[izpack-changes] r1932 - in izpack-src/trunk/src: doc-reST dtd

noreply at berlios.de noreply at berlios.de
Mon Dec 3 16:30:03 CET 2007

Author: dreil
Date: 2007-12-03 16:29:59 +0100 (Mon, 03 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 1932

updated documentation

Modified: izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/installation-files.txt
--- izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/installation-files.txt	2007-11-30 16:37:24 UTC (rev 1931)
+++ izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/installation-files.txt	2007-12-03 15:29:59 UTC (rev 1932)
@@ -159,6 +159,18 @@
+Dynamic Variables
+Dynamic variables can be defined in the installation XML with the ``<variable>`` tag inside
+the ``<dynamicvariables>`` element. The value of dynamic variables will be evaluated every time a panel
+is switched, i.e. between the panels. Dynamic variables can have a condition which will be evaluated
+first. If it's true, the value would be assigned, otherwise nothing happens to the variable.
+Example: To change a certain directory based on user input, use the following
+``<variable name="test" value="/test/${USER_INPUT}" condition="hasuserinput" />`` 
+The condition has userinput has to be specified in the condition section of installation XML.
 Parse Types
@@ -332,7 +344,102 @@
       button. Default value is "False". -->
+The dynamic Variables Element ``<dynamicvariables>``
+This element allows you to define dynamic variables for the variables substitution
+system. In contrast to the static ``<variables``, dynamic variables will be evaluated
+every time, a panel switch is done.
+When you define a set of variables, you just have to place as many ``<variable>`` tags 
+in the file as needed. Normally you would use the condition attribute to specify, when 
+a certain value will be set. 
+One ``<variable>`` tag take the following attributes :
+-   ``name`` : the variable name
+-   ``value`` : the variable value
+-   ``condition`` : a condition for this variable, which has to be true to set the value
+Here's a sample ``<dynamicvariables>`` section :
+    <dynamicvariables>
+      <variable name="app-version" value="1.4" condition="mycondition1" />
+      <variable name="app-version" value="1.4b" condition="!mycondition1" />
+      <variable name="released-on" value="08/03/2002" />
+    </dynamicvariables>
+The Conditions Element ``<conditions>``
+This element allows you to define conditions which can be used to dynamically change the installer, 
+e.g. the panels shown, the variables set, files parsed, files
+executed and much more. When you define a condition it will get a type and an id. The id has to be unique. Conditions can be referenced
+based on this id (e.g. with the ``RefCondition``). 
+There are several built-in types of conditions. At the time of writing this, Izpack has the following built-in types:
+-	``VariableCondition``: a condition based on the value of a certain variable
+-	``PackSelectionCondition``: a condition based on a pack selected for installation
+-	``JavaCondition``: a condition based on a static java field or method.
+There are also boolean types to combine more than one condition:
+- 	``AndCondition``: both conditions have to be true
+-	``OrCondition``: only one of both conditions has to be true
+- 	``XOrCondition``: one condition has to be true, the other one has to be false
+- 	``NotCondition``: the condition has to be false
+When you define a set of conditions, you just have to write as many ``<condition>`` tags as you like. A
+condition can take the following attributes:
+- 	``type``: the type of the condition. For built-in types, this is the lowercase portion of the condition class
+              name without condition appended (variable,packselection,java, ...)
+- 	``id``: the id of the condition. This will be used to refer to this conditions in other elements
+The condition element can have several child elements depending on the type of this conditions. E.g. the VariableCondition
+has a name and value child element to specify, which variable should have a certain value to fullfil this condition.
+:: 	This is an example which defines four conditions, two VariableConditions, a JavaCondition and a AndCondition which will
+    refer to two of the first conditions.
+   <conditions>
+      <condition type="variable" id="standardinstallation">
+         <name>setup.type</name>
+         <value>standard</name>
+      </condition>
+      <condition type="variable" id="expertinstallation">
+         <name>setup.type</name>
+         <value>expert</name>
+      </condition>
+      <condition type="java" id="installonwindows">
+		<java>
+			<class>com.izforge.izpack.util.OsVersion</class>
+			<field>IS_WINDOWS</field>
+		</java>
+		<returnvalue type="boolean">true</returnvalue>
+	  </condition>
+	  <condition type="and" id="standardinstallation.onwindows">
+	  	<condition type="ref" refid="standardinstallation"/>
+	  	<condition type="ref" refid="installonwindows" />
+	  </condition>
+   </condition>
+Note, from IzPack 3.11 on normally, you don't have to define the compound conditions because you can use