack name=''a pack name''
-/>`` tags in the specification for a shortcut, you can direct the
-ShortcutPanel to create the shortcut only if any of the listed packs are
-actually installed. The 'name' attribute is used to define the name of one of
-the packs for which the shortcut should be created. You do not need to list
-all packs if a shortcut should always be created. In this case simply omit
-this tag altogether.
-**A word of caution**
-For any shortcut that is always created, i would recommend to omit this tag,
-since i have seen a number of problems related to changing pack names. You
-can save yourself some troubleshooting and some Aspirin by not using this
-feature if it's not required. On the other hand if you need it i would advise
-to be very careful about changing pack names.
-DesktopShortcutCheckboxEnabled Builtin Variable
-``$DesktopShortcutCheckboxEnabled`` : When set to true, it automatically
-checks the "Create Desktop Shortcuts" button. To see how to use it, go to
-`The Variables Element ``<variables>``
-Be careful this variable is case sensitve !
-**Native Libraries**
--   ShellLink.dll ``- required by Microsoft Windows``
--   'Nothing' ``- for KDE/Gnome shortcuts``
-**Names of the Specification Files**
-``shortcutSpec.xml`` for Windows and as default.
-``Unix_shortcutSpec.xml`` for Unix.
-**Specification File Layout - Windows**
-    <shortcuts>
-      <skipIfNotSupported/>
-      <programGroup defaultName="MyOrganization\MyApplication"
-                    location="applications||startMenu"/>
-      <shortcut
-        name="Start MyApplication"
-        target="$INSTALL_PATH\Path\to\MyApplication\launcher.bat"
-        commandLine=""
-        workingDirectory="$INSTALL_PATH\Path\to\MyApplication"
-        description="This starts MyApplication"
-        iconFile="$INSTALL_PATH\Path\to\MyApplication\Icons\start.ico"
-        iconIndex="0"
-        initialState="noShow||normal||maximized||minimized"
-        programGroup="yes||no"
-        desktop="yes||no"
-        applications="yes||no"
-        startMenu="yes||no"
-        startup="yes||no">
-        <createForPack name="MyApplication Binaries"/>
-        <createForPack name="MyApplication Batchfiles"/>
-      </shortcut>
-    </shortcuts>
-**A sample Specification File for Unix is at the end of this chapter**
-Shortcut Tips
-I wrote this section to provide additional information about issues
-surrounding the creation of shortcuts. Reading this section is not necessary
-to successfully create shortcuts, but it might help you creating an
-installation that works more smoothly. In addition, it might give you some
-knowledge about operating systems that you don't know so well. In fact most
-of the issues described in this section are focused on differences in
-operating system specifics.
-The Desktop
-You should recognize that the desktop is precious real estate for many
-people. They like to keep it uncluttered and keep only the things there that
-they use on a regular basis. This is not true for everybody and you might
-personally think different about this. Still, the fact remains that a lot of
-people might have different feelings about it, so you should not
-automatically assume that it is ok to place all of your shortcuts on the
-desktop proper. While your application is certainly one of the most important
-things for you, for your customers it is probably one of many applications
-they use and maybe not even the most important one. Accordingly, placing more
-shortcut icons there than they feel they will use on a regular basis and
-especially doing this without asking for permission might trigger some bad
-Annotation: But even the experienced user should be able to organize their
-Desktop. On Linux the users desktop is the only place, which supports any
-kind of shortcuts.
-It is common practice to create a program group in the application menu
-system of the OS and place all shortcuts that go with an application in that
-program group. In addition, only one shortcut to the key access point of the
-application is placed directly on the desktop. Many installers first ask for
-permission to do so, as does the ShortcutPanel in IzPack.
-I would like to recommend that you always create a shortcut in the menu
-system, even if your application has only one access point and you are
-placing this on the desktop. Note that shortcuts can also be placed directly
-in the menu, they don't need to be in a program group. There are two reasons
-for doing so.
--   If the user elects not to create shortcuts on the desktop, they will
-    end up with no access point to your application
--   Even if this works fine, occasionally people 'clean up' their
-    desktop. They might later find that they accidentally deleted the only
-    access point to your application. For the less technology savvy users,
-    recreating the shortcut might be a rough experience.
-Icons are supplied in image files, usually in some kind of bitmap format.
-Unfortunately there is no format that is universally recognized by all
-operating systems. If you would like to create shortcuts on a variety of
-operating systems that use your own icons, you must supply each icon in a
-number of different formats. This chapter discusses icon file formats used on
-various operating systems. Fortunately there are good programs available that
-allow you to convert between these formats, so that creating the different
-files is not much of a problem once the icons themselves are created.
-**Microsoft Windows**
-Windows prefers to use its native icon file format. Files of this type
-usually use the extension .ico. These so called ICO files can hold multiple
-icons in one file, which can be useful if the same icon is to be provided in
-a number of sizes and color-depths.
-Windows itself selects the icon with the most matching dimensions and
-displays it. While the Start menu displays the icon with 16x16 pixel if
-available, the desktop displays the 32x32 pixel resolution of the same ICO if
-this is in.
-In other words, a ICO file has embedded one or more dimensions of the same
-Icon. We recommend to play with `microangelo`.
-Dlls and Exe files on the other side, can store, amongst other things, a
-collection of different Icons. You can select your desired Icon by its index.
-The lowest index is 0. Use the iconIndex attribute in the spec file to
-specify this index.
-As a sample look into
-    %SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll
-These contains a lot of Windows own icons. You can use the `PE Explorer` or
-another Resource Editor to extract or modify Icons in dlls or exe files. But
-be warned. You can also destroy a working application with these kind of
-At least Windows also supports the use of bitmap files in the .bmp format as
-icons. Note that this format does not support multiple icons.
-We might have overlooked other file formats that are supported by Windows.
-However, we suggest to test other formats for compatibility as they might not
-work all the way back to Windows 95 or on the NT/non-NT strain. Sticking with
-one of these two formats should keep you out of trouble.
-Apple Macintosh systems use the Macintosh PICT format, extension .pct. If
-you are working with an apple system you know a whole lot more about this
-format than i do. If you don't but would like to be able to install your
-application on a Mac, simply start with any bitmap format that you feel
-comfortable to work with. Then find an application that is capable of
-converting this format into a .pct file. i like to use Paint Shop Pro (PC
-based), because it provides conversion capabilities among several dozen
-different file formats.
-**UNIX flavors**
-by Marc Eppelmann
-As my knowledge, all X based Unix Window systems supports the (ASCII-) XBM
-(X-Bitmap ) and the better XPM (X-PixMap) format. The modern GUI systems like
-KDE and Gnome can display additionally a lot of other ImageIcon formats, such
-as GIF, JPG, and PNG.
-i suggest to use PNG, because this can lossless compress like the GIF format,
-however this format is absolutely free. And not least, this can store true
-transparency informations (It has an alpha channel).
-So, you thought you could escape the ugly mess of operating system
-dependencies at least with the way how your Java application is started?
-Sorry but i have just another bad message. The one positive thing is that
-here you have a way of escaping, even if doing so has a few less pretty side
-effects. At first, i would like to discuss various launching options you have
-available on different operating systems. At the end of the chapter i write
-about a way to make launching your application OS independent.
-**Microsoft Windows**
-On Microsoft Windows you have a variety of options for launching your
-application. Probably the most simple case is directly starting the Java VM
-from the command line and typing out all parameters, such as class path, the
-class name etc. In principle, this can be placed right in a shortcut and
-should work.
-A little more elegant solution is to place this in a batch file and have the
-shortcut point to this batch file. This will also make it more likely that
-users can repair or recreate shortcuts. Recreating shortcuts with
-sophisticated command lines is practically impossible.
-Another method is less commonly used but just as possible. Implement a native
-executable that launches the VM with your Java application. The VM comes as
-DLL and is used by java.exe in just the same way. As a sample look at the
-exlipse.exe provided by the `Eclipse-IDE`
-Clearly, even though the first option is a bit ugly and has some
-restrictionss, it is the most portable solution among the three.
-We hope, there is a IzPack developer currently researching for the details
-for the Mac environment. We expect an updated chapter in one of the next
-UNIX provides essentially the same options as Windows. You can simply use the
-command line option, you can write a shell script and you can write a native
-launcher. Naturally this stuff is in no way compatible with the equivalent
-Windows implementations. The native option is even more problematic in this
-environment, since the code can not even be moved from one UNIX platform to
-another, without recompilation.
-**OS Independent Launching**
-So, after all this rather discouraging news, there is actually a portable way
-to launch Java applications? You bet! although i have to admit that it is not
-necessarily the most pretty way of doing things.
-This approach is currently used by IzPack. Package your application in a
-.jar file if you don't already do so and make it executable by including the
-necessary metaINF/MANIFEST.MF information file. i am not going into all the
-details on how exactly to do this, the Java documentation will have to do.
-You might have noticed that even though the instructions to install IzPack
-say to type :
-    java -jar IzPack-install.jar
-You can just as well double click on IzPack-install.jar and it will start up.
-This procedure will work on all GUI based Java supported operating systems
--though you might have to replace double clicking with dropping the file on
-the VM. In just the same way, you can make the .jar file itself the target
-of a shortcut. Note: This works only, if jars are registered as files, which
-have to launch by the installed JRE (with: javaw.exe -jar)
-The one restriction with this approach is that a .jar file can only have one
-main file. So, if you have multiple targets, they need to be packaged each
-into a different .jar file. They can be in one .jar file but then you have
-to start them explicitly, which gets you back to the problems that i
-mentioned before. This brings me to the ugly part. If you have just one
-target, then you are all set. If you have multiple targets, you need to
-create a .jar file for each of them. In addition, you have a much harder
-time setting the classpath, because each of the .jar files that contain
-supporting code must be listed. In fact, at present there is no way of
-setting this during the installation, because IzPack does not yet (version
-3.0) support the setting and modification of environment variables.
-Command Line
-Before i start to write a lot about the use of command line arguments let me
-state this: If you can avoid using them, do it! Not that there is anything
-wrong with command line arguments as such. The issue is simply that if you
-want your application to be usable cross platform (the big Java promise) you
-should shy away from using command line arguments. The problem here is that
-not all operating systems actually support command line arguments. To be more
-precise, to my knowledge only Apple operating systems do not support command
-line parameters. If you don't care for running your application on a Mac,
-then you might not worry about his at all. If you are interested to support
-the Mac as well, read on.
-In fact the Mac lower than MacOSX supports command line parameters in a way.
-More to the point, it supports a single parameter that your application
-should interpret as the name of a data file to open. You have no way of
-supplying this to your application through the command line attribute. The
-operating system generates this when the user drops the file on your
-application and then passes it as command line argument. That's it. This same
-behavior will probably fly well on pretty much any system and should
-therefore be an ok implementation.
-So what to do if you want to modify program behavior based on runtime
-switches? For one thing, you could set system properties accordingly. The
-disadvantage here is the same as with the command line parameters: the way of
-setting these might vary between operating systems. The best way seems to be
-using a property file that contains the configuration data.
-Trouble Shooting
-by Elmar
-It has been some time since i wrote this chapter during which a good number
-of users had a chance to gather experience. Unfortunately i never know how
-many have used it successfully without much difficulty. i only hear from
-those that have encountered one problem or another. The type of problems that
-i have seen prompted me to write this section, because i think it will help
-you in locating most problems that you might encounter or at least give you
-some idea where the problem might be located.
-Problems You Can Solve
-If you see an exception that essentially says that a library can not be
-loaded (ShellLink.dll) you have an easy problem to deal with. Your installer
-file is probably missing the native tag that adds the Windows dll to the
-installer or something with this tag is no quite right. Read 'What to Add to
-the Installer' for all details on this topic.
-Most other problems cause the ShortcutPanel not to show at all during the
-installation process. The reason is simply that the ShortcutPanel skips if it
-does not know what to do or if it has nothing to do (no point showing then
-and confusing the user). The problem is that this is not always what you
-intended. The most simple but not so uncommon case is, that the ShortcutPanel
-cannot find their spec file. This can be caused by a number of reasons. The
-associated resource tag might be missing in the installer specification file,
-the target file name might be misspelled (the name you specify for the ``id``
-attribute) or the target file name has a path or package name pre-pended. You
-have only to use ``shortcutSpec.xml`` or ``Unix_shortcutSpec.xml`` and
-nothing else, just as described in 'What to Add to the Installer'. You can
-always verify if this part is ok by inspecting the content of the installer
-.jar file. The file shortcutSpec.xml should be located in the directory
-``res``. This inspection can be performed with any zip tool. If the file is
-not there, first correct this before proceeding.
-If the file is there and the panel does not appear, you have a problem within
-the specification file. In most cases that i have seen, it comes down to a
-spelling mistake of an attribute or tag name. You just have to carefully make
-sure that everything is spelled correctly. Don't forget that all names are
-case sensitive! In a few cases it is also happend, that required or semi-
-optional attributes are omitted, so you might want to verify if all
-attributes that you need are actually supplied.
-If everything is correct up to this point the problem becomes more elusive.
-Most likely the panel will not be displayed, because it is instructed not to
-show. There are be several reasons for this. The simple case is that no
-location has been specified for the shortcuts in your installation. This can
-happen if all five location attributes are omitted or if all the ones that
-are listed are set to ``no``. Remember, you have to specify at least one
-location for every shortcut. If this is also correct, you might have used the
-``<createForPack>`` tag. Review the details in 'Selective Creation of
-Shortcuts'. One possibility for the panel not to show is that based on the
-packs that are currently selected for installation no shortcut qualifies for
-creation. In this case the panel will not show, this is perfectly normal
-behavior. More likely this condition is true because of some accident and not
-because it's intended. Make sure the packs that you list for the shortcut are
-actually defined in your installation and verify that they are all spelled
-correctly. Remember: case matters! Did the ShortcutPanel use to work in your
-installation and all of a sudden stopped working? Very likely you are dealing
-with the last problem. A package name might have been modified and the
-shortcut spec was not adjusted to stay in sync.
-Problems That Have No Solution (yet)
-Unfortunately one problem has been very persistent and only recently one user
-found the reason. The problem occurs when installing on some target systems
-where non-English characters are used in the storage path for the shortcuts.
-The problem is that these characters don't seem to be properly translated
-across the Java Native Interface. This leads to a situation where the proper
-path can not be located and the shortcut creation fails. i write 'some target
-systems' because it does not fail everywhere. After much agonizing over this
-problem, one user found the solution: The shortcut creation works fine if a
-Sun virtual machine is installed, but fails if a version from IBM happens to
-be installed. So far i have no solution for this problem but i am trying to
-find a workaround the problem.
-A sample shortcut specification file for Unix
-    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
-    <shortcuts>
-      <programGroup defaultName="IzForge/IzPack"
-      location="applications"/>
-        <!-- Disabled since there is no Frontend
-      shortcut
-         name="IzPack"
-         programGroup="yes"
-         desktop="yes"
-         applications="no"
-         startMenu="yes"
-         startup="no"
-         target="$INSTALL_PATH/bin/izpack-fe.sh"
-         commandLine=""
-         workingDirectory="$INSTALL_PATH/bin"
-         description="Front-End for IzPack installation tool"
-         iconFile="$INSTALL_PATH/bin/icons/izpack.png"
-         iconIndex="0"
-         type="Application"
-         encoding="UTF-8"
-         terminal="true"
-         KdeSubstUID="false"
-         initialState="normal">
-         <createForPack name="Core"/>
-       </shortcut -->
-       <shortcut
-         name="IzPack Documentation"
-         programGroup="yes"
-         desktop="yes"
-         applications="no"
-         startMenu="yes"
-         startup="no"
-         target="konqueror"
-         workingDirectory=""
-         commandLine=""
-         initialState="noShow"
-         iconFile="help"
-         iconIndex="0"
-         url="$INSTALL_PATH/doc/izpack/html/izpack-doc.html"
-         type="Link"
-         encoding="UTF-8"
-         description="IzPack user documentation (html format)">
-         <createForPack name="Documentation-html"/>
-       </shortcut>
-       <shortcut
-         name="Documentation"
-         programGroup="yes"
-         desktop="yes"
-         applications="no"
-         startMenu="yes"
-         startup="no"
-         target="acroread"
-         workingDirectory=""
-         commandLine="$INSTALL_PATH/doc/izpack/pdf/izpack-doc.pdf"
-         initialState="noShow"
-         iconFile="acroread"
-         iconIndex="0"
-         url="$INSTALL_PATH/doc/izpack/pdf/izpack-doc.pdf"
-         type="Application"
-         encoding="UTF-8"
-         description="IzPack user documentation (PDF format)">
-         <createForPack name="Documentation-PDF"/>
-       </shortcut>
-       <shortcut
-         name="Uninstaller"
-         programGroup="yes"
-         desktop="yes"
-         applications="no"
-         startMenu="no"
-         startup="no"
-         target="/usr/lib/java/bin/java"
-         commandLine="-jar
-         &quot;$INSTALL_PATH/Uninstaller/uninstaller.jar&quot;"
-         initialState="noShow"
-         iconFile="trashcan_full"
-         iconIndex="0"
-         workingDirectory=""
-         type="Application"
-         encoding="UTF-8"
-         description="IzPack uninstaller">
-         <createForPack name="Core" />
-       </shortcut>
-    </shortcuts>
+Desktop Shortcuts
+(by Elmar GROM and Marc EPPELMANN)
+Defining Shortcuts
+On todays GUI oriented operating systems, users are used to launching
+applications, view web sites, look at documentation and perform a variety of
+other tasks, by simply clicking on an icon on the desktop or in a menu system
+located on the desktop. Depending on the operating system these icons have
+different names. In this context we will refer to them collectively as
+Apart from actually placing an application on the target system, users
+routinely expect an installer to create the necessary shortcuts for the
+application as well. For you as application developer, this means that for a
+professional appearance of your product you should also consider creating
+In contrast to the general specification of an IzPack installer, the
+specification of shortcuts in IzPack requires a little more effort. In
+addition, some of the concepts are a bit more complex and there are some
+operating system specific issues to observe. Fortunately, you only need to
+worry about operating system specifics if you want to deploy your application
+to multiple different operating systems. In any case, it will pay off to
+spend some time to study this documentation and the example spec files before
+you start to implement your own shortcuts.
+At the time of writing this Chapter the current IzPack Version 3.7.0-M3 is
+only capable to creating shortcuts on
+1.  Microsoft Windows, and
+2.  Unix and Unix-based operating systems (like Linux), which use the
+    `X11` GUI-System and ` FreeDesktop.org` based shortcut handling (such
+    as `KDE` and `Gnome`).
+Other operating or GUI systems, such as MacOS X are not
+supported. However, there is a special UI-variant that automatically pops up
+on unsupported systems. It informs the user about the intended targets of
+your shortcuts and allows the user to save this information to a text file.
+While this is not an elegant solution, at least it aids the user in the
+manual creation of the shortcuts.
+If you would like to review what an end user would see if the target
+operating system is not supported, you can do the following. Simply place the
+tag ``<notSupported/>`` in the spec file. This tag requires no attributes or
+other data. It must be placed under ``<shortcuts>``, just like the individual
+shortcut specifications. Be sure to remove this tag before getting your
+application ready for shipment.
+We expect other operating systems to be supported in the near future and as
+always, contributions are very welcome. At present someone is actively
+working on Mac support.
+What to Add to the Installer
+There are some things that you have to add to your installer to enable
+shortcut creation. Obviously you need to add the panel responsible for
+creating shortcuts. This panel is aptly enough called ShortcutPanel. However,
+in order for the ShortcutPanel to work properly a number of additional items
+are required. These must be added manually to the installer, as all other
+resourcs, since the front-end will be rewritten. In this chapter we will
+explain which of these items are required and for what reason.
+First, we would like to discuss items that are supplied with IzPack and only
+need to be added to the installer. After that, we move on to the things you
+have to prepare yourself before you can add them. The way in which shortcuts
+are created varies widely among operating systems. In some cases it is
+possible to do this with pure Java code, while other systems -such as MS-
+Windows- require native code to accomplish this task. On the other side, the
+current implementation, which creates shortcuts on Unix based systems needs
+no native library at all, since it works with 'these' pure Java code. The
+native library required for the Windows operating systems are supplied with
+IzPack is called ``ShellLink.dll``. Note: They will not be automatically
+added to your installer file. You need to list them yourself in the XML file
+for the installer. A describtion how to do this follows in the next section.
+Native libraries can be added to the installer by using the ``<native>`` tag.
+To add the ``ShellLink.dll``, you just have to add the following line to the
+installer XML file:
+``<native type="izpack" name="ShellLink.dll"/>``
+For more details about the use of the ``<native>`` tag see the chapter about
+the format of the XML file.
+You have also to add an extra specification file for each platform family to
+enable shortcut creation on these platforms. At least one (the default file)
+is required by the shortcut panel. The format of all spec files is XML and
+they must be added to the installer as a resource. The source name of this
+specification does not matter, however its resource name (also called id or
+alias) when added to the installer must be ``(prefix)+shortcutSpec.xml``.
+At this release, there are only two prefixes supported: "Win" for the
+Windows family and "Unix" for all Unixes. If the prefix is ommited the
+shortcut panel searches for a named resource: `` shortcutSpec.xml``. This is
+the default resource name. As the default resource name will be used on
+Windows platforms, the ``"Win_shortcutSpec.xml"`` can be ommited.
+Hint: If the shortcut panel does not find one of these named resources, it
+will never appears. So, do not use different resource names and do not add a
+path to these.
+ShortcutSpecs can be localized, see "Localizing shortcuts" below.
+    <res src="C:\MyDocuments\Installer\default_shortcut_specification.xml"
+         id="shortcutSpec.xml"/>
+    <res src="C:\MyDocuments\Installer\unix_shortcut_specification.xml"
+         id="Unix_shortcutSpec.xml"/>
+Why use different shortcut spec files?
+1.  The Target filenames are most different.(batch files on Windows vs.
+    shell scripts on Unix.)
+2.  The Icon file formats are different. ICOs on Windows-, PNGs on Unix-
+    platforms.
+3.  The Target locations can be different.
+4.  If your installer is localized, your users sure will expect their
+    shortcuts names and descriptions to be as well. Moreover, some paths
+    can be different when OS are localized (``My Documents`` becomes
+    ``Mes Documents`` on Windows in french for example). See "Localizing
+    shortcuts" below.
+This is the simple reason.
+Why Native Code to do the Job on Windows?
+by Elmar
+This little chapter is not strictly part of the documentation but i have been
+asked this question sufficiently often that i think it's worth explaining
+right here. It is certainly a natural question to ask. After all IzPack is an
+application completely written in Java and primarily targeted for the
+installation of Java based programs. So why wouldn't we try to keep
+everything pure Java and avoid the use of native code altogether? There must
+be some personal preference of the developer hidden behind this approach you
+might think. Well, not really, but i admit at first it seems quite feasible
+to write it all in Java. On virtually any operating system or GUI surface
+around, Shortcuts are simply files on the local file system. Files can be
+created and accessed directly from within Java, so why should there be a need
+for using native code?
+Well, it turns out that just creating a file is not good enough, it also
+needs to have the right content. Shell Links as they are called in Windows
+land are binary files. i actually managed to find documentation on the
+format. Naturally this was hacker data, you won't get this sort of thing from
+Microsoft (by the way: thanks a lot to Jesse Hager for a smash job!). Armed
+with this information i tried to create these files myself in Java. The
+problem was that the documentation was not entirely accurate and had some
+gaps as well. i tried for over a month to get this to work but finally i had
+to give up. Even if i would have succeeded, it would have been a hack, since
+a shell link requires some information that is impossible to obtain from
+within Java. Usually you can successfully create a shell link by only filling
+in the bare minimum information and then ask Windows to resolve the link.
+Windows then repairs the shell link. Unfortunately this was only the
+beginning, soon i encountered a host of other problems. For one thing, the
+installer needs to know the correct directories for placing the links and it
+turns out they are named differently in different countries. In addition,
+there are ways of manually modifying them, which some people might actually
+have done. The only way to place the shortcut files reliably is through
+accessing the Windows Registry. Naturally, this operation also required
+native code. Same thing with asking Windows to resolve the link... On the
+bottom line, at every step and turn you run into an issue where you just need
+to use native code to do the trick. So i decided that i would do it the
+proper way all the way through. That is in a nutshell the reason why i used
+native code to create shortcuts on MS-Windows.
+As i am writing this i am at work with a friend to replicate this work for
+the Mac and it looks very much like we need to take the same approach there
+as well. On the various Unix GUIs on the other hand, we are lucky that we can
+do the job without native libraries.
+The Shortcut Specification
+As we say above, the specification for shortcuts is provided to the
+ShortcutPanel in the XML fileformat. At the time of this writing (for IzPack
+version 3.7.0-M3) the front-end will be rewritten. Until these work is in
+progress you have to write the specification files manually. For your
+convenience, there are two annotated sample specification files in the sample
+subdirectory of your IzPack installation. At the beginning you might want to
+experiment with these files.
+Both specification files have one root element called ``<shortcuts>``. This
+root elements recognizes 3 different child elements:
+``<programGroup>``, ``<skipIfNotSupported/>`` and ``<shortcut>``.
+``<skipIfNotSupported/>`` can be used to avoid the panel to show the
+alternative UI which shows the shortcut information that would have been
+created on a system that supports it. In other words, using this tag will
+make the panel be silent on non-supported systems. The default is to show the
+alternative UI.
+The ``<programGroup>`` tag allows you to specify the name of the menu, or
+more precise, the folder in which the shortcuts will be grouped. The exact
+location and appearance of the program group depends on the specific target
+system on which the application will be installed, however you can partially
+control it. Please note that ``<programGroup>`` may only appear once in the
+specification. If more than one instance occurs, only the first one will be
+used. This tag requires two attributes: ``defaultName`` and ``location``.
+``defaultName`` specifies the name that the group menu should have on the
+target system. You should be aware that the ShortcutPanel will present this
+name to the user as a choice. The user can then edit this name or select a
+group that already exists. As a result, there is no guarantee that the actual
+name of the program group on the target system is identical with your
+specification. ``location`` specifies where the group menu should show up.
+There are two choices: ``applications`` and ``startMenu``. If you use
+``applications``, then the menu will be placed in the menu that is ordinarily
+used for application shortcuts. ``applications`` is recommended for Unix
+shortcuts. If you use ``startMenu``, the group menu will be placed at the top
+most menu level available on the target system. Depending on the target
+system, it might not be possible to honor this specification exactly. In such
+cases, the ShortcutPanel will map the choice to the location that most
+closely resembles your choice. Unix shortcuts do not need to support the
+``startMenu``, because the ``applications`` menu is already on the highest
+level. This means this has no affect on thess platform.
+For each shortcut you want to create, you have to add one ``<shortcut>`` tag.
+Most details about the shortcut are listed as attributes with this tag. The
+following sections describe what each attribute does, which attributes are
+optional and which ones are required and what the values are that are
+accepted for each of the attributes. Note that all attributes that have a
+yes/no choice can also be omitted. Doing so has the same effect as using a
+value of no. The shortcut attributes can be divided into two groups
+-   attributes that describe properties of the shortcut
+-   attributes that define the location(s) at which a copy of the
+    shortcut should be placed.
+The following attributes are used to define location:
+-   ``programGroup``
+-   ``desktop``
+-   ``applications``
+-   ``startMenu``
+-   ``startup``
+Shortcut Attributes
+There are three classes of attributes. Some are required, most are completely
+optional and some are semi-optional. The set of semi-optional attributes are
+all the attributes used to define the location of a shortcut. These are semi-
+optional because for any individual one it is your choice if you want to
+include it or not. However they are not completely optional. You must specify
+at least one location. If all were omitted, the instruction would essentially
+tell the panel that a copy of this shortcut is to be placed at no location.
+In other words no copy is to be placed anywhere.
+**name** ``- required``
+The value of this attribute defines the name that the shortcut will have.
+This is the text that makes up the menu name if the shortcut is placed in a
+menu or the caption that is displayed with the shortcut if it is placed on
+the desktop.
+**target** ``- required``
+The value of this attribute points to the application that should be launched
+when the shortcut is clicked. The value is translated through the variable
+substitutor. Therefore variables such as ``$INSTALL_PATH`` can be used to
+describe the location. **You should be aware that the use of this tag is
+likely to change once other operating systems are supported**.
+**commandLine** ``- optional``
+The value of this attribute will be passed to the application as command
+line. i recommend to work without command line arguments, since these are not
+supported by all operating systems. As a result, your applications will not
+be portable if they depend on command line arguments. Instead, consider using
+system properties or configuration files.
+**workingDirectory** ``- optional``
+This attribute defines the working directory for the application at the time
+it is launched. i would recommend some caution in relying on this too heavily
+if your application should be portable, since this might not be supported by
+all operating systems. At this time i don't have enough information to make a
+definite statement one way or the other. The value is translated through the
+variable substitutor. Therefore variables such as ``$INSTALL_PATH`` can be
+used to describe the directory.
+**description** ``- optional``
+The value of this attribute will be visible to the user when a brief
+description about associated application is requested. The form of the
+request and the way in which this description is displayed varies between
+operating systems. On MS-Windows the description is shown as a tool tip when
+the mouse cursor hovers over the icon for a few seconds. On some operating
+systems this feature might not be supported but i think it is always a good
+idea to include a brief description.
+**iconFile** ``- optional``
+The value of this attribute points to the file that holds the icon that
+should be displayed as a symbol for this shortcut. This value is also
+translated through the variable substitutor and consequently can contain
+variables such as $INSTALL_PATH. If this attribute is omitted, no icon will
+be specified for the shortcut. Usually this causes the OS to display an OS
+supplied default icon. **The use of this attribute is also likely to change
+once other operating systems are supported. Read the Section about Icons
+below, for more information.**
+**iconIndex** ``- optional``
+If the file type for the icon supports multiple icons in one file, then this
+attribute may be used to specify the correct index for the icon. i would also
+advise against using this feature, because of operating system
+incompatibilities in this area. In file formats that do not support multiple
+icons, this values is ignored.
+**initialState** ``- optional``
+There are four values accepted for this attribute: ``noShow``, ``normal``,
+``maximized`` and ``minimized``. If the target operating system supports this
+feature, then this value will have the appropriate influence on the initial
+window state of the application. ``noShow`` is particularly useful when
+launch scripts are used that cause a command window to open, because the
+command window will not be visible with this option. For instance on MS-
+Windows starting a batch file that launches a Java application has the less
+than pretty side effect that two windows show: the DOS command prompt and the
+Java application window. Even if the shortcut is configured to show
+minimized, there are buttons for both windows in the task bar. Using
+``noShow`` will completely eliminate this effect, only the Java application
+window will be visible. *On Unix use* ``normal`` *, because this is not
+**programGroup** ``- semi-optional``
+The value for this attribute can be either yes or no. Any other value will be
+interpreted as no. If the value is yes, then a copy of this shortcut will be
+placed in the group menu. *On Unix (KDE) this will always be placed on the
+top level.*
+**desktop** ``- semi-optional``
+For this attribute the value should also be yes or no. If the value is yes,
+then a copy of the shortcut is placed on the desktop. *On Unix the shortcuts
+will only be placed on the (KDE-) desktop of the user, who currently runs the
+installer. For Gnome the user can simply copy the *.desktop files from*
+``/Desktop`` *to* ``/gnome-desktop``. (This is already a TODO for the Unix-
+shortcut implementation.)
+**applications** ``- semi-optional``
+This is also a yes/no attribute. If the value is yes, then a copy of the
+shortcut is placed in the applications menu (if the target operating system
+supports this). This is the same location as the applications choice for the
+program group. *This makes no sense on Unix.*
+**startMenu** ``- semi-optional``
+This is a yes/no attribute as well. If the value is yes, then a copy of the
+shortcut is placed directly in the top most menu that is available for
+placing application shortcuts. *This is not supported on Unix. see above.*
+**startup** ``- semi-optional``
+This is also a yes/no attribute. If the value is yes, then a copy of the
+shortcut is placed in a location where all applications get automatically
+started at OS launch time, if this is available on the target OS. *This is
+also not supported on Unix.*
+Unix specific shortcut attributes
+This extension was programmed by MARC EPPELMANN. This is still in development
+and may be changed in one of the next releases of IzPack.
+**type** ``- required``
+This must be one of ``Application`` or ``Link``
+-   Application: To start any application, native, Java or shell-script
+    based, the **type** has to be ``Application``. The GUI-System will launch
+    this Application, so as is, thru their native shell or application
+    launcher. In this case, note that the right ``workingDirectory`` is
+    always important on Unix platforms. If the users PATH environment
+    variable does not contain the path, where the application is located,
+    this can never be run, until the ``workingDirectory`` does not contain
+    these path. The needed current path: ".", this is the case on most
+    systems, should be in the users PATH environment variable. Consult the
+    Unix manuals for more details.
+-   Link: If you want to open a URL in the users default Webbrowser, you
+    have to set the **type** to ``Link``. Note: The ``url`` attribute must be
+    set to work properly.
+-   Other: There are more supported types on KDE, like FSDevice, but
+    these types makes no sense for IzPack, in my opinion.
+Without the type the Unix shortcut does not work.
+**url** ``- semi-optional``
+If you want to create a shortcut as type *Link*, then you have to set the
+``url`` attribute. The value can be a locally installed html or another
+document, with a known MIME type, like plain text, or a WWW Url i.e.
+A local document can be referenced by i.e. "$INSTALL_PATH/doc/index.html".
+The IzPack variable substitution system is supported by the **url**.
+**encoding** ``- required``
+This should always set to **UTF-8**.
+**terminal** ``- optional``
+If you want, the user can see the console output of a program (in Java
+applications "System.outs"), set the ``terminal`` attribute to **true**.
+**KdeSubstUID** ``- unused``
+This is not fully implemented by IzPack. i the future this is the sudo option
+for a shortcut.
+Selective Creation of Shortcuts
+Usually all shortcuts that are listed will be created when the user clicks
+the 'Next' button. However it is possible to control to some degree if
+specific shortcuts should be created or not. This is based on install
+conditions. By including one or more ``<createForPack name=''a pack name''
+/>`` tags in the specification for a shortcut, you can direct the
+ShortcutPanel to create the shortcut only if any of the listed packs are
+actually installed. The 'name' attribute is used to define the name of one of
+the packs for which the shortcut should be created. You do not need to list
+all packs if a shortcut should always be created. In this case simply omit
+this tag altogether.
+**A word of caution**
+For any shortcut that is always created, i would recommend to omit this tag,
+since i have seen a number of problems related to changing pack names. You
+can save yourself some troubleshooting and some Aspirin by not using this
+feature if it's not required. On the other hand if you need it i would advise
+to be very careful about changing pack names.
+Localizing shortcuts
+The izPack installer allows localization of your installer. Obviously, you will
+want your shortcuts labels to be localized, too. Thus, you can provide
+shortcutSpec files for each language you support.
+This works just like localizing other specs for other panels : add an
+underscore and the iso3 language code to the end of the resource name, and set
+the source name to the appropriate localized spec file.
+As for the platforms, if a specific spec file is not declared for the current
+language, the installer will revert to the default ``shortcutSpec.xml`` resource.
+This way, you can for example have a resource ``shortcutSpec.xml_fra`` for
+french installs and have the default resource ``shortcutSpec.xml`` (maybe
+containing strings in english) be used for other languages.
+The platform prefix and language suffix are combined like in this example :
+ ``Unix_shortcutSpec.xml_fra``.
+When the installer can't find such a platform-and-language-specific resource,
+it will fallback to a suitable default using the following search order :
+ ``shortcutSpec.xml_<iso3>`` (default platform, language-specific)
+ ``<platform>_shortcutSpec.xml`` (default language, platform-specific)
+ ``shortcutSpec.xml`` (default platform and language)
+Reminder: If the shortcut panel does not find one of these named resources,
+it will never appear. So, do not use different resource names and do not add
+a path to these.
+	<res src="C:\MyDocuments\Installer\default_shortcut_specification.xml"
+     id="shortcutSpec.xml"/>
+	<res src="C:\MyDocuments\Installer\default_shortcut_specification_fr.xml"
+     id="shortcutSpec.xml_fra"/>
+	<res src="C:\MyDocuments\Installer\unix_shortcut_specification_en.xml"
+     id="Unix_shortcutSpec.xml"/>
+	<res src="C:\MyDocuments\Installer\unix_shortcut_specification_fr.xml"
+     id="Unix_shortcutSpec.xml_fra"/>
+DesktopShortcutCheckboxEnabled Builtin Variable
+``$DesktopShortcutCheckboxEnabled`` : When set to true, it automatically
+checks the "Create Desktop Shortcuts" button. To see how to use it, go to
+`The Variables Element ``<variables>``
+Be careful this variable is case sensitve !
+**Native Libraries**
+-   ShellLink.dll ``- required by Microsoft Windows``
+-   'Nothing' ``- for KDE/Gnome shortcuts``
+**Names of the Specification Files**
+``shortcutSpec.xml`` for Windows and as default.
+``Unix_shortcutSpec.xml`` for Unix.
+**Specification File Layout - Windows**
+    <shortcuts>
+      <skipIfNotSupported/>
+      <programGroup defaultName="MyOrganization\MyApplication"
+                    location="applications||startMenu"/>
+      <shortcut
+        name="Start MyApplication"
+        target="$INSTALL_PATH\Path\to\MyApplication\launcher.bat"
+        commandLine=""
+        workingDirectory="$INSTALL_PATH\Path\to\MyApplication"
+        description="This starts MyApplication"
+        iconFile="$INSTALL_PATH\Path\to\MyApplication\Icons\start.ico"
+        iconIndex="0"
+        initialState="noShow||normal||maximized||minimized"
+        programGroup="yes||no"
+        desktop="yes||no"
+        applications="yes||no"
+        startMenu="yes||no"
+        startup="yes||no">
+        <createForPack name="MyApplication Binaries"/>
+        <createForPack name="MyApplication Batchfiles"/>
+      </shortcut>
+    </shortcuts>
+**A sample Specification File for Unix is at the end of this chapter**
+Shortcut Tips
+I wrote this section to provide additional information about issues
+surrounding the creation of shortcuts. Reading this section is not necessary
+to successfully create shortcuts, but it might help you creating an
+installation that works more smoothly. In addition, it might give you some
+knowledge about operating systems that you don't know so well. In fact most
+of the issues described in this section are focused on differences in
+operating system specifics.
+The Desktop
+You should recognize that the desktop is precious real estate for many
+people. They like to keep it uncluttered and keep only the things there that
+they use on a regular basis. This is not true for everybody and you might
+personally think different about this. Still, the fact remains that a lot of
+people might have different feelings about it, so you should not
+automatically assume that it is ok to place all of your shortcuts on the
+desktop proper. While your application is certainly one of the most important
+things for you, for your customers it is probably one of many applications
+they use and maybe not even the most important one. Accordingly, placing more
+shortcut icons there than they feel they will use on a regular basis and
+especially doing this without asking for permission might trigger some bad
+Annotation: But even the experienced user should be able to organize their
+Desktop. On Linux the users desktop is the only place, which supports any
+kind of shortcuts.
+It is common practice to create a program group in the application menu
+system of the OS and place all shortcuts that go with an application in that
+program group. In addition, only one shortcut to the key access point of the
+application is placed directly on the desktop. Many installers first ask for
+permission to do so, as does the ShortcutPanel in IzPack.
+I would like to recommend that you always create a shortcut in the menu
+system, even if your application has only one access point and you are
+placing this on the desktop. Note that shortcuts can also be placed directly
+in the menu, they don't need to be in a program group. There are two reasons
+for doing so.
+-   If the user elects not to create shortcuts on the desktop, they will
+    end up with no access point to your application
+-   Even if this works fine, occasionally people 'clean up' their
+    desktop. They might later find that they accidentally deleted the only
+    access point to your application. For the less technology savvy users,
+    recreating the shortcut might be a rough experience.
+Icons are supplied in image files, usually in some kind of bitmap format.
+Unfortunately there is no format that is universally recognized by all
+operating systems. If you would like to create shortcuts on a variety of
+operating systems that use your own icons, you must supply each icon in a
+number of different formats. This chapter discusses icon file formats used on
+various operating systems. Fortunately there are good programs available that
+allow you to convert between these formats, so that creating the different
+files is not much of a problem once the icons themselves are created.
+**Microsoft Windows**
+Windows prefers to use its native icon file format. Files of this type
+usually use the extension .ico. These so called ICO files can hold multiple
+icons in one file, which can be useful if the same icon is to be provided in
+a number of sizes and color-depths.
+Windows itself selects the icon with the most matching dimensions and
+displays it. While the Start menu displays the icon with 16x16 pixel if
+available, the desktop displays the 32x32 pixel resolution of the same ICO if
+this is in.
+In other words, a ICO file has embedded one or more dimensions of the same
+Icon. We recommend to play with `microangelo`.
+Dlls and Exe files on the other side, can store, amongst other things, a
+collection of different Icons. You can select your desired Icon by its index.
+The lowest index is 0. Use the iconIndex attribute in the spec file to
+specify this index.
+As a sample look into
+    %SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll
+These contains a lot of Windows own icons. You can use the `PE Explorer` or
+another Resource Editor to extract or modify Icons in dlls or exe files. But
+be warned. You can also destroy a working application with these kind of
+At least Windows also supports the use of bitmap files in the .bmp format as
+icons. Note that this format does not support multiple icons.
+We might have overlooked other file formats that are supported by Windows.
+However, we suggest to test other formats for compatibility as they might not
+work all the way back to Windows 95 or on the NT/non-NT strain. Sticking with
+one of these two formats should keep you out of trouble.
+Apple Macintosh systems use the Macintosh PICT format, extension .pct. If
+you are working with an apple system you know a whole lot more about this
+format than i do. If you don't but would like to be able to install your
+application on a Mac, simply start with any bitmap format that you feel
+comfortable to work with. Then find an application that is capable of
+converting this format into a .pct file. i like to use Paint Shop Pro (PC
+based), because it provides conversion capabilities among several dozen
+different file formats.
+**UNIX flavors**
+by Marc Eppelmann
+As my knowledge, all X based Unix Window systems supports the (ASCII-) XBM
+(X-Bitmap ) and the better XPM (X-PixMap) format. The modern GUI systems like
+KDE and Gnome can display additionally a lot of other ImageIcon formats, such
+as GIF, JPG, and PNG.
+i suggest to use PNG, because this can lossless compress like the GIF format,
+however this format is absolutely free. And not least, this can store true
+transparency informations (It has an alpha channel).
+So, you thought you could escape the ugly mess of operating system
+dependencies at least with the way how your Java application is started?
+Sorry but i have just another bad message. The one positive thing is that
+here you have a way of escaping, even if doing so has a few less pretty side
+effects. At first, i would like to discuss various launching options you have
+available on different operating systems. At the end of the chapter i write
+about a way to make launching your application OS independent.
+**Microsoft Windows**
+On Microsoft Windows you have a variety of options for launching your
+application. Probably the most simple case is directly starting the Java VM
+from the command line and typing out all parameters, such as class path, the
+class name etc. In principle, this can be placed right in a shortcut and
+should work.
+A little more elegant solution is to place this in a batch file and have the
+shortcut point to this batch file. This will also make it more likely that
+users can repair or recreate shortcuts. Recreating shortcuts with
+sophisticated command lines is practically impossible.
+Another method is less commonly used but just as possible. Implement a native
+executable that launches the VM with your Java application. The VM comes as
+DLL and is used by java.exe in just the same way. As a sample look at the
+exlipse.exe provided by the `Eclipse-IDE`
+Clearly, even though the first option is a bit ugly and has some
+restrictionss, it is the most portable solution among the three.
+We hope, there is a IzPack developer currently researching for the details
+for the Mac environment. We expect an updated chapter in one of the next
+UNIX provides essentially the same options as Windows. You can simply use the
+command line option, you can write a shell script and you can write a native
+launcher. Naturally this stuff is in no way compatible with the equivalent
+Windows implementations. The native option is even more problematic in this
+environment, since the code can not even be moved from one UNIX platform to
+another, without recompilation.
+**OS Independent Launching**
+So, after all this rather discouraging news, there is actually a portable way
+to launch Java applications? You bet! although i have to admit that it is not
+necessarily the most pretty way of doing things.
+This approach is currently used by IzPack. Package your application in a
+.jar file if you don't already do so and make it executable by including the
+necessary metaINF/MANIFEST.MF information file. i am not going into all the
+details on how exactly to do this, the Java documentation will have to do.
+You might have noticed that even though the instructions to install IzPack
+say to type :
+    java -jar IzPack-install.jar
+You can just as well double click on IzPack-install.jar and it will start up.
+This procedure will work on all GUI based Java supported operating systems
+-though you might have to replace double clicking with dropping the file on
+the VM. In just the same way, you can make the .jar file itself the target
+of a shortcut. Note: This works only, if jars are registered as files, which
+have to launch by the installed JRE (with: javaw.exe -jar)
+The one restriction with this approach is that a .jar file can only have one
+main file. So, if you have multiple targets, they need to be packaged each
+into a different .jar file. They can be in one .jar file but then you have
+to start them explicitly, which gets you back to the problems that i
+mentioned before. This brings me to the ugly part. If you have just one
+target, then you are all set. If you have multiple targets, you need to
+create a .jar file for each of them. In addition, you have a much harder
+time setting the classpath, because each of the .jar files that contain
+supporting code must be listed. In fact, at present there is no way of
+setting this during the installation, because IzPack does not yet (version
+3.0) support the setting and modification of environment variables.
+Command Line
+Before i start to write a lot about the use of command line arguments let me
+state this: If you can avoid using them, do it! Not that there is anything
+wrong with command line arguments as such. The issue is simply that if you
+want your application to be usable cross platform (the big Java promise) you
+should shy away from using command line arguments. The problem here is that
+not all operating systems actually support command line arguments. To be more
+precise, to my knowledge only Apple operating systems do not support command
+line parameters. If you don't care for running your application on a Mac,
+then you might not worry about his at all. If you are interested to support
+the Mac as well, read on.
+In fact the Mac lower than MacOSX supports command line parameters in a way.
+More to the point, it supports a single parameter that your application
+should interpret as the name of a data file to open. You have no way of
+supplying this to your application through the command line attribute. The
+operating system generates this when the user drops the file on your
+application and then passes it as command line argument. That's it. This same
+behavior will probably fly well on pretty much any system and should
+therefore be an ok implementation.
+So what to do if you want to modify program behavior based on runtime
+switches? For one thing, you could set system properties accordingly. The
+disadvantage here is the same as with the command line parameters: the way of
+setting these might vary between operating systems. The best way seems to be
+using a property file that contains the configuration data.
+Trouble Shooting
+by Elmar
+It has been some time since i wrote this chapter during which a good number
+of users had a chance to gather experience. Unfortunately i never know how
+many have used it successfully without much difficulty. i only hear from
+those that have encountered one problem or another. The type of problems that
+i have seen prompted me to write this section, because i think it will help
+you in locating most problems that you might encounter or at least give you
+some idea where the problem might be located.
+Problems You Can Solve
+If you see an exception that essentially says that a library can not be
+loaded (ShellLink.dll) you have an easy problem to deal with. Your installer
+file is probably missing the native tag that adds the Windows dll to the
+installer or something with this tag is no quite right. Read 'What to Add to
+the Installer' for all details on this topic.
+Most other problems cause the ShortcutPanel not to show at all during the
+installation process. The reason is simply that the ShortcutPanel skips if it
+does not know what to do or if it has nothing to do (no point showing then
+and confusing the user). The problem is that this is not always what you
+intended. The most simple but not so uncommon case is, that the ShortcutPanel
+cannot find their spec file. This can be caused by a number of reasons. The
+associated resource tag might be missing in the installer specification file,
+the target file name might be misspelled (the name you specify for the ``id``
+attribute) or the target file name has a path or package name pre-pended. You
+have only to use ``shortcutSpec.xml`` or ``Unix_shortcutSpec.xml`` and
+nothing else, just as described in 'What to Add to the Installer'. You can
+always verify if this part is ok by inspecting the content of the installer
+.jar file. The file shortcutSpec.xml should be located in the directory
+``res``. This inspection can be performed with any zip tool. If the file is
+not there, first correct this before proceeding.
+If the file is there and the panel does not appear, you have a problem within
+the specification file. In most cases that i have seen, it comes down to a
+spelling mistake of an attribute or tag name. You just have to carefully make
+sure that everything is spelled correctly. Don't forget that all names are
+case sensitive! In a few cases it is also happend, that required or semi-
+optional attributes are omitted, so you might want to verify if all
+attributes that you need are actually supplied.
+If everything is correct up to this point the problem becomes more elusive.
+Most likely the panel will not be displayed, because it is instructed not to
+show. There are be several reasons for this. The simple case is that no
+location has been specified for the shortcuts in your installation. This can
+happen if all five location attributes are omitted or if all the ones that
+are listed are set to ``no``. Remember, you have to specify at least one
+location for every shortcut. If this is also correct, you might have used the
+``<createForPack>`` tag. Review the details in 'Selective Creation of
+Shortcuts'. One possibility for the panel not to show is that based on the
+packs that are currently selected for installation no shortcut qualifies for
+creation. In this case the panel will not show, this is perfectly normal
+behavior. More likely this condition is true because of some accident and not
+because it's intended. Make sure the packs that you list for the shortcut are
+actually defined in your installation and verify that they are all spelled
+correctly. Remember: case matters! Did the ShortcutPanel use to work in your
+installation and all of a sudden stopped working? Very likely you are dealing
+with the last problem. A package name might have been modified and the
+shortcut spec was not adjusted to stay in sync.
+Problems That Have No Solution (yet)
+Unfortunately one problem has been very persistent and only recently one user
+found the reason. The problem occurs when installing on some target systems
+where non-English characters are used in the storage path for the shortcuts.
+The problem is that these characters don't seem to be properly translated
+across the Java Native Interface. This leads to a situation where the proper
+path can not be located and the shortcut creation fails. i write 'some target
+systems' because it does not fail everywhere. After much agonizing over this
+problem, one user found the solution: The shortcut creation works fine if a
+Sun virtual machine is installed, but fails if a version from IBM happens to
+be installed. So far i have no solution for this problem but i am trying to
+find a workaround the problem.
+A sample shortcut specification file for Unix
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
+    <shortcuts>
+      <programGroup defaultName="IzForge/IzPack"
+      location="applications"/>
+        <!-- Disabled since there is no Frontend
+      shortcut
+         name="IzPack"
+         programGroup="yes"
+         desktop="yes"
+         applications="no"
+         startMenu="yes"
+         startup="no"
+         target="$INSTALL_PATH/bin/izpack-fe.sh"
+         commandLine=""
+         workingDirectory="$INSTALL_PATH/bin"
+         description="Front-End for IzPack installation tool"
+         iconFile="$INSTALL_PATH/bin/icons/izpack.png"
+         iconIndex="0"
+         type="Application"
+         encoding="UTF-8"
+         terminal="true"
+         KdeSubstUID="false"
+         initialState="normal">
+         <createForPack name="Core"/>
+       </shortcut -->
+       <shortcut
+         name="IzPack Documentation"
+         programGroup="yes"
+         desktop="yes"
+         applications="no"
+         startMenu="yes"
+         startup="no"
+         target="konqueror"
+         workingDirectory=""
+         commandLine=""
+         initialState="noShow"
+         iconFile="help"
+         iconIndex="0"
+         url="$INSTALL_PATH/doc/izpack/html/izpack-doc.html"
+         type="Link"
+         encoding="UTF-8"
+         description="IzPack user documentation (html format)">
+         <createForPack name="Documentation-html"/>
+       </shortcut>
+       <shortcut
+         name="Documentation"
+         programGroup="yes"
+         desktop="yes"
+         applications="no"
+         startMenu="yes"
+         startup="no"
+         target="acroread"
+         workingDirectory=""
+         commandLine="$INSTALL_PATH/doc/izpack/pdf/izpack-doc.pdf"
+         initialState="noShow"
+         iconFile="acroread"
+         iconIndex="0"
+         url="$INSTALL_PATH/doc/izpack/pdf/izpack-doc.pdf"
+         type="Application"
+         encoding="UTF-8"
+         description="IzPack user documentation (PDF format)">
+         <createForPack name="Documentation-PDF"/>
+       </shortcut>
+       <shortcut
+         name="Uninstaller"
+         programGroup="yes"
+         desktop="yes"
+         applications="no"
+         startMenu="no"
+         startup="no"
+         target="/usr/lib/java/bin/java"
+         commandLine="-jar
+         &quot;$INSTALL_PATH/Uninstaller/uninstaller.jar&quot;"
+         initialState="noShow"
+         iconFile="trashcan_full"
+         iconIndex="0"
+         workingDirectory=""
+         type="Application"
+         encoding="UTF-8"
+         description="IzPack uninstaller">
+         <createForPack name="Core" />
+       </shortcut>
+    </shortcuts>

Modified: izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/installation-files.txt
--- izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/installation-files.txt	2007-11-20 14:32:36 UTC (rev 1910)
+++ izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/installation-files.txt	2007-11-21 17:00:22 UTC (rev 1911)
@@ -1,1453 +1,1470 @@
-Writing Installation XML Files
-What You Need
-Your editor
-In order to write your XML installation files, you just need a plain text
-editor. Of course it's always easier to work with color coded text, so you
-might rather want to work with a text editor having such a feature. Here is a
-list of free editors that work well :
--   Jext : http://www.jext.org/
--   JEdit : http://www.jedit.org/
--   classics like Vim and (X)Emacs.
-If you are a developer and tend to write your own patches, extension or
-features to IzPack sources, or, if you wish to debug your compilation,
-installation and uninstallation, we recommend these IDE:
--   IntelliJ IDEA : http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/
--   Eclipse : http://www.eclipse.org/
--   Netbeans : http://www.netbeans.org/
-For the first one, JetBrains has granted us an Open Source License. All
-project members can ask the Licence Key to one of the project manager.
-The other ones are well know open source projects (Just like us :-)). We provide
-a tutorial on how to develop/debug IzPack using Eclipse in the chapter
-''Getting Started > How to develop and debug IpPack using Eclipse''
-Writing XML
-Though you might not know much about XML, you have certainly heard about it.
-If you know XML you can skip this subsection as we will briefly present how
-to use XML.
-XML is a markup language, really close to HTML. If you've ever worked with
-HTML the transition will be fast. However there are a few little things to
-know. The markups used in XML have the following form : ``<markup>``. Each
-markup has to be closed somewhere with its ending tag : ``</markup>``. Each
-tag can contain text and other markups. If a markup does not contain
-anything, it is just reported once : ``<markup/>``. A markup can contain
-attributes like : ``<markup attr1="123" attr2="hello !"/>``. Here is a sample
-of a valid XML structure :
-    <chapter title="Chapter 1">
-      <section name="Introduction">
-        <paragraph>
-        This is the text of the paragraph number 1. It is available
-        for the very low
-        price of <price currency="dollar">1 000 000</price>.
-        </paragraph>
-      </section>
-      <section name="xxx">
-      xxx
-      </section>
-    </chapter>
-You should be aware of the following common mistakes :
--   markups **are** case sensitive : ``<markup>`` is different from
-    ``<Markup>``.
--   you **must** close the markups in the same order as you create them :
-    ``<m1><m2>(...)</m2></m1>`` is right but `` <m1><m2>(...)</m1></m2>`` is
-    not.
-Also, an XML file must start with the following header :
-``<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1 standalone="yes" ?>``. The only
-thing you should modify is the encoding (put here the one your text editor
-saves your files to). The `` standalone`` attribute is not very important for
-This (brief !) introduction to XML was just meant to enable you to write your
-installation specification. For a better introduction there are plenty of
-books and articles/tutorials dealing with XML on the Internet, in book
-stores, in magazines and so on.
-Variable Substitution
-During the installation process IzPack can substitute variables in various
-places with real values. Obvious targets for variable substitution are
-resource files and launch scripts, however you will notice many more places
-where it is more powerful to use variables rather then hard coded values.
-Wherever variables can be used it will be explained in the documentation.
-There are three types of variables:
--   Built-In variables. These are implemented in IzPack and are all
-    dynamic in nature. This means that the value of each variable depends on
-    local conditions on the target system.
--   Environment variables. These are provided by the operating system the
-    installer is run on.
--   Variables that you can define. You also define the value, which is
-    fixed for a given installation file.
-You define your own variables in the installation XML file with the
-``<variable>`` tag. How to do this is explained in detail later in this
-**Please note** that when using variables they must always appear with a
-'``$``' sign as the first character, even though they are not defined this
-The Built-In Variables
-The following variables are built-in :
--   ``$INSTALL_PATH`` : the installation path on the target system, as
-    chosen by the user
--   ``$APPLICATIONS_DEFAULT_ROOT`` : the default path for applications
--   ``$JAVA_HOME`` : the JavaTM virtual machine home path
--   ``$CLASS_PATH`` : the Class Path used mainly for Java Applications
--   ``$USER_HOME`` : the user's home directory path
--   ``$USER_name`` : the user name
--   ``$APP_name`` : the application name
--   ``$APP_URL`` : the application URL
--   ``$APP_VER`` : the application version
--   ``$ISO3_LANG`` : the ISO3 language code of the selected langpack.
--   ``$IP_ADDRESS`` : the IP Address of the local machine.
--   ``$HOST_NAME`` : the HostName of the local machine.
--   ``$FILE_SEPARATOR`` : the file separator on the installation system
--   ``$DesktopShortcutCheckboxEnabled`` : When set to true, it
-    automatically checks the "Create Desktop Shortcuts" button. To see how to
-    use it, go to `The Variables Element ``<variables>`` Be careful this
-    variable is case sensitve !
--   ``$InstallerFrame.logfilePath`` : The path to the install log. This
-    file contains the paths of all installed files. If set to "default" then
-    the "$INSTALL_PATH/Uninstaller/install.log" path will be used. To see how
-    to use it, go to `The Variables Element ``<variables>``. If this
-    variable is not set, no install.log will be created.
-Environment Variables
-Environment variables can be accessed via the syntax ``${ENV[variable]}``.
-The curly braces are mandatory. Note that variable names are case-sensitive
-and usually in UPPER CASE.
-Example: To get the value of the OS environment variable "CATALINA_HOME", use
-Parse Types
-Parse types apply only when replacing variables in text files. At places
-where it might be necessary to specify a parse type, the documentation will
-mention this. Depending on the parse type, IzPack will handle special cases
--such as escaping control characters- correctly. The following parse types
-are available:
--   ``plain`` - use this type for plain text files, where no special
-    substitution rules apply. All variables will be replaced with their
-    respective values as is.
--   ``javaprop`` - use this type if the substitution happens in a Java
-    properties file. Individual variables might be modified to function
-    properly within the context of Java property files.
--   ``xml`` - use this type if the substitution happens in a XML file.
-    Individual variables might be modified to function properly within the
-    context of XML files.
--   ``shell`` - use this type if the substitution happens in a shell
-    script. Because shell scripts use ``$variable`` themselves, an
-    alternative variable marker is used: ``%variable`` or ``%{variable}``.
-The IzPack Elements
-*When writing your installer XML files, it's a good idea to have a look at
-the iZPACK installation DTD*.
-The Root Element ``<installation>``
-The root element of an installation is ``<installation>``. It takes one
-required attribute : ``version``. The attribute defines the version of the
-XML file layout and is used by the compiler to identify if it is compatible
-with the XML file. This should be set to **1.0** for the moment.
-The Information Element ``<info>``
-This element is used to specify some general information for the installer.
-It contains the following elements :
--   ``<appname>`` : the application name
--   ``<appversion>`` : the application version
--   ``<appsubpath>`` : the subpath for the default of the installation
-    path. A variable substitution and a maskable slash-backslash conversion
-    will be done. If this tag is not defined, the application name will be
-    used instead.
--   ``<url>`` : the application official website url
--   ``<authors>`` : specifies the author(s) of the application. It must
-    contain at least one ``<author>`` element whose attributes are :
-    -   ``name`` : the author's name
-    -   ``email`` : the author's email
--   ``<uninstaller>`` : specifies whether to create an uninstaller after
-    installation, and which name to use for it. This tag has the ``write``
-    attribute, with default value `` yes``. If this tag is not specified, the
-    uninstaller will still be written. The ``name`` attribute can be used to
-    change the default name of the generated uninstaller, *i.e.* ``
-    uninstaller.jar``.
--   ``<javaversion>`` : specifies the minimum version of Java required to
-    install your program. Values can be ``1.2``, ``1.2.2``, ``1.4``, etc. The
-    test is a lexical comparison against the ``java.version`` System property
-    on the install machine.
--   ``<webdir>`` : Causes a ''web installer'' to be created, and
-    specifies the URL packages are retrieved from at install time. The
-    content of the tag must be a properly formed URL.
--   ``<summarylogfilepath>`` : specifies the path for the logfile of the
-    `SummaryLoggerInstallerListener`.
-Here is an example of a typical ``<info>`` section :
-    <info>
-      <appname>Super extractor</appname>
-      <appversion>2.1 beta 6</appversion>
-      <appsubpath>myCompany/SExtractor</appsubpath>
-      <url>http://www.superextractor.com/</url>
-      <authors>
-        <author name="John John Doo" email="jjd at jjd-mail.com"/>
-        <author name="El Goyo" email="goyoman at mymail.org"/>
-      </authors>
-      <javaversion>1.2</javaversion>
-    </info>
-The Packaging Element ``<packaging>``
-This element allows to specify packaging options. If not specified, the default will be to create an all in one
-installer. This element will usually be used to create an installer which spans over multiple volumes, 
-e.g. the output will be two CDs. The packaging-element contains the following elements:
--   ``<packager>`` : specifies options used by the packager. The packager tag has the ``class`` attribute,
-    which specifys the class to use for packaging. Currently two implementations
-    are available (com.izforge.izpack.compiler.Packager, com.izforge.izpack.compiler.MultiVolumePackager).
-    The packager-element can contain the ``<options>`` element which can have different attributes for the different
-    implementations of packagers. For the MultiVolumePackager, it can have the following attributes:
-    -	``volumesize``: the size of the volumes
-    -	``firstvolumefreespace``: free space on the first volume used for the installer jar and additional resources like
-    	readme-files etc.
--   ``<unpacker>`` : specifies which unpacker class should be used. Currently there are two unpacker implementations
-	(com.izforge.izpack.compiler.UnPacker, com.izforge.izpack.compiler.MultiVolumeUnPacker).
-Here's an example how to specify an installer which will create multiple volumes. In this example the volumes shall be
-CDs with 650 megabytes. There will be an additional free space of 150 megabytes on the first volume. This will result in
-the creation of an installer.jar and multiple installer.pak* files. The installer.jar plus installer.pak plus the additional
-resources have to be copied on the first volume, each installer.pak.<number> on several volumes. 
- 	  <packaging>
-	    <packager class="com.izforge.izpack.compiler.MultiVolumePackager">
-			<!-- 650 MB volumes, 150 MB space on the first volume -->
-	        <options volumesize="681574400" firstvolumefreespace="157286400"/>
-	    </packager>
-	    <unpacker class="com.izforge.izpack.installer.MultiVolumeUnpacker" />
-	  </packaging>
-The Variables Element ``<variables>``
-This element allows you to define variables for the variables substitution
-system. Some variables are built-in, such as ``$INSTALL_PATH`` (which is the
-installation path chosen by the user). When you define a set of variables,
-you just have to place as many ``<variable>`` tags in the file as needed. If
-you define a variable named ``VERSION`` you need to type $VERSION in the
-files to parse. The variable substitutor will then replace it with the
-correct value. One ``<variable>`` tag take the following attributes :
--   ``name`` : the variable name
--   ``value`` : the variable value
-Here's a sample ``<variables>`` section :
-    <variables>
-      <variable name="app-version" value="1.4"/>
-      <variable name="released-on" value="08/03/2002"/>
-    </variables>
-Here's a precise sample on how to use desktopshortcutcheckboxenabled and
-InstallerFrame.logfilePath variables:
-    <variables>
-      <variable name="InstallerFrame.logfilePath" value="$INSTALL_PATH
-      /My-install.log"/>
-        <!-- This means that the log name will be My-install and that
-      it will be stored at the root of the installation. -->
-        <!-- Any path is fine. If value is set to "Default" then
-      "$INSTALL_PATH/uninstall/install.log" is used. -->
-        <!-- And if variable isn't defined then no log is written. -->
-      <variable name="desktopshortcutcheckboxenabled" value="true"/>
-        <!-- This automatically checks the "Create Desktop Shortcuts"
-      button. Default value is "False". -->
-    </variables>
-The GUI Preferences Element ``<guiprefs>``
-This element allows you to set the behavior of your installer GUI. This
-information will not have any effect on the command-line installers that will
-be available in future versions of iZPACK . The arguments to specify are :
--   ``resizable`` : takes ``yes`` or ``no`` and indicates whether the
-    window size can be changed or not.
--   ``width`` : sets the initial window width
--   ``height`` : sets the initial window height.
-Here's a sample :
-    <guiprefs resizable="no" width="800" height="600"/>
-Starting from IzPack 3.6, the look and feel can be specified in this section
-on a per-OS basis. For instance you can use the native look and feels on
-Win32 and OS X but use a third-party one on Unix-like platforms. To do that,
-you have to add some children to the ``guiprefs`` tag:
--   ``laf``: the tag that specifies a look and feel. It has a ``name``
-    parameter that defines the look and feel name.
--   Each ``laf`` element needs at least one ``os`` tag, specified like in
-    the other parts of the specification that support this tag.
--   Like you can add ``os`` elements, you can add any number of ``param``
-    elements to customize a look and feel. A ``param`` elements has two
-    attribues: ``name`` and `` value``.
-The available look and feels are:
--   Kunststoff: ``kunststoff``
--   Liquid: ``liquid``
--   Metouia: ``metouia``
--   JGoodies Looks: ``looks``
--   Substance: ``substance``
-If you don't specify a look and feel for a particular operating system, then
-the default native one will be used: Windows on Windows, Aqua on Mac OS X and
-Metal on the Unix-like variants.
-The *Liquid Look and Feel* supports the following parameters:
--   ``decorate.frames``: ``yes`` means that it will render the frames in
-    Liquid style
--   ``decorate.dialogs``: ``yes`` means that it will render the dialogs
-    in Liquid style
-The *JGoodies Looks* look and feel can be specified by using the ``variant``
-parameters. The values can be one of:
--   ``windows``: use the Windows look
--   ``plastic``: use the basic Plastic look
--   ``plastic3D``: use the Plastic 3D look
--   ``plasticXP``: use the Plastic XP look (default).
-Here is a small sample:
-    <guiprefs height="600" resizable="yes" width="800">
-        <laf name="metouia">
-            <os family="unix" />
-        </laf>
-        <laf name="looks">
-            <os family="windows" />
-            <param name="variant" value="extwin" />
-        </laf>
-    </guiprefs>
-The *Substance* look and feel *toned-down* themes can be specified using the
-``variant`` parameter, with the value being one of: ``business, business-
-blue, business-black, creme, sahara, moderate, officesilver``. We have
-reduced the choice to the toned-down themes since they are the only ones to
-actually look decent (the other families colors are way too saturated).
-Please consult https://substance.dev.java.net/docs/skins/toneddown.html
-for a gallery of the different toned-down themes.
-Starting from IzPack 3.7, some characteristics can be customized with the
-``<modifier>`` tag. There is a separate description in the `Advanced
-Features` chapter paragraph `Modifying the GUI`.
-The Localization Element ``<locale>``
-This element is used to specify the language packs (langpacks) that you want
-to use for your installer. You must set one ``<langpack>`` markup per
-language. This markup takes the `` iso3`` parameter which specifies the iso3
-language code.
-Here's a sample :
-    <locale>
-      <langpack iso3="eng"/>
-      <langpack iso3="fra"/>
-      <langpack iso3="spa"/>
-    </locale>
-The supported ISO3 codes are :
-========= ============================
-ISO3 code Language
-========= ============================
-cat       Catalunyan
-chn       Chinese
-cze       Czech
-dan       Danish
-deu       German
-eng       English
-fin       Finnish
-fra       French
-hun       Hungarian
-ita       Italian
-jpn       Japanese
-mys       Malaysian
-ned       Nederlands
-nor       Norwegian
-pol       Polnish
-por       Portuguese (Brazilian)
-rom       Romanian
-rus       Russian
-scg       Serbian
-spa       Spanish
-svk       Slovakian
-swe       Swedish
-ukr       Ukrainian
-========= ============================
-The Resources Element ``<resources>``
-Several panels, such as the license panel and the shortcut panel, require
-additional data to perform their task. This data is supplied in the form of
-resources. This section describes how to specify them. Take a look at each
-panel description to see if it might need any resources. Currently, no checks
-are made to ensure resources needed by any panel have been included. The ``
-<resources>`` element is not required, and no ``<res>`` elements are required
-The ``<resources>`` element is the only element besides the ``<packs>``
-element that is taken into consideration in referenced pack-files (see
-```<packs>`` element`_ for more info)
-You have to set one ``<res>`` markup for each resource. Here are the
-attributes to specify :
--   ``src`` : the path to the resource file which can be named freely of
-    course (for instance ``my-picture.jpg``).
--   ``id`` : the resource id, depending on the needs of a particular
-    panel
--   ``parse`` : takes ``yes`` or ``no`` (default is ``no``) - used to
-    specify whether the resource must be parsed at the installer compilation
-    time. For instance you could set the application version in a readme file
-    used by ``InfoPanel``.
--   ``type`` : specifies the parse type. This makes sense only for a text
-    resource - the default is ``plain``, other values are ``javaprop, xml``
-    (Java properties file and XML files)
--   ``encoding`` : specifies the resource encoding if the receiver needs
-    to know. This makes sense only for a text resource.
-Here's a sample :
-    <resources>
-      <res id="InfoPanel.info" src="doc/readme.txt" parse="yes"/>
-      <res id="LicencePanel.licence" src="legal/License.txt"/>
-    </resources>
-The Panels Element ``<panels>``
-Here you tell the compiler which panels you want to use. They will appear in
-the installer in the order in which they are listed in your XML installation
-file. Take a look at the different panels in order to find the ones you need.
-The ``<panel>`` markup takes a single attribute ``classname`` which is the
-classname of the panel.
-Here's a sample :
-    <panels>
-      <panel classname="HelloPanel"/>
-      <panel classname="LicencePanel"/>
-      <panel classname="TargetPanel"/>
-      <panel classname="InstallPanel"/>
-      <panel classname="FinishPanel"/>
-    </panels>
-The Packs Element ``<packs>``
-This is a crucial section as it is used to specify the files that need to be
-installed. The ``<packs>`` section consists of several ``<pack>`` and
-``<refpack>`` tags.
-The ``<pack>`` takes the following attributes :
--   ``name``: the pack name
--   ``required``: takes ``yes`` or ``no`` and specifies whether the pack
-    is optional or not.
--   ``os``: optional attribute that lets you make the pack targeted to a
-    specific *operating system*, for instance ``unix``, ``mac`` and so on.
--   ``preselected``: optional attribute that lets you choose whether the
-    pack is by default selected for installation or not. Possible values are
-    ``yes`` and ``no``. A pack which is not preselected needs to be
-    explicitly selected by the user during installation to get installed.
--   ``loose``: can be used so that the files are not located in the
-    installer Jar. The possible values are ``true`` or ``false``, the default
-    beeing ``false``. The author of this feature needed to put his
-    application on a CD so that the users could run it directly from this
-    media. However, he also wanted to offer them the possibility to install
-    the software localy. Enabling this feature will make IzPack take the
-    files on disk instead of from the installer. *Please make sure that your
-    relative files paths are correct !*
--   ``id``: this attribute is used to give a unique id to the pack to be
-    used for internationalization.
--   ``packImgId``: this attribute is used to reference a unique resource
-    that represents the pack's image for the ImgPacksPanel. The resource
-    should be defined in the ``<resources>`` element of the installation XML
-    using the same value for the ``id`` attribute of the ``<res>`` element.
-The ``<refpack>`` takes only one attribute ``file``, which contains the
-relative path (from the installation compiler) to an externally defined
-packs-definition. This external packs definition is a regular IzPack
-installation XML. However the only elements that are used from that XML file
-are the ``<packs>`` and the ``<resources>`` elements. This enables a model in
-which a single developer is responsible for maintaining the packs and
-resources related to the development-package assigned to him. The main
-install XML references these xml-files to avoid synchronization efforts
-between the central installation XML and the developer-maintained installer
-Internationalization of the PacksPanel
-In order to provide internationalization for the PacksPanel, so that your
-users can be presented with a different name and description for each
-language you support, you have to create a file named ``packsLang.xml_xyz``
-where ``xyz`` is the ISO3 code of the language in lowercase. Please be aware
-that case is significant. This file has to be inserted in the resources
-section of `` install.xml`` with the ``id`` and ``src`` attributes set at the
-name of the file. The format of these files is identical with the
-distribution langpack files located at ``
-$IZPACK_HOME/bin/langpacks/installer``. For the name of the panel you just
-use the pack ``id`` as the txt ``id``. For the description you use the pack
-``id`` suffixed with ``.description``.
-The following sections describe the tags available for a ``<pack>`` section.
-``<description>`` - pack description
-The contents of the ``<description>`` tag describe the pack contents. This
-description is displayed if the user highlights the pack during installation.
-``<depends>`` - pack dependencies
-This can be used to make this pack selectable only to be installed only if
-some other is selected to be installed. The pack can depend on more than one
-by specifying more than one `` <depends>`` elements.
-Circular depedencies are not supported and the compiler reports an error if
-one occurs.
-This tag takes the following attribute:
--   ``packname``: The name of the pack that it depends on
-``<os>`` - OS restrictions
-It is possible to restrict a panel to a certain list of operating systems.
-This tag takes the following attributes:
--   ``family``: unix, windows or mac
--   ``name``: the exact OS name (ie Windows, Linux, ...)
--   ``version``: the exact OS version (see the JVM ``os.version``
-    property)
--   ``arch``: the machine architecture (see the JVM ``os.arch``
-    property).
-This feature can update an already installed package, therefore removing
-superfluous files after installation. Here's how this feature author (Tino
-Schwarze) described it on the IzPack development mailing-list:
-> Each pack can now specify an ``<updatecheck>`` tag. It supports a subset of
-ant fileset syntax, e.g.:
-    <updatecheck>
-      <include name="lib/**" />
-      <exclude name="config/local/** />
-    </updatecheck>
-> If the paths are relative, they will be matched relative to
-``$INSTALL_PATH``. Update checks are only enabled if at least one
-``<include>`` is specified. See `` com.izforge.izpack.installer.Unpacker``
-for details.
-``<file>`` - add files or directories
-The ``<file>`` tag specifies a file (a directory is a file too) to include
-into the pack. It takes the following attributes:
--   ``src``: the file location (relative path) - if this is a directory
-    its content will be added recursively
--   ``targetdir``: the destination directory, could be something like
-    ``$INSTALL_PATH/subdirX``
--   ``os``: can optionally specify a target operating system (``unix,
-    windows, mac``) - this means that the file will only be installed on its
-    target operating system
--   ``override``: if ``true`` then if the file is already installed, it
-    will be overwritten. Alternative values: ``asktrue`` and ``askfalse`` -
-    ask the user what to do and supply default value for non-interactive use.
-    Another possible values is ``update``. It means that the new file is only
-    installed if it's modification time is newer than the modification time
-    of the already existing file (note that this is not a reliable mechanism
-    for updates - you cannot detect whether a file was altered after
-    installation this way.) By default it is set to `` update``.
--   ``unpack``: if ``true`` and the file is an archive then its content
-    will be unpacked and added as individual files
-This tag can also be specified in order to pass additional data related to a
-file tag for customizing.
--   ``<key>``: key to identify the data
--   ``<value>``: value which can be used by a custom action
-``<singlefile>`` - add a single file
-Specifies a single file to include. The difference to ``<file>`` is that this
-tag allows the file to be renamed, therefore it has a ``target`` attribute
-instead of `` targetdir``.
--   ``src``: the file location (relative path)
--   ``target``: the destination file name, could be something like
-    ``$INSTALL_PATH/subdirX/fileY``
--   ``os``: can optionally specify a target operating system (``unix,
-    windows, mac``) - this means that the file will only be installed on its
-    target operating system
--   ``override``: see ``<file>`` for description
-A ``<additionaldata>`` tag can also be specified for customizing.
-``<fileset>``: add a fileset
-The ``<fileset>`` tag allows files to be specified using the powerful Jakarta
-Ant set syntax. It takes the following parameters:
--   ``dir``: the base directory for the fileset (relative path)
--   ``targetdir``: the destination path, works like for ``<file>``
--   ``casesensitive``: optionally lets you specify if the names are case-
-    sensitive or not - takes ``yes`` or ``no``
--   ``defaultexcludes``: optionally lets you specify if the default
-    excludes will be used - takes ``yes`` or ``no``.
--   ``os``: specifies the operating system, works like for ``<file>``
--   ``override``: see ``<file>`` for description
--   ``includes``: comma- or space-separated list of patterns of files
-    that must be included; all files are included when omitted. This is an
-    alternative for multiple include tags.
--   ``excludes``: comma- or space-separated list of patterns of files
-    that must be excluded; no files (except default excludes) are excluded
-    when omitted. This is an alternative for multiple exclude tags.
-You specify the files with ``<include>`` and ``<exclude>`` tags that take the
-``name`` parameter to specify the Ant-like pattern :
--   ``**`` : means any subdirectory
--   ``*`` : used as a wildcard.
-Here are some examples of Ant patterns :
--   ``<include name="lib"/>`` : will include ``lib`` and the
-    subdirectories of ``lib``
--   ``<exclude name="**/*.java"/>`` : will exclude any file in any
-    directory starting from the base path ending by ``.java``
--   ``<include name="lib/*.jar"/>`` : will include all the files ending
-    by ``.jar`` in ``lib``
--   ``<exclude name="lib/**/*FOO*"/>`` : will exclude any file in any
-    subdirectory starting from ``lib`` whose name contains ``FOO``.
-There area set of definitions that are excluded by default file-sets, just as
-in Ant. IzPack defaults to the Ant list of default excludes. There is
-currently no equivalent to the <defaultexcludes> task. Default excludes are:
-         **/*\~{}
-         **/\#*\#
-         **/.\#*
-         **/%*%
-         **/.\_*
-         **/CVS
-         **/CVS/**
-         **/.cvsignore
-         **/SCCS
-         **/SCCS/**
-         **/vssver.scc
-         **/.svn
-         **/.svn/**
-         **/.DS\_Store
-A ``<additionaldata>`` tag can also be specified for customizing.
-``<parsable>`` - parse a file after installation
-Files specified by ``<parsable>`` are parsed after installation and may have
-variables substituted.
--   ``targetfile`` : the file to parse, could be something like
-    ``$INSTALL_PATH/bin/launch-script.sh``
-    A slash will be changed to the system dependant path separator (e.g. to a
-    backslash on Windows) only if no backslash masks the slash.
--   ``type`` : specifies the type (same as for the resources) - the
-    default is ``plain``
--   ``encoding`` : specifies the file encoding
--   ``os``: specifies the operating system, works like for ``<file>``
-``<executable>`` - mark file executable or execute it
-The ``<executable>`` tag is a very useful thing if you need to execute
-something during the installation process. It can also be used to set the
-executable flag on Unix-like systems. Here are the attributes :
--   ``targetfile`` : the file to run, could be something like
-    ``$INSTALL_PATH/bin/launch-script.sh``
-    Slashes are handled special (see attribute ``targetfile`` of tag
-    ``<parsable>``).
--   ``class`` : If the executable is a jar file, this is the class to run
-    for a JavaTM program
--   ``type`` : ``bin`` or ``jar`` (the default is ``bin``)
--   ``stage`` : specifies when to launch : ``postinstall`` is just after
-    the installation is done, ``never`` will never launch it (useful to set
-    the +x flag on Unix). ``uninstall`` will launch the executable when the
-    application is uninstalled. The executable is executed before any files
-    are deleted. ``never`` is the default value.
--   ``failure`` : specifies what to do when an error occurs : ``abort``
-    will abort the installation process, ``ask`` (default) will ask the user
-    what to do and ``warn`` will just tell the user that something is wrong
--   ``os``: specifies the operating system, works like for ``<file>``
--   ``keep`` : specifies whether the file will be kept after execution.
-    The default is to delete the file after is has been executed. This can be
-    changed by specifying ``keep="true"``.
-A ``<args>`` tag can also be specified in order to pass arguments to the
--   ``<arg>``: passes the argument specified in the ``value`` attribute.
-    Slashes are handled special (see attribute ``targetfile`` of tag
-    ``<parsable>``.
-``<os>`` - make a file OS-dependent
-The ``<os>`` tag can be used inside the ``<file>``, ``<fileset>``,
-``<singlefile>``, ``<parsable>``, ``<executable>`` tags to restrict it's
-effect to a specific operating system family, architecture or version:
--   ``family``: ``unix, windows, mac`` to specify the operating system
-    family
--   ``name``: the operating system name
--   ``version``: the operating system version
--   ``arch``: the operating system architecture (for instance the Linux
-    kernel can run on i386, sparc, and so on)
-Here's an example installation file :
-    <packs>
-        <!-- The core files -->
-        <pack name="Core" required="yes">
-            <description>The IzPack core files.</description>
-            <file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH" src="bin"/>
-            <file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH" src="lib"/>
-            <file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH" src="legal"/>
-            <file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH" src="Readme.txt"/>
-            <file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH" src="Versions.txt"/>
-            <file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH" src="Thanks.txt"/>
-            <parsable targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/bin/izpack-fe"/>
-            <parsable targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/bin/izpack-
-            fe.bat"/>
-            <parsable targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/bin/compile"/>
-            <parsable
-            targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/bin/compile.bat"/>
-            <executable targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/bin/compile"
-            stage="never"/>
-            <executable targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/bin/izpack-fe"
-            stage="never"/>
-        </pack>
-        <!-- The documentation (1 directory) -->
-        <pack name="Documentation" required="no">
-            <description>The IzPack documentation (HTML and
-            PDF).</description>
-            <file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH" src="doc"/>
-        </pack>
-    </packs>
-The Native Element ``<native>``
-Use this if you want to use a feature that requires a native library. The
-native libraries are placed under ``bin/native/..``. There are 2 kinds of
-native libraries : the iZPACK libraries and the third-party ones. The IzPack
-libraries are located at ``bin/native/izpack``, you can place your own
-libraries at `` bin/native/3rdparty``. It is possible to place a native
-library also into the uninstaller. It is useable from CustomActions.
-If one or more are referenced for it, the needed support classes are
-automatically placed into the uninstaller. To place it only on operating
-systems for which they are build, it is possible to define an OS restriction.
-This restriction will only be performed for the uninstaller. The markup takes
-the following attributes :
--   ``type`` : ``izpack`` or ``3rdparty``
--   ``name`` : the library filename
--   ``stage``: stage where to use the library (install|uninstall|both)
-``<os>`` - make a library OS-dependent
-The ``<os>`` tag can be used to restrict the inclusion into the uninstaller
-to a specific operating system family, architecture or version. The inclusion
-into the installer will be always done.
-Here's a sample :
-    <native type="izpack" name="ShellLink.dll"/>
-The Jar Merging Element ``<jar>``
-If you adapt iZPACK for your own needs, you might need to merge the content
-of another jar file into the jar installer. For instance, this could be a
-library that you need to merge. The ``<jar>`` markup allows you to merge the
-raw content of another jar file into the installer and the uninstaller. It is
-necessary that the paths in the jars are unique because only the contained
-files of the jar are added to the installer jar, not the jar file self. The
-attributes are:
--   ``src`` : the path at compile time
--   ``stage``: stage where to use the contents of the additional jar file
-    (install|uninstall|both)
-A sample :
-    <jar src="../nicelibrary.jar"/>
-The Available Panels
-In this section i will introduce the various panels available in IzPack. The
-usage for most is pretty simple and described right here. The more elaborate
-ones are explained in more detail in the *Advanced Features* chapter or in
-their own chapter. The panels are listed by their class name. This is the
-name that must be used with the ``classname`` attribute. Please be aware that
-the classname is Case-Sensitive, meaning that if the case from the
-install.xml and the founded class file differs the installation will break.
-In this last case, the installer will Throw an IllegalArgumentException in
-the compiler if the declared class name in the xml file differs in case from
-the founded class file.
-This panel welcomes the user by displaying the project name, the version, the
-URL as well as the authors.
-This panel welcomes the user also by displaying the project name, the
-version, the URL as well as the authors.
-Additonal on windows the registry will be scanned for an entry which
-determines that the product is already installed. If so, a dialog will be
-shown which ask whether to install a second version of the product or not. If
-you use this panel do not forget to add the `registry feature` into your
-InfoPanel and HTMLInfoPanel
-This is a kind of 'README' panel. It presents text of any length. The text is
-specified by the ``(HTML)InfoPanel.info`` resource. Starting from IzPack
-3.7.0, variables substitution is allowed.
-To add an image to the HTMLInfoPanel you simply need to add a ressource to
-your install.xml with an ID decided by you, then you can call this image by
-refering it by this same ID.
-In install.xml:
-    <resources>
-      <res src="logo.jpg" id="GHGHGH"/>
-      .....
-and in file.html:
-    <img src="GHGHGH" />
-LicencePanel and HTMLLicencePanel
-Note:* There is a mistake in the name - it should be LicensePanel. In France
-the word is Licence ... and one of my diploma is a 'Licence' so ...:* -)
-Adding images to HTMLLicencePanel works exactly the same way as with
-These panels can prompt the user to acknowledge a license agreement. They
-block unless the user selects the 'agree' option. To specify the license
-agreement text you have to use the `` (HTML)LicencePanel.licence`` resource.
-Allows the user to select the packs he wants to install.
-This is the same as above, but for each pack a different picture is shown to
-the user. The pictures are specified using the packImgId attribute for each
-pack in the installer XML. The initial image will be the image of the first
-pack that has a packImgId. The image is updated each time the user
-(de)selects a pack that has a packImgId. Of course it's up to you to specify
-an image for each pack in your installation with a unique packImgId. For
-instance if you have 2 packs ``core`` and ``documentation`` (in this order),
-and you assign both packs a packImgId that is identical to the pack's name
-then the resource for ``core`` will be ``core`` and the resource for
-``documentation`` will be ``documentation``. The initially shown image will
-be the resource ``core``. The supported image formats depend on what your
-client's JVM supports, but starting from J2SE 1.3, *GIF*, *JPEG* and *PNG*
-are supported.
-This panel allows the user to select the installation path. It can be
-customized with the following resources (they are text files containing the
-path) :
--   ``TargetPanel.dir.f`` where f stands for the family (``mac, macosx,
-    windows, unix``)
--   ``TargetPanel.dir`` : the directory name, instead of the software to
-    install name
--   ``TargetPanel.dir.d`` where d is a "dynamic" name, as returned by the
-    JavaTM virtual machine. You should write the name in lowercase and
-    replace the spaces with underscores. For instance, you might want a
-    different setting for Solaris and GNU/Linux which are both Unix-like
-    systems. The resources would be ``TargetPanel.dir.sunos,
-    TargetPanel.dir.linux``. You should have a Unix-resource in case it
-    wouldn't work though.
-You should always have this one as it launches the installation process !
-A panel showing text parsed by the variable substitutor. The text can be
-specified through the ``XInfoPanel.info`` resource. This panel can be useful
-when you have to show information after the installation process is completed
-(for instance if the text contains the target path).
-A ending panel, able to write automated installer information. For details
-see the chapter on 'Advanced Features'.
-Same as ``FinishPanel``, but without the automated installer features. It is
-aimed at making the life easier for end-users who will never encounter the
-automated installer extra feature.
-This panel is used to create desktop shortcuts. For details on using the
-ShortcutPanel see the chapter 'Desktop Shortcuts'.
-This panel allows you to prompt the user for data. What the user is prompted
-for is specified using an XML file which is included as a resource to the
-This panel allows you to compile just installed Java sourcecode. The details
-for the compilation are specified using the resource
-``CompilePanel.Spec.xml``. The XML file has the following format:
-    <compilation>
-      <global>
-        <compiler>
-          <choice value="$JAVA_HOME/bin/javac" />
-          <choice value="jikes" />
-        </compiler>
-        <arguments>
-          <choice value="-O -g:none" />
-          <choice value="-O" />
-          <choice value="-g" />
-          <choice value="" />
-        </arguments>
-      </global>
-      <jobs>
-        <classpath add="$INSTALL_PATH/src/classes/" />
-        <job name="optional name">
-          <directory name="$INSTALL_PATH/src/classes/xyz" />
-        </job>
-        <job name="another job">
-          <packdepency name="some package name" />
-          <classpath sub="$INSTALL_PATH/" />
-          <directory name="$INSTALL_PATH/src/classes/abc" />
-          <file name="$INSTALL_PATH/some/file.java" />
-        </job>
-      </jobs>
-    </compilation>
-In theory, jobs can be nested but this has not been tested at all. A change
-to the classpath within a job only affects this job and nested jobs. The
-classpath should be specified before any files or directories.
-The user can change the compiler to use and choose from some default
-compilation options before compilation is started.
-.. image:: ./compilePanel.png
-    :alt: CompilePanel
-This panel allows you to execute arbitrary files after installation. The
-details for the compilation are specified using the resource
-The XML file has the following format:
-    <processing>
-      <job name="do xyz">
-        <os family="windows" />
-        <executefile name="$INSTALL_PATH/scripts/xyz.bat">
-          <arg>doit</arg><arg>$variable</arg>
-        </executefile>
-      </job>
-      <job name="do xyz">
-        <os family="unix" />
-        <executefile name="$INSTALL_PATH/scripts/xyz.sh">
-          <arg>doit</arg><arg>$variable</arg>
-        </executefile>
-      </job>
-    </processing>
-Each job may have an ``<os>`` attribute.
-``<executeclass>`` - Execute Java Classes
-It is also possible to execute Java classes from this panel. Here's what this
-feature author (Alex Bradley) says:
-> i've been able to work around my requirements by extending the
-``ProcessPanelWorker`` functionality to run user-specified classes. i've
-extended the DTD of the `` ProcessPanel.Spec.xml`` to include a new element:
-    <executeclass name="classname">
-    <args..../>
-    </executeclass>
-> i've also added a new sub-class of ``Processable`` called ``executeclass``.
-This will run a user-specified class in the context of the installer JVM with
-a single method :
-    run( AbstractUIProcessHandler handler, String[] args]);
-> It can do everything i need and more. In particular, it allows me to write
-a process extension and still be able to provide feedback to the user through
-the feedback panel, and to add new functionality to the installer, after its
-been built.
-To use the executeclass facility, you will need to create a jar file with
-your class and then add it to the installer with the `The Jar Merging
-``<executeForPack>`` - Only execute the job for certain packs
-This can be be used to run the job only if the pack is enabled. For example,
-the batch file will if either the ``Sources`` or ``Executables`` packs are
-selected at install time.
-    <processing>
-     <job name="List files">
-      <executeForPack name="Sources"/>
-      <executeForPack name="Executables"/>
-      <os family="windows" />
-      <executefile name="$INSTALL_PATH\batch\ListFiles.bat" />
-     </job>
-    </processing>
-``<logfiledir>`` - Output of the processPanel saved to a log
-New with version 3.7 is the possibility to tee output that is written to the
-ProcessPanel's textarea into an optional logfile. Using this feature is
-pretty much straightforward, you only have to add a line in
-``ProcessPanel.Spec.xml`` that will tell IzPack the location, where the
-logfile should be stored.
-Variable substitution is performed, so you can use ``$INSTALL_PATH`` as
-The name of the logfile is not (yet) configurable but should fit in most
-cases. It will be named
-    Install_V<$APP_VER>_<YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>_<hh>-<mm>-<ss>_<RandomId>.log
-Here's an example:
-    <processing>
-      <logfiledir>$INSTALL_PATH</logfiledir>
-      <job name="do xyz">
-        <os family="windows" />
-        <executefile name="$INSTALL_PATH/scripts/xyz.bat">
-          <arg>doit</arg><arg>$variable</arg>
-        </executefile>
-    </processing>
-This will generate a logfile named e.g.
-``Install_V1.3_2004-11-08_19-22-20_43423.log`` located in ``$INSTALL_PATH``.
-``ProcessPanelWorker`` will write all output that is directed to ``stdout``
-and ``stderr`` to this file if ``ProcessPanel.Spec.xml`` contains the
-``logfiledir`` entry.
-Please note that this one file is used for storing the complete output of all
-jobs and not a file for each job that is run.
-This panel allows the user to select a JDK path. The variable JAVA_HOME does
-not point to a JDK, else to a JRE also the environment variable points to a
-JDK. This is not a bug, this is the behavior of the VM. But some products
-needs a JDK, for that this panel can be used. There is not only a selection
-of the path else a validation. The validation will be done with the file
-JDKPath/lib/tools.jar. If JAVA_HOME points to the VM which is placed in the
-JDK, the directory will be used as default (JAVA_HOME/..). If there is the
-    JDKPathPanel.skipIfValid
-defined with the value "yes", the panel will be skiped if the path is valid.
-Additional it is possible to make a version control. If one or both variables
-    JDKPathPanel.minVersion
-    JDKPathPanel.maxVersion
-are defined, only a JDK will be accepted which has a version in the range of
-it. The detection is a little bit pragmatically, therefor it is possible,
-that the detection can fail at some VMs. The values in the install.xml should
-be like
-    <variables>
-      <variable name="JDKPathPanel.minVersion" value="1.4.1" />
-      <variable name="JDKPathPanel.maxVersion" value="1.4.99" />
-      <variable name="JDKPathPanel.skipIfValid" value="yes" />
-    </variables>
-If all is valid, the panels isValidated method sets the variable
-    JDKPath
-to the chosen path. Be aware, this variable exist not until the JDKPanel was
-quitted once. At a secound activation, the default will be the last
-This panel will look at the local printers installed and propose a list box
-with all of them. Once chosen, the variable $SELECTED_PRINTER is set to the
-user choice.
-DataCheckPanel is not for inclusion in an actuall install, but is a debugging
-resource for developers writing custom panels or code to be included in
-It creates a list of all the variables in InstallData, their values and a
-list of all packs, indicating which are selected.
-This list is printed to the console and appears in a scrollable text area on
-the panel.
-Put the panel in wherever you want to see any variables in InstallData or a
-listing of the packs with a line like this in the <panels> section of
-<panel classname="DataCheckPanel" />
-It will automatically give you a full list of all the variables and packs
-whenever the panel is made active.
-This panel gives a summary of all shown panels. The best place for it is just
-infront of the InstallPanel. Normaly it contains a warning that this is the
-last panel before installation. The panel contains a scrollable HTML text
-area to display the summary. The informations are collected from each panel
-by calling the methods ``getSummaryCaption`` and ``getSummaryBody``.
-``getSummaryCaption`` is implemented in ``IzPanel`` with a panel name default
-text. ``getSummaryBody`` has to be implemented in all panels which should be
-presented in the summary. If the secound method is not implemented, no
-summary of this panel will be shown.
-Additional it is possible to `log the contents` of the summary panel into a
-HTML file.
-This Panel groups the pack together. A panel which displays the available
-*installGroups* found on the packs to allow the user to select a subset of
-the packs based on the pack *installGroups* attribute. This panel will be
-skipped if there are no pack elements with an *installGroups* attribute. For
-example ::
-        <installation version="1.0">
-           (...)
-            <panels>
-                (...)
-                <panel classname="InstallationGroupPanel"/>
-                <panel classname="PacksPanel"/>
-                (...)
-            </panels>
-            <packs>
-                <pack name="Base"
-                    installGroups="Group1"
-                    required="yes">
-                    (...)
-                </pack>
-                <pack name="Docs"
-                    installGroups="Group1,Group2"
-                    required="no">
-                    (...)
-                </pack>
-                <pack name="Sources"
-                    installGroups="Group3,Group2"
-                    required="no">
-                    (...)
-                </pack>
-            </packs>
-        </installation>
-In above example when InstallationGroupPanel is displayed,
-it contains three radios named Group1, Group2 and Group3. Depending
-on what user selects, the respective Packs will be displayed in
-PacksPanel. InstallationGroupPanel will look for a description
-corresponding to the key
-"InstallationGroupPanel.description.Group2" etc in installation
-langpacks and variables and displays this description for each of
-the Group_i.
-You may also define a sortKey in the variables section of the installer.xml
-to define an alternative sorting. The default sorting is based on the Group
-Here is an example for alternative sorting of groups: ::
-        (...)
-        <variables>
-           (...)
-            <variable
-            name="InstallationGroupPanel.sortKey.Group2" value="A"/>
-            <variable
-            name="InstallationGroupPanel.sortKey.Group1" value="B"/>
-            <variable
-            name="InstallationGroupPanel.sortKey.Group3" value="C"/>
-        </variables>
-        (...)
+Writing Installation XML Files
+What You Need
+Your editor
+In order to write your XML installation files, you just need a plain text
+editor. Of course it's always easier to work with color coded text, so you
+might rather want to work with a text editor having such a feature. Here is a
+list of free editors that work well :
+-   Jext : http://www.jext.org/
+-   JEdit : http://www.jedit.org/
+-   classics like Vim and (X)Emacs.
+If you are a developer and tend to write your own patches, extension or
+features to IzPack sources, or, if you wish to debug your compilation,
+installation and uninstallation, we recommend these IDE:
+-   IntelliJ IDEA : http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/
+-   Eclipse : http://www.eclipse.org/
+-   Netbeans : http://www.netbeans.org/
+For the first one, JetBrains has granted us an Open Source License. All
+project members can ask the Licence Key to one of the project manager.
+The other ones are well know open source projects (Just like us :-)). We provide
+a tutorial on how to develop/debug IzPack using Eclipse in the chapter
+''Getting Started > How to develop and debug IpPack using Eclipse''
+Writing XML
+Though you might not know much about XML, you have certainly heard about it.
+If you know XML you can skip this subsection as we will briefly present how
+to use XML.
+XML is a markup language, really close to HTML. If you've ever worked with
+HTML the transition will be fast. However there are a few little things to
+know. The markups used in XML have the following form : ``<markup>``. Each
+markup has to be closed somewhere with its ending tag : ``</markup>``. Each
+tag can contain text and other markups. If a markup does not contain
+anything, it is just reported once : ``<markup/>``. A markup can contain
+attributes like : ``<markup attr1="123" attr2="hello !"/>``. Here is a sample
+of a valid XML structure :
+    <chapter title="Chapter 1">
+      <section name="Introduction">
+        <paragraph>
+        This is the text of the paragraph number 1. It is available
+        for the very low
+        price of <price currency="dollar">1 000 000</price>.
+        </paragraph>
+      </section>
+      <section name="xxx">
+      xxx
+      </section>
+    </chapter>
+You should be aware of the following common mistakes :
+-   markups **are** case sensitive : ``<markup>`` is different from
+    ``<Markup>``.
+-   you **must** close the markups in the same order as you create them :
+    ``<m1><m2>(...)</m2></m1>`` is right but `` <m1><m2>(...)</m1></m2>`` is
+    not.
+Also, an XML file must start with the following header :
+``<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1 standalone="yes" ?>``. The only
+thing you should modify is the encoding (put here the one your text editor
+saves your files to). The `` standalone`` attribute is not very important for
+This (brief !) introduction to XML was just meant to enable you to write your
+installation specification. For a better introduction there are plenty of
+books and articles/tutorials dealing with XML on the Internet, in book
+stores, in magazines and so on.
+Variable Substitution
+During the installation process IzPack can substitute variables in various
+places with real values. Obvious targets for variable substitution are
+resource files and launch scripts, however you will notice many more places
+where it is more powerful to use variables rather then hard coded values.
+Wherever variables can be used it will be explained in the documentation.
+There are three types of variables:
+-   Built-In variables. These are implemented in IzPack and are all
+    dynamic in nature. This means that the value of each variable depends on
+    local conditions on the target system.
+-   Environment variables. These are provided by the operating system the
+    installer is run on.
+-   Variables that you can define. You also define the value, which is
+    fixed for a given installation file.
+You define your own variables in the installation XML file with the
+``<variable>`` tag. How to do this is explained in detail later in this
+**Please note** that when using variables they must always appear with a
+'``$``' sign as the first character, even though they are not defined this
+The Built-In Variables
+The following variables are built-in :
+-   ``$INSTALL_PATH`` : the installation path on the target system, as
+    chosen by the user
+-   ``$APPLICATIONS_DEFAULT_ROOT`` : the default path for applications
+-   ``$JAVA_HOME`` : the JavaTM virtual machine home path
+-   ``$CLASS_PATH`` : the Class Path used mainly for Java Applications
+-   ``$USER_HOME`` : the user's home directory path
+-   ``$USER_name`` : the user name
+-   ``$APP_name`` : the application name
+-   ``$APP_URL`` : the application URL
+-   ``$APP_VER`` : the application version
+-   ``$ISO3_LANG`` : the ISO3 language code of the selected langpack.
+-   ``$IP_ADDRESS`` : the IP Address of the local machine.
+-   ``$HOST_NAME`` : the HostName of the local machine.
+-   ``$FILE_SEPARATOR`` : the file separator on the installation system
+-   ``$DesktopShortcutCheckboxEnabled`` : When set to true, it
+    automatically checks the "Create Desktop Shortcuts" button. To see how to
+    use it, go to `The Variables Element ``<variables>`` Be careful this
+    variable is case sensitve !
+-   ``$InstallerFrame.logfilePath`` : The path to the install log. This
+    file contains the paths of all installed files. If set to "default" then
+    the "$INSTALL_PATH/Uninstaller/install.log" path will be used. To see how
+    to use it, go to `The Variables Element ``<variables>``. If this
+    variable is not set, no install.log will be created.
+Environment Variables
+Environment variables can be accessed via the syntax ``${ENV[variable]}``.
+The curly braces are mandatory. Note that variable names are case-sensitive
+and usually in UPPER CASE.
+Example: To get the value of the OS environment variable "CATALINA_HOME", use
+Parse Types
+Parse types apply only when replacing variables in text files. At places
+where it might be necessary to specify a parse type, the documentation will
+mention this. Depending on the parse type, IzPack will handle special cases
+-such as escaping control characters- correctly. The following parse types
+are available:
+-   ``plain`` - use this type for plain text files, where no special
+    substitution rules apply. All variables will be replaced with their
+    respective values as is.
+-   ``javaprop`` - use this type if the substitution happens in a Java
+    properties file. Individual variables might be modified to function
+    properly within the context of Java property files.
+-   ``xml`` - use this type if the substitution happens in a XML file.
+    Individual variables might be modified to function properly within the
+    context of XML files.
+-   ``shell`` - use this type if the substitution happens in a shell
+    script. Because shell scripts use ``$variable`` themselves, an
+    alternative variable marker is used: ``%variable`` or ``%{variable}``.
+The IzPack Elements
+*When writing your installer XML files, it's a good idea to have a look at
+the iZPACK installation DTD*.
+The Root Element ``<installation>``
+The root element of an installation is ``<installation>``. It takes one
+required attribute : ``version``. The attribute defines the version of the
+XML file layout and is used by the compiler to identify if it is compatible
+with the XML file. This should be set to **1.0** for the moment.
+The Information Element ``<info>``
+This element is used to specify some general information for the installer.
+It contains the following elements :
+-   ``<appname>`` : the application name
+-   ``<appversion>`` : the application version
+-   ``<appsubpath>`` : the subpath for the default of the installation
+    path. A variable substitution and a maskable slash-backslash conversion
+    will be done. If this tag is not defined, the application name will be
+    used instead.
+-   ``<url>`` : the application official website url
+-   ``<authors>`` : specifies the author(s) of the application. It must
+    contain at least one ``<author>`` element whose attributes are :
+    -   ``name`` : the author's name
+    -   ``email`` : the author's email
+-   ``<uninstaller>`` : specifies whether to create an uninstaller after
+    installation, and which name to use for it. This tag has the ``write``
+    attribute, with default value `` yes``. If this tag is not specified, the
+    uninstaller will still be written. The ``name`` attribute can be used to
+    change the default name of the generated uninstaller, *i.e.* ``
+    uninstaller.jar``.
+-   ``<javaversion>`` : specifies the minimum version of Java required to
+    install your program. Values can be ``1.2``, ``1.2.2``, ``1.4``, etc. The
+    test is a lexical comparison against the ``java.version`` System property
+    on the install machine.
+-   ``<webdir>`` : Causes a ''web installer'' to be created, and
+    specifies the URL packages are retrieved from at install time. The
+    content of the tag must be a properly formed URL.
+-   ``<summarylogfilepath>`` : specifies the path for the logfile of the
+    `SummaryLoggerInstallerListener`.
+Here is an example of a typical ``<info>`` section :
+    <info>
+      <appname>Super extractor</appname>
+      <appversion>2.1 beta 6</appversion>
+      <appsubpath>myCompany/SExtractor</appsubpath>
+      <url>http://www.superextractor.com/</url>
+      <authors>
+        <author name="John John Doo" email="jjd at jjd-mail.com"/>
+        <author name="El Goyo" email="goyoman at mymail.org"/>
+      </authors>
+      <javaversion>1.2</javaversion>
+    </info>
+The Packaging Element ``<packaging>``
+This element allows to specify packaging options. If not specified, the default will be to create an all in one
+installer. This element will usually be used to create an installer which spans over multiple volumes, 
+e.g. the output will be two CDs. The packaging-element contains the following elements:
+-   ``<packager>`` : specifies options used by the packager. The packager tag has the ``class`` attribute,
+    which specifys the class to use for packaging. Currently two implementations
+    are available (com.izforge.izpack.compiler.Packager, com.izforge.izpack.compiler.MultiVolumePackager).
+    The packager-element can contain the ``<options>`` element which can have different attributes for the different
+    implementations of packagers. For the MultiVolumePackager, it can have the following attributes:
+    -	``volumesize``: the size of the volumes
+    -	``firstvolumefreespace``: free space on the first volume used for the installer jar and additional resources like
+    	readme-files etc.
+-   ``<unpacker>`` : specifies which unpacker class should be used. Currently there are two unpacker implementations
+	(com.izforge.izpack.compiler.UnPacker, com.izforge.izpack.compiler.MultiVolumeUnPacker).
+Here's an example how to specify an installer which will create multiple volumes. In this example the volumes shall be
+CDs with 650 megabytes. There will be an additional free space of 150 megabytes on the first volume. This will result in
+the creation of an installer.jar and multiple installer.pak* files. The installer.jar plus installer.pak plus the additional
+resources have to be copied on the first volume, each installer.pak.<number> on several volumes. 
+ 	  <packaging>
+	    <packager class="com.izforge.izpack.compiler.MultiVolumePackager">
+			<!-- 650 MB volumes, 150 MB space on the first volume -->
+	        <options volumesize="681574400" firstvolumefreespace="157286400"/>
+	    </packager>
+	    <unpacker class="com.izforge.izpack.installer.MultiVolumeUnpacker" />
+	  </packaging>
+The Variables Element ``<variables>``
+This element allows you to define variables for the variables substitution
+system. Some variables are built-in, such as ``$INSTALL_PATH`` (which is the
+installation path chosen by the user). When you define a set of variables,
+you just have to place as many ``<variable>`` tags in the file as needed. If
+you define a variable named ``VERSION`` you need to type $VERSION in the
+files to parse. The variable substitutor will then replace it with the
+correct value. One ``<variable>`` tag take the following attributes :
+-   ``name`` : the variable name
+-   ``value`` : the variable value
+Here's a sample ``<variables>`` section :
+    <variables>
+      <variable name="app-version" value="1.4"/>
+      <variable name="released-on" value="08/03/2002"/>
+    </variables>
+Here's a precise sample on how to use desktopshortcutcheckboxenabled and
+InstallerFrame.logfilePath variables:
+    <variables>
+      <variable name="InstallerFrame.logfilePath" value="$INSTALL_PATH
+      /My-install.log"/>
+        <!-- This means that the log name will be My-install and that
+      it will be stored at the root of the installation. -->
+        <!-- Any path is fine. If value is set to "Default" then
+      "$INSTALL_PATH/uninstall/install.log" is used. -->
+        <!-- And if variable isn't defined then no log is written. -->
+      <variable name="desktopshortcutcheckboxenabled" value="true"/>
+        <!-- This automatically checks the "Create Desktop Shortcuts"
+      button. Default value is "False". -->
+    </variables>
+The GUI Preferences Element ``<guiprefs>``
+This element allows you to set the behavior of your installer GUI. This
+information will not have any effect on the command-line installers that will
+be available in future versions of iZPACK . The arguments to specify are :
+-   ``resizable`` : takes ``yes`` or ``no`` and indicates whether the
+    window size can be changed or not.
+-   ``width`` : sets the initial window width
+-   ``height`` : sets the initial window height.
+Here's a sample :
+    <guiprefs resizable="no" width="800" height="600"/>
+Starting from IzPack 3.6, the look and feel can be specified in this section
+on a per-OS basis. For instance you can use the native look and feels on
+Win32 and OS X but use a third-party one on Unix-like platforms. To do that,
+you have to add some children to the ``guiprefs`` tag:
+-   ``laf``: the tag that specifies a look and feel. It has a ``name``
+    parameter that defines the look and feel name.
+-   Each ``laf`` element needs at least one ``os`` tag, specified like in
+    the other parts of the specification that support this tag.
+-   Like you can add ``os`` elements, you can add any number of ``param``
+    elements to customize a look and feel. A ``param`` elements has two
+    attribues: ``name`` and `` value``.
+The available look and feels are:
+-   Kunststoff: ``kunststoff``
+-   Liquid: ``liquid``
+-   Metouia: ``metouia``
+-   JGoodies Looks: ``looks``
+-   Substance: ``substance``
+If you don't specify a look and feel for a particular operating system, then
+the default native one will be used: Windows on Windows, Aqua on Mac OS X and
+Metal on the Unix-like variants.
+The *Liquid Look and Feel* supports the following parameters:
+-   ``decorate.frames``: ``yes`` means that it will render the frames in
+    Liquid style
+-   ``decorate.dialogs``: ``yes`` means that it will render the dialogs
+    in Liquid style
+The *JGoodies Looks* look and feel can be specified by using the ``variant``
+parameters. The values can be one of:
+-   ``windows``: use the Windows look
+-   ``plastic``: use the basic Plastic look
+-   ``plastic3D``: use the Plastic 3D look
+-   ``plasticXP``: use the Plastic XP look (default).
+Here is a small sample:
+    <guiprefs height="600" resizable="yes" width="800">
+        <laf name="metouia">
+            <os family="unix" />
+        </laf>
+        <laf name="looks">
+            <os family="windows" />
+            <param name="variant" value="extwin" />
+        </laf>
+    </guiprefs>
+The *Substance* look and feel *toned-down* themes can be specified using the
+``variant`` parameter, with the value being one of: ``business, business-
+blue, business-black, creme, sahara, moderate, officesilver``. We have
+reduced the choice to the toned-down themes since they are the only ones to
+actually look decent (the other families colors are way too saturated).
+Please consult https://substance.dev.java.net/docs/skins/toneddown.html
+for a gallery of the different toned-down themes.
+Starting from IzPack 3.7, some characteristics can be customized with the
+``<modifier>`` tag. There is a separate description in the `Advanced
+Features` chapter paragraph `Modifying the GUI`.
+The Localization Element ``<locale>``
+This element is used to specify the language packs (langpacks) that you want
+to use for your installer. You must set one ``<langpack>`` markup per
+language. This markup takes the `` iso3`` parameter which specifies the iso3
+language code.
+Here's a sample :
+    <locale>
+      <langpack iso3="eng"/>
+      <langpack iso3="fra"/>
+      <langpack iso3="spa"/>
+    </locale>
+The supported ISO3 codes are :
+========= ============================
+ISO3 code Language
+========= ============================
+cat       Catalunyan
+chn       Chinese
+cze       Czech
+dan       Danish
+deu       German
+eng       English
+fin       Finnish
+fra       French
+hun       Hungarian
+ita       Italian
+jpn       Japanese
+mys       Malaysian
+ned       Nederlands
+nor       Norwegian
+pol       Polnish
+por       Portuguese (Brazilian)
+rom       Romanian
+rus       Russian
+scg       Serbian
+spa       Spanish
+svk       Slovakian
+swe       Swedish
+ukr       Ukrainian
+========= ============================
+The Resources Element ``<resources>``
+Several panels, such as the license panel and the shortcut panel, require
+additional data to perform their task. This data is supplied in the form of
+resources. This section describes how to specify them. Take a look at each
+panel description to see if it might need any resources. Currently, no checks
+are made to ensure resources needed by any panel have been included. The ``
+<resources>`` element is not required, and no ``<res>`` elements are required
+The ``<resources>`` element is the only element besides the ``<packs>``
+element that is taken into consideration in referenced pack-files (see
+```<packs>`` element`_ for more info)
+You have to set one ``<res>`` markup for each resource. Here are the
+attributes to specify :
+-   ``src`` : the path to the resource file which can be named freely of
+    course (for instance ``my-picture.jpg``).
+-   ``id`` : the resource id, depending on the needs of a particular
+    panel
+-   ``parse`` : takes ``yes`` or ``no`` (default is ``no``) - used to
+    specify whether the resource must be parsed at the installer compilation
+    time. For instance you could set the application version in a readme file
+    used by ``InfoPanel``.
+-   ``type`` : specifies the parse type. This makes sense only for a text
+    resource - the default is ``plain``, other values are ``javaprop, xml``
+    (Java properties file and XML files)
+-   ``encoding`` : specifies the resource encoding if the receiver needs
+    to know. This makes sense only for a text resource.
+Here's a sample :
+    <resources>
+      <res id="InfoPanel.info" src="doc/readme.txt" parse="yes"/>
+      <res id="LicencePanel.licence" src="legal/License.txt"/>
+    </resources>
+The Panels Element ``<panels>``
+Here you tell the compiler which panels you want to use. They will appear in
+the installer in the order in which they are listed in your XML installation
+file. Take a look at the different panels in order to find the ones you need.
+The ``<panel>`` markup takes a single attribute ``classname`` which is the
+classname of the panel.
+Here's a sample :
+    <panels>
+      <panel classname="HelloPanel"/>
+      <panel classname="LicencePanel"/>
+      <panel classname="TargetPanel"/>
+      <panel classname="InstallPanel"/>
+      <panel classname="FinishPanel"/>
+    </panels>
+The Packs Element ``<packs>``
+This is a crucial section as it is used to specify the files that need to be
+installed. The ``<packs>`` section consists of several ``<pack>`` and
+``<refpack>`` tags.
+The ``<pack>`` takes the following attributes :
+-   ``name``: the pack name
+-   ``required``: takes ``yes`` or ``no`` and specifies whether the pack
+    is optional or not.
+-   ``os``: optional attribute that lets you make the pack targeted to a
+    specific *operating system*, for instance ``unix``, ``mac`` and so on.
+-   ``preselected``: optional attribute that lets you choose whether the
+    pack is by default selected for installation or not. Possible values are
+    ``yes`` and ``no``. A pack which is not preselected needs to be
+    explicitly selected by the user during installation to get installed.
+-   ``loose``: can be used so that the files are not located in the
+    installer Jar. The possible values are ``true`` or ``false``, the default
+    beeing ``false``. The author of this feature needed to put his
+    application on a CD so that the users could run it directly from this
+    media. However, he also wanted to offer them the possibility to install
+    the software localy. Enabling this feature will make IzPack take the
+    files on disk instead of from the installer. *Please make sure that your
+    relative files paths are correct !*
+-   ``id``: this attribute is used to give a unique id to the pack to be
+    used for internationalization.
+-   ``packImgId``: this attribute is used to reference a unique resource
+    that represents the pack's image for the ImgPacksPanel. The resource
+    should be defined in the ``<resources>`` element of the installation XML
+    using the same value for the ``id`` attribute of the ``<res>`` element.
+The ``<refpack>`` takes only one attribute ``file``, which contains the
+relative path (from the installation compiler) to an externally defined
+packs-definition. This external packs definition is a regular IzPack
+installation XML. However the only elements that are used from that XML file
+are the ``<packs>`` and the ``<resources>`` elements. This enables a model in
+which a single developer is responsible for maintaining the packs and
+resources related to the development-package assigned to him. The main
+install XML references these xml-files to avoid synchronization efforts
+between the central installation XML and the developer-maintained installer
+Internationalization of the PacksPanel
+In order to provide internationalization for the PacksPanel, so that your
+users can be presented with a different name and description for each
+language you support, you have to create a file named ``packsLang.xml_xyz``
+where ``xyz`` is the ISO3 code of the language in lowercase. Please be aware
+that case is significant. This file has to be inserted in the resources
+section of `` install.xml`` with the ``id`` and ``src`` attributes set at the
+name of the file. The format of these files is identical with the
+distribution langpack files located at ``
+$IZPACK_HOME/bin/langpacks/installer``. For the name of the panel you just
+use the pack ``id`` as the txt ``id``. For the description you use the pack
+``id`` suffixed with ``.description``.
+The following sections describe the tags available for a ``<pack>`` section.
+``<description>`` - pack description
+The contents of the ``<description>`` tag describe the pack contents. This
+description is displayed if the user highlights the pack during installation.
+``<depends>`` - pack dependencies
+This can be used to make this pack selectable only to be installed only if
+some other is selected to be installed. The pack can depend on more than one
+by specifying more than one `` <depends>`` elements.
+Circular depedencies are not supported and the compiler reports an error if
+one occurs.
+This tag takes the following attribute:
+-   ``packname``: The name of the pack that it depends on
+``<os>`` - OS restrictions
+It is possible to restrict a panel to a certain list of operating systems.
+This tag takes the following attributes:
+-   ``family``: unix, windows or mac
+-   ``name``: the exact OS name (ie Windows, Linux, ...)
+-   ``version``: the exact OS version (see the JVM ``os.version``
+    property)
+-   ``arch``: the machine architecture (see the JVM ``os.arch``
+    property).
+This feature can update an already installed package, therefore removing
+superfluous files after installation. Here's how this feature author (Tino
+Schwarze) described it on the IzPack development mailing-list:
+> Each pack can now specify an ``<updatecheck>`` tag. It supports a subset of
+ant fileset syntax, e.g.:
+    <updatecheck>
+      <include name="lib/**" />
+      <exclude name="config/local/** />
+    </updatecheck>
+> If the paths are relative, they will be matched relative to
+``$INSTALL_PATH``. Update checks are only enabled if at least one
+``<include>`` is specified. See `` com.izforge.izpack.installer.Unpacker``
+for details.
+``<file>`` - add files or directories
+The ``<file>`` tag specifies a file (a directory is a file too) to include
+into the pack. It takes the following attributes:
+-   ``src``: the file location (relative path) - if this is a directory
+    its content will be added recursively
+-   ``targetdir``: the destination directory, could be something like
+    ``$INSTALL_PATH/subdirX``
+-   ``os``: can optionally specify a target operating system (``unix,
+    windows, mac``) - this means that the file will only be installed on its
+    target operating system
+-   ``override``: if ``true`` then if the file is already installed, it
+    will be overwritten. Alternative values: ``asktrue`` and ``askfalse`` -
+    ask the user what to do and supply default value for non-interactive use.
+    Another possible values is ``update``. It means that the new file is only
+    installed if it's modification time is newer than the modification time
+    of the already existing file (note that this is not a reliable mechanism
+    for updates - you cannot detect whether a file was altered after
+    installation this way.) By default it is set to `` update``.
+-   ``unpack``: if ``true`` and the file is an archive then its content
+    will be unpacked and added as individual files
+This tag can also be specified in order to pass additional data related to a
+file tag for customizing.
+-   ``<key>``: key to identify the data
+-   ``<value>``: value which can be used by a custom action
+``<singlefile>`` - add a single file
+Specifies a single file to include. The difference to ``<file>`` is that this
+tag allows the file to be renamed, therefore it has a ``target`` attribute
+instead of `` targetdir``.
+-   ``src``: the file location (relative path)
+-   ``target``: the destination file name, could be something like
+    ``$INSTALL_PATH/subdirX/fileY``
+-   ``os``: can optionally specify a target operating system (``unix,
+    windows, mac``) - this means that the file will only be installed on its
+    target operating system
+-   ``override``: see ``<file>`` for description
+A ``<additionaldata>`` tag can also be specified for customizing.
+``<fileset>``: add a fileset
+The ``<fileset>`` tag allows files to be specified using the powerful Jakarta
+Ant set syntax. It takes the following parameters:
+-   ``dir``: the base directory for the fileset (relative path)
+-   ``targetdir``: the destination path, works like for ``<file>``
+-   ``casesensitive``: optionally lets you specify if the names are case-
+    sensitive or not - takes ``yes`` or ``no``
+-   ``defaultexcludes``: optionally lets you specify if the default
+    excludes will be used - takes ``yes`` or ``no``.
+-   ``os``: specifies the operating system, works like for ``<file>``
+-   ``override``: see ``<file>`` for description
+-   ``includes``: comma- or space-separated list of patterns of files
+    that must be included; all files are included when omitted. This is an
+    alternative for multiple include tags.
+-   ``excludes``: comma- or space-separated list of patterns of files
+    that must be excluded; no files (except default excludes) are excluded
+    when omitted. This is an alternative for multiple exclude tags.
+You specify the files with ``<include>`` and ``<exclude>`` tags that take the
+``name`` parameter to specify the Ant-like pattern :
+-   ``**`` : means any subdirectory
+-   ``*`` : used as a wildcard.
+Here are some examples of Ant patterns :
+-   ``<include name="lib"/>`` : will include ``lib`` and the
+    subdirectories of ``lib``
+-   ``<exclude name="**/*.java"/>`` : will exclude any file in any
+    directory starting from the base path ending by ``.java``
+-   ``<include name="lib/*.jar"/>`` : will include all the files ending
+    by ``.jar`` in ``lib``
+-   ``<exclude name="lib/**/*FOO*"/>`` : will exclude any file in any
+    subdirectory starting from ``lib`` whose name contains ``FOO``.
+There area set of definitions that are excluded by default file-sets, just as
+in Ant. IzPack defaults to the Ant list of default excludes. There is
+currently no equivalent to the <defaultexcludes> task. Default excludes are:
+         **/*\~{}
+         **/\#*\#
+         **/.\#*
+         **/%*%
+         **/.\_*
+         **/CVS
+         **/CVS/**
+         **/.cvsignore
+         **/SCCS
+         **/SCCS/**
+         **/vssver.scc
+         **/.svn
+         **/.svn/**
+         **/.DS\_Store
+A ``<additionaldata>`` tag can also be specified for customizing.
+``<parsable>`` - parse a file after installation
+Files specified by ``<parsable>`` are parsed after installation and may have
+variables substituted.
+-   ``targetfile`` : the file to parse, could be something like
+    ``$INSTALL_PATH/bin/launch-script.sh``
+    A slash will be changed to the system dependant path separator (e.g. to a
+    backslash on Windows) only if no backslash masks the slash.
+-   ``type`` : specifies the type (same as for the resources) - the
+    default is ``plain``
+-   ``encoding`` : specifies the file encoding
+-   ``os``: specifies the operating system, works like for ``<file>``
+``<executable>`` - mark file executable or execute it
+The ``<executable>`` tag is a very useful thing if you need to execute
+something during the installation process. It can also be used to set the
+executable flag on Unix-like systems. Here are the attributes :
+-   ``targetfile`` : the file to run, could be something like
+    ``$INSTALL_PATH/bin/launch-script.sh``
+    Slashes are handled special (see attribute ``targetfile`` of tag
+    ``<parsable>``).
+-   ``class`` : If the executable is a jar file, this is the class to run
+    for a JavaTM program
+-   ``type`` : ``bin`` or ``jar`` (the default is ``bin``)
+-   ``stage`` : specifies when to launch : ``postinstall`` is just after
+    the installation is done, ``never`` will never launch it (useful to set
+    the +x flag on Unix). ``uninstall`` will launch the executable when the
+    application is uninstalled. The executable is executed before any files
+    are deleted. ``never`` is the default value.
+-   ``failure`` : specifies what to do when an error occurs : ``abort``
+    will abort the installation process, ``ask`` (default) will ask the user
+    what to do and ``warn`` will just tell the user that something is wrong
+-   ``os``: specifies the operating system, works like for ``<file>``
+-   ``keep`` : specifies whether the file will be kept after execution.
+    The default is to delete the file after is has been executed. This can be
+    changed by specifying ``keep="true"``.
+A ``<args>`` tag can also be specified in order to pass arguments to the
+-   ``<arg>``: passes the argument specified in the ``value`` attribute.
+    Slashes are handled special (see attribute ``targetfile`` of tag
+    ``<parsable>``.
+``<os>`` - make a file OS-dependent
+The ``<os>`` tag can be used inside the ``<file>``, ``<fileset>``,
+``<singlefile>``, ``<parsable>``, ``<executable>`` tags to restrict it's
+effect to a specific operating system family, architecture or version:
+-   ``family``: ``unix, windows, mac`` to specify the operating system
+    family
+-   ``name``: the operating system name
+-   ``version``: the operating system version
+-   ``arch``: the operating system architecture (for instance the Linux
+    kernel can run on i386, sparc, and so on)
+Here's an example installation file :
+    <packs>
+        <!-- The core files -->
+        <pack name="Core" required="yes">
+            <description>The IzPack core files.</description>
+            <file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH" src="bin"/>
+            <file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH" src="lib"/>
+            <file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH" src="legal"/>
+            <file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH" src="Readme.txt"/>
+            <file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH" src="Versions.txt"/>
+            <file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH" src="Thanks.txt"/>
+            <parsable targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/bin/izpack-fe"/>
+            <parsable targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/bin/izpack-
+            fe.bat"/>
+            <parsable targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/bin/compile"/>
+            <parsable
+            targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/bin/compile.bat"/>
+            <executable targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/bin/compile"
+            stage="never"/>
+            <executable targetfile="$INSTALL_PATH/bin/izpack-fe"
+            stage="never"/>
+        </pack>
+        <!-- The documentation (1 directory) -->
+        <pack name="Documentation" required="no">
+            <description>The IzPack documentation (HTML and
+            PDF).</description>
+            <file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH" src="doc"/>
+        </pack>
+    </packs>
+The Native Element ``<native>``
+Use this if you want to use a feature that requires a native library. The
+native libraries are placed under ``bin/native/..``. There are 2 kinds of
+native libraries : the iZPACK libraries and the third-party ones. The IzPack
+libraries are located at ``bin/native/izpack``, you can place your own
+libraries at `` bin/native/3rdparty``. It is possible to place a native
+library also into the uninstaller. It is useable from CustomActions.
+If one or more are referenced for it, the needed support classes are
+automatically placed into the uninstaller. To place it only on operating
+systems for which they are build, it is possible to define an OS restriction.
+This restriction will only be performed for the uninstaller. The markup takes
+the following attributes :
+-   ``type`` : ``izpack`` or ``3rdparty``
+-   ``name`` : the library filename
+-   ``stage``: stage where to use the library (install|uninstall|both)
+``<os>`` - make a library OS-dependent
+The ``<os>`` tag can be used to restrict the inclusion into the uninstaller
+to a specific operating system family, architecture or version. The inclusion
+into the installer will be always done.
+Here's a sample :
+    <native type="izpack" name="ShellLink.dll"/>
+The Jar Merging Element ``<jar>``
+If you adapt iZPACK for your own needs, you might need to merge the content
+of another jar file into the jar installer. For instance, this could be a
+library that you need to merge. The ``<jar>`` markup allows you to merge the
+raw content of another jar file into the installer and the uninstaller. It is
+necessary that the paths in the jars are unique because only the contained
+files of the jar are added to the installer jar, not the jar file self. The
+attributes are:
+-   ``src`` : the path at compile time
+-   ``stage``: stage where to use the contents of the additional jar file
+    (install|uninstall|both)
+A sample :
+    <jar src="../nicelibrary.jar"/>
+The Available Panels
+In this section i will introduce the various panels available in IzPack. The
+usage for most is pretty simple and described right here. The more elaborate
+ones are explained in more detail in the *Advanced Features* chapter or in
+their own chapter. The panels are listed by their class name. This is the
+name that must be used with the ``classname`` attribute. Please be aware that
+the classname is Case-Sensitive, meaning that if the case from the
+install.xml and the founded class file differs the installation will break.
+In this last case, the installer will Throw an IllegalArgumentException in
+the compiler if the declared class name in the xml file differs in case from
+the founded class file.
+This panel welcomes the user by displaying the project name, the version, the
+URL as well as the authors.
+This panel welcomes the user also by displaying the project name, the
+version, the URL as well as the authors.
+Additonal on windows the registry will be scanned for an entry which
+determines that the product is already installed. If so, a dialog will be
+shown which ask whether to install a second version of the product or not. If
+you use this panel do not forget to add the `registry feature` into your
+InfoPanel and HTMLInfoPanel
+This is a kind of 'README' panel. It presents text of any length. The text is
+specified by the ``(HTML)InfoPanel.info`` resource. Starting from IzPack
+3.7.0, variables substitution is allowed.
+To add an image to the HTMLInfoPanel you simply need to add a ressource to
+your install.xml with an ID decided by you, then you can call this image by
+refering it by this same ID.
+In install.xml:
+    <resources>
+      <res src="logo.jpg" id="GHGHGH"/>
+      .....
+and in file.html:
+    <img src="GHGHGH" />
+LicencePanel and HTMLLicencePanel
+Note:* There is a mistake in the name - it should be LicensePanel. In France
+the word is Licence ... and one of my diploma is a 'Licence' so ...:* -)
+Adding images to HTMLLicencePanel works exactly the same way as with
+These panels can prompt the user to acknowledge a license agreement. They
+block unless the user selects the 'agree' option. To specify the license
+agreement text you have to use the `` (HTML)LicencePanel.licence`` resource.
+Allows the user to select the packs he wants to install.
+This is the same as above, but for each pack a different picture is shown to
+the user. The pictures are specified using the packImgId attribute for each
+pack in the installer XML. The initial image will be the image of the first
+pack that has a packImgId. The image is updated each time the user
+(de)selects a pack that has a packImgId. Of course it's up to you to specify
+an image for each pack in your installation with a unique packImgId. For
+instance if you have 2 packs ``core`` and ``documentation`` (in this order),
+and you assign both packs a packImgId that is identical to the pack's name
+then the resource for ``core`` will be ``core`` and the resource for
+``documentation`` will be ``documentation``. The initially shown image will
+be the resource ``core``. The supported image formats depend on what your
+client's JVM supports, but starting from J2SE 1.3, *GIF*, *JPEG* and *PNG*
+are supported.
+This panel allows the user to select the installation path. It can be
+customized with the following resources (they are text files containing the
+path) :
+-   ``TargetPanel.dir.f`` where f stands for the family (``mac, macosx,
+    windows, unix``)
+-   ``TargetPanel.dir`` : the directory name, instead of the software to
+    install name
+-   ``TargetPanel.dir.d`` where d is a "dynamic" name, as returned by the
+    JavaTM virtual machine. You should write the name in lowercase and
+    replace the spaces with underscores. For instance, you might want a
+    different setting for Solaris and GNU/Linux which are both Unix-like
+    systems. The resources would be ``TargetPanel.dir.sunos,
+    TargetPanel.dir.linux``. You should have a Unix-resource in case it
+    wouldn't work though.
+You should always have this one as it launches the installation process !
+A panel showing text parsed by the variable substitutor. The text can be
+specified through the ``XInfoPanel.info`` resource. This panel can be useful
+when you have to show information after the installation process is completed
+(for instance if the text contains the target path).
+A ending panel, able to write automated installer information. For details
+see the chapter on 'Advanced Features'.
+Same as ``FinishPanel``, but without the automated installer features. It is
+aimed at making the life easier for end-users who will never encounter the
+automated installer extra feature.
+This panel is used to create desktop shortcuts. For details on using the
+ShortcutPanel see the chapter 'Desktop Shortcuts'.
+This panel allows you to prompt the user for data. What the user is prompted
+for is specified using an XML file which is included as a resource to the
+This panel allows you to compile just installed Java sourcecode. The details
+for the compilation are specified using the resource
+``CompilePanel.Spec.xml``. The XML file has the following format:
+    <compilation>
+      <global>
+        <compiler>
+          <choice value="$JAVA_HOME/bin/javac" />
+          <choice value="jikes" />
+        </compiler>
+        <arguments>
+          <choice value="-O -g:none" />
+          <choice value="-O" />
+          <choice value="-g" />
+          <choice value="" />
+        </arguments>
+      </global>
+      <jobs>
+        <classpath add="$INSTALL_PATH/src/classes/" />
+        <job name="optional name">
+          <directory name="$INSTALL_PATH/src/classes/xyz" />
+        </job>
+        <job name="another job">
+          <packdepency name="some package name" />
+          <classpath sub="$INSTALL_PATH/" />
+          <directory name="$INSTALL_PATH/src/classes/abc" />
+          <file name="$INSTALL_PATH/some/file.java" />
+        </job>
+      </jobs>
+    </compilation>
+In theory, jobs can be nested but this has not been tested at all. A change
+to the classpath within a job only affects this job and nested jobs. The
+classpath should be specified before any files or directories.
+The user can change the compiler to use and choose from some default
+compilation options before compilation is started.
+.. image:: ./compilePanel.png
+    :alt: CompilePanel
+This panel allows you to execute arbitrary files after installation. The
+details for the compilation are specified using the resource
+The XML file has the following format:
+    <processing>
+      <job name="do xyz">
+        <os family="windows" />
+        <executefile name="$INSTALL_PATH/scripts/xyz.bat">
+          <arg>doit</arg><arg>$variable</arg>
+        </executefile>
+      </job>
+      <job name="do xyz">
+        <os family="unix" />
+        <executefile name="$INSTALL_PATH/scripts/xyz.sh">
+          <arg>doit</arg><arg>$variable</arg>
+        </executefile>
+      </job>
+    </processing>
+Each job may have an ``<os>`` attribute.
+``<executeclass>`` - Execute Java Classes
+It is also possible to execute Java classes from this panel. Here's what this
+feature author (Alex Bradley) says:
+> i've been able to work around my requirements by extending the
+``ProcessPanelWorker`` functionality to run user-specified classes. i've
+extended the DTD of the `` ProcessPanel.Spec.xml`` to include a new element:
+    <executeclass name="classname">
+    <args..../>
+    </executeclass>
+> i've also added a new sub-class of ``Processable`` called ``executeclass``.
+This will run a user-specified class in the context of the installer JVM with
+a single method :
+    run( AbstractUIProcessHandler handler, String[] args]);
+> It can do everything i need and more. In particular, it allows me to write
+a process extension and still be able to provide feedback to the user through
+the feedback panel, and to add new functionality to the installer, after its
+been built.
+To use the executeclass facility, you will need to create a jar file with
+your class and then add it to the installer with the `The Jar Merging
+``<executeForPack>`` - Only execute the job for certain packs
+This can be be used to run the job only if the pack is enabled. For example,
+the batch file will if either the ``Sources`` or ``Executables`` packs are
+selected at install time.
+    <processing>
+     <job name="List files">
+      <executeForPack name="Sources"/>
+      <executeForPack name="Executables"/>
+      <os family="windows" />
+      <executefile name="$INSTALL_PATH\batch\ListFiles.bat" />
+     </job>
+    </processing>
+``<logfiledir>`` - Output of the processPanel saved to a log
+New with version 3.7 is the possibility to tee output that is written to the
+ProcessPanel's textarea into an optional logfile. Using this feature is
+pretty much straightforward, you only have to add a line in
+``ProcessPanel.Spec.xml`` that will tell IzPack the location, where the
+logfile should be stored.
+Variable substitution is performed, so you can use ``$INSTALL_PATH`` as
+The name of the logfile is not (yet) configurable but should fit in most
+cases. It will be named
+    Install_V<$APP_VER>_<YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>_<hh>-<mm>-<ss>_<RandomId>.log
+Here's an example:
+    <processing>
+      <logfiledir>$INSTALL_PATH</logfiledir>
+      <job name="do xyz">
+        <os family="windows" />
+        <executefile name="$INSTALL_PATH/scripts/xyz.bat">
+          <arg>doit</arg><arg>$variable</arg>
+        </executefile>
+    </processing>
+This will generate a logfile named e.g.
+``Install_V1.3_2004-11-08_19-22-20_43423.log`` located in ``$INSTALL_PATH``.
+``ProcessPanelWorker`` will write all output that is directed to ``stdout``
+and ``stderr`` to this file if ``ProcessPanel.Spec.xml`` contains the
+``logfiledir`` entry.
+Please note that this one file is used for storing the complete output of all
+jobs and not a file for each job that is run.
+This panel allows the user to select a JDK path. The variable JAVA_HOME does
+not point to a JDK, else to a JRE also the environment variable points to a
+JDK. This is not a bug, this is the behavior of the VM. But some products
+needs a JDK, for that this panel can be used. There is not only a selection
+of the path else a validation. The validation will be done with the file
+JDKPath/lib/tools.jar. If JAVA_HOME points to the VM which is placed in the
+JDK, the directory will be used as default (JAVA_HOME/..). If there is the
+    JDKPathPanel.skipIfValid
+defined with the value "yes", the panel will be skiped if the path is valid.
+Additional it is possible to make a version control. If one or both variables
+    JDKPathPanel.minVersion
+    JDKPathPanel.maxVersion
+are defined, only a JDK will be accepted which has a version in the range of
+it. The detection is a little bit pragmatically, therefor it is possible,
+that the detection can fail at some VMs. The values in the install.xml should
+be like
+    <variables>
+      <variable name="JDKPathPanel.minVersion" value="1.4.1" />
+      <variable name="JDKPathPanel.maxVersion" value="1.4.99" />
+      <variable name="JDKPathPanel.skipIfValid" value="yes" />
+    </variables>
+If all is valid, the panels isValidated method sets the variable
+    JDKPath
+to the chosen path. Be aware, this variable exist not until the JDKPanel was
+quitted once. At a secound activation, the default will be the last
+This panel will look at the local printers installed and propose a list box
+with all of them. Once chosen, the variable $SELECTED_PRINTER is set to the
+user choice.
+DataCheckPanel is not for inclusion in an actuall install, but is a debugging
+resource for developers writing custom panels or code to be included in
+It creates a list of all the variables in InstallData, their values and a
+list of all packs, indicating which are selected.
+This list is printed to the console and appears in a scrollable text area on
+the panel.
+Put the panel in wherever you want to see any variables in InstallData or a
+listing of the packs with a line like this in the <panels> section of
+<panel classname="DataCheckPanel" />
+It will automatically give you a full list of all the variables and packs
+whenever the panel is made active.
+This panel gives a summary of all shown panels. The best place for it is just
+infront of the InstallPanel. Normaly it contains a warning that this is the
+last panel before installation. The panel contains a scrollable HTML text
+area to display the summary. The informations are collected from each panel
+by calling the methods ``getSummaryCaption`` and ``getSummaryBody``.
+``getSummaryCaption`` is implemented in ``IzPanel`` with a panel name default
+text. ``getSummaryBody`` has to be implemented in all panels which should be
+presented in the summary. If the secound method is not implemented, no
+summary of this panel will be shown.
+Additional it is possible to `log the contents` of the summary panel into a
+HTML file.
+This Panel groups the pack together. A panel which displays the available
+*installGroups* found on the packs to allow the user to select a subset of
+the packs based on the pack *installGroups* attribute. This panel will be
+skipped if there are no pack elements with an *installGroups* attribute. For
+example ::
+        <installation version="1.0">
+           (...)
+            <panels>
+                (...)
+                <panel classname="InstallationGroupPanel"/>
+                <panel classname="PacksPanel"/>
+                (...)
+            </panels>
+            <packs>
+                <pack name="Base"
+                    installGroups="Group1"
+                    required="yes">
+                    (...)
+                </pack>
+                <pack name="Docs"
+                    installGroups="Group1,Group2"
+                    required="no">
+                    (...)
+                </pack>
+                <pack name="Sources"
+                    installGroups="Group3,Group2"
+                    required="no">
+                    (...)
+                </pack>
+            </packs>
+        </installation>
+In above example when InstallationGroupPanel is displayed,
+it contains three radios named Group1, Group2 and Group3. Depending
+on what user selects, the respective Packs will be displayed in
+PacksPanel. InstallationGroupPanel will look for a description
+corresponding to the key
+"InstallationGroupPanel.description.Group2" etc in installation
+langpacks and variables and displays this description for each of
+the Group_i.
+You may also define a sortKey in the variables section of the installer.xml
+to define an alternative sorting. The default sorting is based on the Group
+Here is an example for alternative sorting of groups: ::
+        (...)
+        <variables>
+           (...)
+            <variable
+            name="InstallationGroupPanel.sortKey.Group2" value="A"/>
+            <variable
+            name="InstallationGroupPanel.sortKey.Group1" value="B"/>
+            <variable
+            name="InstallationGroupPanel.sortKey.Group3" value="C"/>
+        </variables>
+        (...)
+By default, your group name (and description) are displayed as-is in the
+installer. If you want them to be localized, add localized names to your
+``packsLang.xml`` resources. The string ID has to be 
+Here is an example to localize groups into French (these lines have to be put
+in your ``packsLang.xml_fra`` resource) :
+<str id="InstallationGroupPanel.group.Core" txt="Noyau de l'application" />
+<str id="InstallationGroupPanel.description.Core" txt="Fichiers principaux, indispensables au fonctionnement de l'application" />
+<str id="InstallationGroupPanel.group.Samples" txt="Fichiers d'exemple" />
+<str id="InstallationGroupPanel.description.Samples" txt="Fichiers d'exemples" />
+If you want to add html markup to those strings, add ``.html`` at the end
+of the string id (after the group name).

Modified: izpack-src/trunk/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/panels/InstallationGroupPanel.java
--- izpack-src/trunk/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/panels/InstallationGroupPanel.java	2007-11-20 14:32:36 UTC (rev 1910)
+++ izpack-src/trunk/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/panels/InstallationGroupPanel.java	2007-11-21 17:00:22 UTC (rev 1911)
@@ -1,601 +1,636 @@
- * IzPack - Copyright 2001-2007 Julien Ponge, All Rights Reserved.
- * 
- * https://izpack.github.io/
- * http://developer.berlios.de/projects/izpack/
- * 
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *     
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package com.izforge.izpack.panels;
-import java.awt.Component;
-import java.awt.Dimension;
-import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
-import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
-import java.awt.Insets;
-import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
-import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.Comparator;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import javax.swing.AbstractCellEditor;
-import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
-import javax.swing.ButtonGroup;
-import javax.swing.JRadioButton;
-import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
-import javax.swing.JTable;
-import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel;
-import javax.swing.JTextPane;
-import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
-import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder;
-import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
-import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
-import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
-import javax.swing.table.TableCellEditor;
-import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer;
-import javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel;
-import javax.swing.table.TableModel;
-import net.n3.nanoxml.XMLElement;
-import com.izforge.izpack.Pack;
-import com.izforge.izpack.installer.InstallData;
-import com.izforge.izpack.installer.InstallerFrame;
-import com.izforge.izpack.installer.IzPanel;
-import com.izforge.izpack.util.Debug;
-import com.izforge.izpack.util.AbstractUIHandler;
-import com.izforge.izpack.util.OsConstraint;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.net.URLDecoder;
-import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
- * A panel which displays the available installGroups found on the packs to
- * allow the user to select a subset of the packs based on the pack
- * installGroups attribute. This panel will be skipped if there are no
- * pack elements with an installGroups attribute.
- * 
- * @author Scott.Stark at jboss.org
- * @version $Revision: $
- */
-public class InstallationGroupPanel extends IzPanel
-    implements ListSelectionListener
-    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
-    /** HashMap<String, Pack> of the InstallData.availablePacks */
-    private HashMap packsByName;
-    private TableModel groupTableModel;
-    private JTextPane descriptionField;
-    private JScrollPane groupScrollPane;
-    private JTable groupsTable;
-    private GroupData[] rows;
-    private int selectedGroup = -1;
-    public InstallationGroupPanel(InstallerFrame parent, InstallData idata)
-    {
-        super(parent, idata);
-        buildLayout();
-    }
-    /**
-     * If there are no packs with an installGroups attribute, this panel is
-     * skipped. Otherwise, the unique installGroups are displayed in a table.
-     */
-    public void panelActivate()
-    {
-        // Set/restore availablePacks from allPacks; consider OS constraints
-        idata.availablePacks = new ArrayList();
-        for (Iterator i = idata.allPacks.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
-          Pack p = (Pack)i.next();
-          if (OsConstraint.oneMatchesCurrentSystem(p.osConstraints)) idata.availablePacks.add(p);
-        }
-        Debug.trace("InstallationGroupPanel.panelActivate, selectedGroup="+selectedGroup);
-        // If there are no groups, skip this panel
-        HashMap installGroups = getInstallGroups(idata);
-        if (installGroups.size() == 0)
-        {
-            super.askQuestion("Skip InstallGroup selection",
-                "Skip InstallGroup selection", AbstractUIHandler.CHOICES_YES_NO);
-            parent.skipPanel();
-            return;
-        }
-        // Build the table model from the unique groups
-        groupTableModel = getModel(installGroups);
-        groupsTable.setModel(groupTableModel);
-        TableColumnModel tcm = groupsTable.getColumnModel();
-        // renders the radio buttons and adjusts their state
-        TableCellRenderer radioButtonRenderer = new TableCellRenderer() {
-          public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value,
-                  boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus,
-                  int row, int column) {
-            if (value==null) return null;
-            int selectedRow = table.getSelectedRow();
-            if (selectedRow != -1) {
-              JRadioButton selectedButton = (JRadioButton)table.getValueAt(selectedRow, 0);
-              if (!selectedButton.isSelected()) {
-                selectedButton.doClick();
-              }
-            }
-            JRadioButton button = (JRadioButton) value;
-            button.setForeground(isSelected ?
-              table.getSelectionForeground() : table.getForeground());
-            button.setBackground(isSelected ?
-              table.getSelectionBackground() : table.getBackground());
-            // long millis = System.currentTimeMillis() % 100000;
-            // System.out.printf("%1$5d: row: %2$d; isSelected: %3$5b; buttonSelected: %4$5b; selectedRow: %5$d%n", millis, row, isSelected, button.isSelected(), selectedRow);
-            return button;
-          }
-        };
-        tcm.getColumn(0).setCellRenderer(radioButtonRenderer);
-        //groupsTable.setColumnSelectionAllowed(false);
-        //groupsTable.setRowSelectionAllowed(true);
-        groupsTable.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION);
-        groupsTable.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener (this);
-        groupsTable.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 2, 0, 2));
-        groupsTable.setIntercellSpacing(new Dimension(0, 0));
-        groupsTable.setShowGrid(false);
-        if( selectedGroup >= 0 )
-        {
-            groupsTable.getSelectionModel().setSelectionInterval(selectedGroup, selectedGroup);
-            descriptionField.setText(rows[selectedGroup].description);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            descriptionField.setText(rows[0].description);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Remove all packs from the InstallData availablePacks and selectedPacks
-     * that do not list the selected installation group. Packs without any
-     * installGroups are always included.
-     */
-    public void panelDeactivate()
-    {
-        Debug.trace("InstallationGroupPanel.panelDeactivate, selectedGroup="+selectedGroup);
-        if( selectedGroup >= 0 )
-        {
-            removeUnusedPacks();
-            GroupData group = this.rows[selectedGroup];
-            idata.setVariable("INSTALL_GROUP", group.name);
-            Debug.trace("Added variable INSTALL_GROUP="+group.name);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * There needs to be a valid selectedGroup to go to the next panel
-     * @return true if selectedGroup >= 0, false otherwise
-     */
-    public boolean isValidated()
-    {
-        Debug.trace("InstallationGroupPanel.isValidated, selectedGroup="+selectedGroup);
-        return selectedGroup >= 0;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Update the current selected install group index.
-     * @param e
-     */
-    public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e)
-    {
-        Debug.trace("valueChanged: " + e);
-        if (e.getValueIsAdjusting() == false)
-        {
-            ListSelectionModel lsm = (ListSelectionModel) e.getSource();
-            if( lsm.isSelectionEmpty()  )
-            {
-                descriptionField.setText("");
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                selectedGroup = lsm.getMinSelectionIndex();
-                if( selectedGroup >= 0 )
-                {
-                    GroupData data = rows[selectedGroup];
-                    descriptionField.setText(data.description);
-                    ((JRadioButton)groupTableModel.getValueAt(selectedGroup, 0)).setSelected(true);
-                }
-                Debug.trace("selectedGroup set to: "+selectedGroup);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /* Add the installation group to pack mappings
-	 * @see com.izforge.izpack.installer.IzPanel#makeXMLData(net.n3.nanoxml.XMLElement)
-	 */
-	public void makeXMLData(XMLElement panelRoot)
-	{
-		InstallationGroupPanelAutomationHelper helper = new InstallationGroupPanelAutomationHelper();
-		idata.setAttribute("GroupData", rows);
-		idata.setAttribute("packsByName", packsByName);
-		helper.makeXMLData(idata, panelRoot);
-	}
-	/**
-     * Create the panel ui.
-     */
-    protected void buildLayout()
-    {
-        GridBagConstraints gridBagConstraints;
-        descriptionField = new JTextPane();
-        groupScrollPane = new JScrollPane();
-        groupsTable = new JTable();
-        setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
-        descriptionField.setMargin(new Insets(2, 2, 2, 2));
-        descriptionField.setAlignmentX(LEFT_ALIGNMENT);
-        descriptionField.setCaretPosition(0);
-        descriptionField.setEditable(false);
-        descriptionField.setOpaque(false);
-        descriptionField.setText("<b>Install group description text</b>");
-        descriptionField.setContentType("text/html");
-        descriptionField.setBorder(new TitledBorder(idata.langpack.getString("PacksPanel.description")));
-        gridBagConstraints = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints();
-        gridBagConstraints.gridy = 2;
-        gridBagConstraints.fill = java.awt.GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
-        gridBagConstraints.weightx = 1.0;
-        gridBagConstraints.weighty = 0.3;
-        add(descriptionField, gridBagConstraints);
-        groupScrollPane.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(1, 1, 1, 1));
-        groupScrollPane.setViewportView(groupsTable);
-        gridBagConstraints = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints();
-        gridBagConstraints.fill = java.awt.GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
-        gridBagConstraints.weightx = 1.0;
-        gridBagConstraints.weighty = 1.0;
-        add(groupScrollPane, gridBagConstraints);
-    }
-    protected void removeUnusedPacks()
-    {
-        GroupData data = rows[selectedGroup];
-        Debug.trace("InstallationGroupPanel.removeUnusedPacks, GroupData="+data.name);
-        // Now remove the packs not in groupPackNames
-        Iterator iter = idata.availablePacks.iterator();
-        while( iter.hasNext() )
-        {
-            Pack p = (Pack) iter.next();
-            //reverse dependencies must be reset in case the user is going
-            //back and forth between the group selection panel and the packs selection panel
-            p.revDependencies = null;
-            if( data.packNames.contains(p.name) == false )
-            {
-                iter.remove();
-                Debug.trace("Removed AvailablePack: "+p.name);
-            }
-        }
-        idata.selectedPacks.clear();
-        if (!"no".equals(idata.getVariable("InstallationGroupPanel.selectPacks"))) {
-            idata.selectedPacks.addAll(idata.availablePacks);
-        } else {
-            for (Iterator i = idata.availablePacks.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
-              Pack p = (Pack)i.next();
-              if (p.preselected) idata.selectedPacks.add(p);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    protected void addDependents(Pack p, HashMap packsByName, GroupData data)
-    {
-        data.packNames.add(p.name);
-        data.size += p.nbytes;
-        Debug.trace("addDependents, added pack: "+p.name);
-        if( p.dependencies == null || p.dependencies.size() == 0 )
-            return;
-        Iterator iter = p.dependencies.iterator();
-        Debug.trace(p.name+" dependencies: "+p.dependencies);
-        while( iter.hasNext() )
-        {
-            String dependent = (String) iter.next();
-            if( data.packNames.contains(dependent) == false )
-            {
-                Debug.trace("Need dependent: "+dependent);
-                Pack dependentPack = (Pack) packsByName.get(dependent);
-                addDependents(dependentPack, packsByName, data);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Build the set of unique installGroups data. The GroupData description
-     * is taken from the InstallationGroupPanel.description.[name] property
-     * where [name] is the installGroup name. The GroupData size is built
-     * from the Pack.nbytes sum.
-     * 
-     * @param idata - the panel install data
-     * @return HashMap<String, GroupData> of unique install group names
-     */
-    protected HashMap getInstallGroups(InstallData idata)
-    {
-        /* First create a packsByName<String, Pack> of all packs and identify
-        the unique install group names.
-        */
-        packsByName = new HashMap();
-        HashMap installGroups = new HashMap();
-        for (int n = 0; n < idata.availablePacks.size(); n++)
-        {
-            Pack p = (Pack) idata.availablePacks.get(n);
-            packsByName.put(p.name, p);
-            Set groups = p.installGroups;
-            Iterator iter = groups.iterator();
-            Debug.trace("Pack: "+p.name+", installGroups: "+groups);
-            while (iter.hasNext())
-            {
-                String group = (String) iter.next();
-                GroupData data = (GroupData) installGroups.get(group);
-                if (data == null)
-                {
-                    String description = getGroupDescription(group);
-                    String sortKey = getGroupSortKey(group);
-                    data = new GroupData(group, description, sortKey);
-                    installGroups.put(group, data);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        Debug.trace("Found installGroups: " + installGroups.keySet());
-        /* Build up a set of the packs to include in the installation by finding
-        all packs in the selected group, and then include their dependencies.
-        */
-        Iterator gditer = installGroups.values().iterator();
-        while( gditer.hasNext() )
-        {
-            GroupData data = (GroupData) gditer.next();
-            Debug.trace("Adding dependents for: "+data.name);
-            Iterator iter = idata.availablePacks.iterator();
-            while( iter.hasNext() )
-            {
-                Pack p = (Pack) iter.next();
-                Set groups = p.installGroups;
-                if( groups.size() == 0 || groups.contains(data.name) == true )
-                {
-                    // The pack may have already been added while traversing dependencies
-                    if( data.packNames.contains(p.name) == false )
-                        addDependents(p, packsByName, data);
-                }
-            }
-            Debug.trace("Completed dependents for: "+data);
-            if( Debug.tracing() )
-                Debug.trace(data);
-        }
-        return installGroups;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Look for a key = InstallationGroupPanel.description.[group] entry:
-     * first using idata.langpack.getString(key+".html")
-     * next using idata.langpack.getString(key)
-     * next using idata.getVariable(key)
-     * lastly, defaulting to group + " installation"
-     * @param group - the installation group name
-     * @return the group description
-     */
-    protected String getGroupDescription(String group)
-    {
-        String description = null;
-        String key = "InstallationGroupPanel.description." + group;
-        if( idata.langpack != null )
-        {
-            String htmlKey = key+".html";
-            String html = idata.langpack.getString(htmlKey);
-            // This will equal the key if there is no entry
-            if( htmlKey.equalsIgnoreCase(html) )
-                description = idata.langpack.getString(key);
-            else
-                description = html;
-        }
-        if (description == null || key.equalsIgnoreCase(description))
-            description = idata.getVariable(key);
-        if (description == null)
-            description = group + " installation";
-        try
-        {
-            description = URLDecoder.decode(description, "UTF-8");
-        }
-        catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
-        {
-            emitWarning("Failed to convert description", e.getMessage());
-        }
-        return description;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Look for a key = InstallationGroupPanel.sortKey.[group] entry:
-     * by using idata.getVariable(key)
-     * if this variable is not defined, defaults to group
-     * @param group - the installation group name
-     * @return the group sortkey
-     */
-    protected String getGroupSortKey(String group)
-    {
-        String key = "InstallationGroupPanel.sortKey." + group;
-        String sortKey = idata.getVariable(key);
-        if (sortKey == null)
-            sortKey = group;
-        try
-        {
-            sortKey = URLDecoder.decode(sortKey, "UTF-8");
-        }
-        catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
-        {
-            emitWarning("Failed to convert sortKey", e.getMessage());
-        }
-        return sortKey;
-    }
-    protected TableModel getModel(HashMap groupData)
-    {
-        String c1 = parent.langpack.getString("InstallationGroupPanel.colNameSelected");
-        String c2 = parent.langpack.getString("InstallationGroupPanel.colNameInstallType");
-        String c3 = parent.langpack.getString("InstallationGroupPanel.colNameSize");
-        String[] columns = {c1, c2, c3};
-         DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel (columns, 0)
-         {
-            public boolean isCellEditable (int row, int column)
-            {
-               return false;
-            }
-        };
-        rows = new GroupData[groupData.size()];
-        // The name of the group to select if there is no current selection
-        String defaultGroup = idata.getVariable("InstallationGroupPanel.defaultGroup");
-         Debug.trace("InstallationGroupPanel.defaultGroup="+defaultGroup+", selectedGroup="+selectedGroup);
-         List values = new ArrayList(groupData.values());
-         Collections.sort(values, new Comparator()
-         {
-           public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
-           {
-               GroupData g1 = (GroupData) o1;
-               GroupData g2 = (GroupData) o2;
-               if (g1.sortKey == null || g2.sortKey==null)
-               {
-                   return 0;
-               }
-               return g1.sortKey.compareTo(g2.sortKey);
-           }
-        });
-        Iterator iter = values.iterator();
-        ButtonGroup buttonGroup = new ButtonGroup();
-        boolean madeSelection = false;
-        int count = 0;
-        while (iter.hasNext())
-        {
-            GroupData gd = (GroupData) iter.next();
-            rows[count] = gd;
-            Debug.trace("Creating button#"+count+", group="+gd.name);
-            JRadioButton btn = new JRadioButton(gd.name);
-            if( selectedGroup == count )
-            {
-                btn.setSelected(true);
-                Debug.trace("Selected button#"+count);
-            }
-            else if ( selectedGroup < 0 && madeSelection == false )
-            {
-                if( defaultGroup != null )
-                {
-                   if( defaultGroup.equals(gd.name) )
-                     madeSelection = true;
-                }
-                else if( count == 0 )
-                    madeSelection = true;
-                if( madeSelection )
-                {
-                    btn.setSelected(true);
-                    Debug.trace("Selected button#"+count);
-                    selectedGroup = count;
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                btn.setSelected(false);
-            }
-            buttonGroup.add(btn);
-            String sizeText = gd.getSizeString();
-            Object[] data = { btn, gd.description, sizeText};
-            model.addRow(data);
-            count ++;
-        }
-        return model;
-    }
-    protected static class GroupData
-    {
-        static final long ONEK = 1024;
-        static final long ONEM = 1024 * 1024;
-        static final long ONEG = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
-        String name;
-        String description;
-        String sortKey;
-        long size;
-        HashSet packNames = new HashSet();
-        GroupData(String name, String description, String sortKey)
-        {
-            this.name = name;
-            this.description = description;
-            this.sortKey = sortKey;
-        }
-        String getSizeString()
-        {
-            String s;
-            if (size < ONEK)
-            {
-                s = size + " bytes";
-            }
-            else if (size < ONEM)
-            {
-                s = size / ONEK + " KBytes";
-            }
-            else if (size < ONEG)
-            {
-                s = size / ONEM + " MBytes";
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                s = size / ONEG + " GBytes";
-            }
-            return s;
-        }
-        public String toString()
-        {
-            StringBuffer tmp = new StringBuffer("GroupData(");
-            tmp.append(name);
-            tmp.append("){description=");
-            tmp.append(description);
-            tmp.append(", sortKey=");
-            tmp.append(sortKey);
-            tmp.append(", size=");
-            tmp.append(size);
-            tmp.append(", sizeString=");
-            tmp.append(getSizeString());
-            tmp.append(", packNames=");
-            tmp.append(packNames);
-            tmp.append("}");
-            return tmp.toString();
-        }
-    }
+ * IzPack - Copyright 2001-2007 Julien Ponge, All Rights Reserved.
+ * 
+ * https://izpack.github.io/
+ * http://developer.berlios.de/projects/izpack/
+ * 
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *     
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package com.izforge.izpack.panels;
+import java.awt.Component;
+import java.awt.Dimension;
+import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
+import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
+import java.awt.Insets;
+import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
+import java.net.URLDecoder;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Comparator;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Set;
+import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
+import javax.swing.ButtonGroup;
+import javax.swing.JRadioButton;
+import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
+import javax.swing.JTable;
+import javax.swing.JTextPane;
+import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel;
+import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
+import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder;
+import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
+import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
+import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
+import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer;
+import javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel;
+import javax.swing.table.TableModel;
+import net.n3.nanoxml.XMLElement;
+import com.izforge.izpack.Pack;
+import com.izforge.izpack.installer.InstallData;
+import com.izforge.izpack.installer.InstallerFrame;
+import com.izforge.izpack.installer.IzPanel;
+import com.izforge.izpack.util.AbstractUIHandler;
+import com.izforge.izpack.util.Debug;
+import com.izforge.izpack.util.OsConstraint;
+ * A panel which displays the available installGroups found on the packs to
+ * allow the user to select a subset of the packs based on the pack
+ * installGroups attribute. This panel will be skipped if there are no
+ * pack elements with an installGroups attribute.
+ * 
+ * @author Scott.Stark at jboss.org
+ * @version $Revision: $
+ */
+public class InstallationGroupPanel extends IzPanel
+    implements ListSelectionListener
+    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+    /** HashMap<String, Pack> of the InstallData.availablePacks */
+    private HashMap packsByName;
+    private TableModel groupTableModel;
+    private JTextPane descriptionField;
+    private JScrollPane groupScrollPane;
+    private JTable groupsTable;
+    private GroupData[] rows;
+    private int selectedGroup = -1;
+    public InstallationGroupPanel(InstallerFrame parent, InstallData idata)
+    {
+        super(parent, idata);
+        buildLayout();
+    }
+    /**
+     * If there are no packs with an installGroups attribute, this panel is
+     * skipped. Otherwise, the unique installGroups are displayed in a table.
+     */
+    public void panelActivate()
+    {
+        // Set/restore availablePacks from allPacks; consider OS constraints
+        idata.availablePacks = new ArrayList();
+        for (Iterator i = idata.allPacks.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+          Pack p = (Pack)i.next();
+          if (OsConstraint.oneMatchesCurrentSystem(p.osConstraints)) idata.availablePacks.add(p);
+        }
+        Debug.trace("InstallationGroupPanel.panelActivate, selectedGroup="+selectedGroup);
+        // If there are no groups, skip this panel
+        HashMap installGroups = getInstallGroups(idata);
+        if (installGroups.size() == 0)
+        {
+            super.askQuestion("Skip InstallGroup selection",
+                "Skip InstallGroup selection", AbstractUIHandler.CHOICES_YES_NO);
+            parent.skipPanel();
+            return;
+        }
+        // Build the table model from the unique groups
+        groupTableModel = getModel(installGroups);
+        groupsTable.setModel(groupTableModel);
+        TableColumnModel tcm = groupsTable.getColumnModel();
+        // renders the radio buttons and adjusts their state
+        TableCellRenderer radioButtonRenderer = new TableCellRenderer() {
+          public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value,
+                  boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus,
+                  int row, int column) {
+            if (value==null) return null;
+            int selectedRow = table.getSelectedRow();
+            if (selectedRow != -1) {
+              JRadioButton selectedButton = (JRadioButton)table.getValueAt(selectedRow, 0);
+              if (!selectedButton.isSelected()) {
+                selectedButton.doClick();
+              }
+            }
+            JRadioButton button = (JRadioButton) value;
+            button.setForeground(isSelected ?
+              table.getSelectionForeground() : table.getForeground());
+            button.setBackground(isSelected ?
+              table.getSelectionBackground() : table.getBackground());
+            // long millis = System.currentTimeMillis() % 100000;
+            // System.out.printf("%1$5d: row: %2$d; isSelected: %3$5b; buttonSelected: %4$5b; selectedRow: %5$d%n", millis, row, isSelected, button.isSelected(), selectedRow);
+            return button;
+          }
+        };
+        tcm.getColumn(0).setCellRenderer(radioButtonRenderer);
+        //groupsTable.setColumnSelectionAllowed(false);
+        //groupsTable.setRowSelectionAllowed(true);
+        groupsTable.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION);
+        groupsTable.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener (this);
+        groupsTable.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 2, 0, 2));
+        groupsTable.setIntercellSpacing(new Dimension(0, 0));
+        groupsTable.setShowGrid(false);
+        if( selectedGroup >= 0 )
+        {
+            groupsTable.getSelectionModel().setSelectionInterval(selectedGroup, selectedGroup);
+            descriptionField.setText(rows[selectedGroup].description);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            descriptionField.setText(rows[0].description);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Remove all packs from the InstallData availablePacks and selectedPacks
+     * that do not list the selected installation group. Packs without any
+     * installGroups are always included.
+     */
+    public void panelDeactivate()
+    {
+        Debug.trace("InstallationGroupPanel.panelDeactivate, selectedGroup="+selectedGroup);
+        if( selectedGroup >= 0 )
+        {
+            removeUnusedPacks();
+            GroupData group = this.rows[selectedGroup];
+            idata.setVariable("INSTALL_GROUP", group.name);
+            Debug.trace("Added variable INSTALL_GROUP="+group.name);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * There needs to be a valid selectedGroup to go to the next panel
+     * @return true if selectedGroup >= 0, false otherwise
+     */
+    public boolean isValidated()
+    {
+        Debug.trace("InstallationGroupPanel.isValidated, selectedGroup="+selectedGroup);
+        return selectedGroup >= 0;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Update the current selected install group index.
+     * @param e
+     */
+    public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e)
+    {
+        Debug.trace("valueChanged: " + e);
+        if (e.getValueIsAdjusting() == false)
+        {
+            ListSelectionModel lsm = (ListSelectionModel) e.getSource();
+            if( lsm.isSelectionEmpty()  )
+            {
+                descriptionField.setText("");
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                selectedGroup = lsm.getMinSelectionIndex();
+                if( selectedGroup >= 0 )
+                {
+                    GroupData data = rows[selectedGroup];
+                    descriptionField.setText(data.description);
+                    ((JRadioButton)groupTableModel.getValueAt(selectedGroup, 0)).setSelected(true);
+                }
+                Debug.trace("selectedGroup set to: "+selectedGroup);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* Add the installation group to pack mappings
+	 * @see com.izforge.izpack.installer.IzPanel#makeXMLData(net.n3.nanoxml.XMLElement)
+	 */
+	public void makeXMLData(XMLElement panelRoot)
+	{
+		InstallationGroupPanelAutomationHelper helper = new InstallationGroupPanelAutomationHelper();
+		idata.setAttribute("GroupData", rows);
+		idata.setAttribute("packsByName", packsByName);
+		helper.makeXMLData(idata, panelRoot);
+	}
+	/**
+     * Create the panel ui.
+     */
+    protected void buildLayout()
+    {
+        GridBagConstraints gridBagConstraints;
+        descriptionField = new JTextPane();
+        groupScrollPane = new JScrollPane();
+        groupsTable = new JTable();
+        setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
+        descriptionField.setMargin(new Insets(2, 2, 2, 2));
+        descriptionField.setAlignmentX(LEFT_ALIGNMENT);
+        descriptionField.setCaretPosition(0);
+        descriptionField.setEditable(false);
+        descriptionField.setOpaque(false);
+        descriptionField.setText("<b>Install group description text</b>");
+        descriptionField.setContentType("text/html");
+        descriptionField.setBorder(new TitledBorder(idata.langpack.getString("PacksPanel.description")));
+        gridBagConstraints = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints();
+        gridBagConstraints.gridy = 2;
+        gridBagConstraints.fill = java.awt.GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
+        gridBagConstraints.weightx = 1.0;
+        gridBagConstraints.weighty = 0.3;
+        add(descriptionField, gridBagConstraints);
+        groupScrollPane.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(1, 1, 1, 1));
+        groupScrollPane.setViewportView(groupsTable);
+        gridBagConstraints = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints();
+        gridBagConstraints.fill = java.awt.GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
+        gridBagConstraints.weightx = 1.0;
+        gridBagConstraints.weighty = 1.0;
+        add(groupScrollPane, gridBagConstraints);
+    }
+    protected void removeUnusedPacks()
+    {
+        GroupData data = rows[selectedGroup];
+        Debug.trace("InstallationGroupPanel.removeUnusedPacks, GroupData="+data.name);
+        // Now remove the packs not in groupPackNames
+        Iterator iter = idata.availablePacks.iterator();
+        while( iter.hasNext() )
+        {
+            Pack p = (Pack) iter.next();
+            //reverse dependencies must be reset in case the user is going
+            //back and forth between the group selection panel and the packs selection panel
+            p.revDependencies = null;
+            if( data.packNames.contains(p.name) == false )
+            {
+                iter.remove();
+                Debug.trace("Removed AvailablePack: "+p.name);
+            }
+        }
+        idata.selectedPacks.clear();
+        if (!"no".equals(idata.getVariable("InstallationGroupPanel.selectPacks"))) {
+            idata.selectedPacks.addAll(idata.availablePacks);
+        } else {
+            for (Iterator i = idata.availablePacks.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+              Pack p = (Pack)i.next();
+              if (p.preselected) idata.selectedPacks.add(p);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    protected void addDependents(Pack p, HashMap packsByName, GroupData data)
+    {
+        data.packNames.add(p.name);
+        data.size += p.nbytes;
+        Debug.trace("addDependents, added pack: "+p.name);
+        if( p.dependencies == null || p.dependencies.size() == 0 )
+            return;
+        Iterator iter = p.dependencies.iterator();
+        Debug.trace(p.name+" dependencies: "+p.dependencies);
+        while( iter.hasNext() )
+        {
+            String dependent = (String) iter.next();
+            if( data.packNames.contains(dependent) == false )
+            {
+                Debug.trace("Need dependent: "+dependent);
+                Pack dependentPack = (Pack) packsByName.get(dependent);
+                addDependents(dependentPack, packsByName, data);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Build the set of unique installGroups data. The GroupData description
+     * is taken from the InstallationGroupPanel.description.[name] property
+     * where [name] is the installGroup name. The GroupData size is built
+     * from the Pack.nbytes sum.
+     * 
+     * @param idata - the panel install data
+     * @return HashMap<String, GroupData> of unique install group names
+     */
+    protected HashMap getInstallGroups(InstallData idata)
+    {
+        /* First create a packsByName<String, Pack> of all packs and identify
+        the unique install group names.
+        */
+        packsByName = new HashMap();
+        HashMap installGroups = new HashMap();
+        for (int n = 0; n < idata.availablePacks.size(); n++)
+        {
+            Pack p = (Pack) idata.availablePacks.get(n);
+            packsByName.put(p.name, p);
+            Set groups = p.installGroups;
+            Iterator iter = groups.iterator();
+            Debug.trace("Pack: "+p.name+", installGroups: "+groups);
+            while (iter.hasNext())
+            {
+                String group = (String) iter.next();
+                GroupData data = (GroupData) installGroups.get(group);
+                if (data == null)
+                {
+                    String description = getGroupDescription(group);
+                    String sortKey = getGroupSortKey(group);
+                    data = new GroupData(group, description, sortKey);
+                    installGroups.put(group, data);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        Debug.trace("Found installGroups: " + installGroups.keySet());
+        /* Build up a set of the packs to include in the installation by finding
+        all packs in the selected group, and then include their dependencies.
+        */
+        Iterator gditer = installGroups.values().iterator();
+        while( gditer.hasNext() )
+        {
+            GroupData data = (GroupData) gditer.next();
+            Debug.trace("Adding dependents for: "+data.name);
+            Iterator iter = idata.availablePacks.iterator();
+            while( iter.hasNext() )
+            {
+                Pack p = (Pack) iter.next();
+                Set groups = p.installGroups;
+                if( groups.size() == 0 || groups.contains(data.name) == true )
+                {
+                    // The pack may have already been added while traversing dependencies
+                    if( data.packNames.contains(p.name) == false )
+                        addDependents(p, packsByName, data);
+                }
+            }
+            Debug.trace("Completed dependents for: "+data);
+            if( Debug.tracing() )
+                Debug.trace(data);
+        }
+        return installGroups;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Look for a key = InstallationGroupPanel.description.[group] entry:
+     * first using idata.langpack.getString(key+".html")
+     * next using idata.langpack.getString(key)
+     * next using idata.getVariable(key)
+     * lastly, defaulting to group + " installation"
+     * @param group - the installation group name
+     * @return the group description
+     */
+    protected String getGroupDescription(String group)
+    {
+        String description = null;
+        String key = "InstallationGroupPanel.description." + group;
+        if( idata.langpack != null )
+        {
+            String htmlKey = key+".html";
+            String html = idata.langpack.getString(htmlKey);
+            // This will equal the key if there is no entry
+            if( htmlKey.equalsIgnoreCase(html) )
+                description = idata.langpack.getString(key);
+            else
+                description = html;
+        }
+        if (description == null || key.equalsIgnoreCase(description))
+            description = idata.getVariable(key);
+        if (description == null)
+            description = group + " installation";
+        try
+        {
+            description = URLDecoder.decode(description, "UTF-8");
+        }
+        catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
+        {
+            emitWarning("Failed to convert description", e.getMessage());
+        }
+        return description;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Look for a key = InstallationGroupPanel.sortKey.[group] entry:
+     * by using idata.getVariable(key)
+     * if this variable is not defined, defaults to group
+     * @param group - the installation group name
+     * @return the group sortkey
+     */
+    protected String getGroupSortKey(String group)
+    {
+        String key = "InstallationGroupPanel.sortKey." + group;
+        String sortKey = idata.getVariable(key);
+        if (sortKey == null)
+            sortKey = group;
+        try
+        {
+            sortKey = URLDecoder.decode(sortKey, "UTF-8");
+        }
+        catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
+        {
+            emitWarning("Failed to convert sortKey", e.getMessage());
+        }
+        return sortKey;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Look for a key = InstallationGroupPanel.group.[group] entry:
+     * first using idata.langpackgetString(key+".html")
+     * next using idata.langpack.getString(key)
+     * next using idata.getVariable(key)
+     * lastly, defaulting to group
+     * @param group - the installation group name
+     * @return the localized group name
+     */
+    protected String getLocalizedGroupName(String group)
+    {
+        String gname = null;
+        String key = "InstallationGroupPanel.group." + group;
+        if( idata.langpack != null )
+        {
+            String htmlKey = key+".html";
+            String html = idata.langpack.getString(htmlKey);
+            // This will equal the key if there is no entry
+            if( htmlKey.equalsIgnoreCase(html) )
+                gname = idata.langpack.getString(key);
+            else
+                gname = html;
+        }
+        if (gname == null  || key.equalsIgnoreCase(gname))
+            gname = idata.getVariable(key);
+        if (gname == null)
+            gname = group;
+        try
+        {
+            gname = URLDecoder.decode(gname, "UTF-8");
+        }
+        catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
+        {
+            emitWarning("Failed to convert localized group name", e.getMessage());
+        }
+        return gname;
+    }
+    protected TableModel getModel(HashMap groupData)
+    {
+        String c1 = parent.langpack.getString("InstallationGroupPanel.colNameSelected");
+        String c2 = parent.langpack.getString("InstallationGroupPanel.colNameInstallType");
+        String c3 = parent.langpack.getString("InstallationGroupPanel.colNameSize");
+        String[] columns = {c1, c2, c3};
+         DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel (columns, 0)
+         {
+            public boolean isCellEditable (int row, int column)
+            {
+               return false;
+            }
+        };
+        rows = new GroupData[groupData.size()];
+        // The name of the group to select if there is no current selection
+        String defaultGroup = idata.getVariable("InstallationGroupPanel.defaultGroup");
+         Debug.trace("InstallationGroupPanel.defaultGroup="+defaultGroup+", selectedGroup="+selectedGroup);
+         List values = new ArrayList(groupData.values());
+         Collections.sort(values, new Comparator()
+         {
+           public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
+           {
+               GroupData g1 = (GroupData) o1;
+               GroupData g2 = (GroupData) o2;
+               if (g1.sortKey == null || g2.sortKey==null)
+               {
+                   return 0;
+               }
+               return g1.sortKey.compareTo(g2.sortKey);
+           }
+        });
+        Iterator iter = values.iterator();
+        ButtonGroup buttonGroup = new ButtonGroup();
+        boolean madeSelection = false;
+        int count = 0;
+        while (iter.hasNext())
+        {
+            GroupData gd = (GroupData) iter.next();
+            rows[count] = gd;
+            Debug.trace("Creating button#"+count+", group="+gd.name);
+            JRadioButton btn = new JRadioButton(getLocalizedGroupName(gd.name));
+            if( selectedGroup == count )
+            {
+                btn.setSelected(true);
+                Debug.trace("Selected button#"+count);
+            }
+            else if ( selectedGroup < 0 && madeSelection == false )
+            {
+                if( defaultGroup != null )
+                {
+                   if( defaultGroup.equals(gd.name) )
+                     madeSelection = true;
+                }
+                else if( count == 0 )
+                    madeSelection = true;
+                if( madeSelection )
+                {
+                    btn.setSelected(true);
+                    Debug.trace("Selected button#"+count);
+                    selectedGroup = count;
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                btn.setSelected(false);
+            }
+            buttonGroup.add(btn);
+            String sizeText = gd.getSizeString();
+            Object[] data = { btn, gd.description, sizeText};
+            model.addRow(data);
+            count ++;
+        }
+        return model;
+    }
+    protected static class GroupData
+    {
+        static final long ONEK = 1024;
+        static final long ONEM = 1024 * 1024;
+        static final long ONEG = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
+        String name;
+        String description;
+        String sortKey;
+        long size;
+        HashSet packNames = new HashSet();
+        GroupData(String name, String description, String sortKey)
+        {
+            this.name = name;
+            this.description = description;
+            this.sortKey = sortKey;
+        }
+        String getSizeString()
+        {
+            String s;
+            if (size < ONEK)
+            {
+                s = size + " bytes";
+            }
+            else if (size < ONEM)
+            {
+                s = size / ONEK + " KBytes";
+            }
+            else if (size < ONEG)
+            {
+                s = size / ONEM + " MBytes";
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                s = size / ONEG + " GBytes";
+            }
+            return s;
+        }
+        public String toString()
+        {
+            StringBuffer tmp = new StringBuffer("GroupData(");
+            tmp.append(name);
+            tmp.append("){description=");
+            tmp.append(description);
+            tmp.append(", sortKey=");
+            tmp.append(sortKey);
+            tmp.append(", size=");
+            tmp.append(size);
+            tmp.append(", sizeString=");
+            tmp.append(getSizeString());
+            tmp.append(", packNames=");
+            tmp.append(packNames);
+            tmp.append("}");
+            return tmp.toString();
+        }
+    }

Modified: izpack-src/trunk/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/panels/ShortcutPanel.java
--- izpack-src/trunk/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/panels/ShortcutPanel.java	2007-11-20 14:32:36 UTC (rev 1910)
+++ izpack-src/trunk/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/panels/ShortcutPanel.java	2007-11-21 17:00:22 UTC (rev 1911)
@@ -920,15 +920,13 @@
-            // TODO: write log info INFO.info( "Checking Condition for " +
-            // shortcutSpec.getAttribute( SPEC_ATTRIBUTE_NAME ) );
+            Debug.log( "Checking Condition for " + shortcutSpec.getAttribute( SPEC_ATTRIBUTE_NAME ) );
             if (!checkConditions(shortcutSpec))
-            // TODO write log info INFO.info( "Checked Condition for " +
-            // shortcutSpec.getAttribute( SPEC_ATTRIBUTE_NAME ) );
+            Debug.log( "Checked Condition for " + shortcutSpec.getAttribute( SPEC_ATTRIBUTE_NAME ) );
             data = new ShortcutData();
             data.name = shortcutSpec.getAttribute(SPEC_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);

Modified: izpack-src/trunk/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/util/FileExecutor.java
--- izpack-src/trunk/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/util/FileExecutor.java	2007-11-20 14:32:36 UTC (rev 1910)
+++ izpack-src/trunk/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/util/FileExecutor.java	2007-11-21 17:00:22 UTC (rev 1911)
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
             ExecutableFile efile = (ExecutableFile) efileIterator.next();
             boolean deleteAfterwards = !efile.keepFile;
             File file = new File(efile.path);
-            Debug.trace("handeling executable file " + efile);
+            Debug.trace("handling executable file " + efile);
             // skip file if not for current OS (it might not have been installed
             // at all)

Modified: izpack-src/trunk/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/util/OsVersion.java
--- izpack-src/trunk/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/util/OsVersion.java	2007-11-20 14:32:36 UTC (rev 1910)
+++ izpack-src/trunk/src/lib/com/izforge/izpack/util/OsVersion.java	2007-11-21 17:00:22 UTC (rev 1911)
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
                 catch (IOException e)
-                    // TODO handle or ignore
+                    Debug.log("Unable to get release file contents in 'getOsDetails'.");

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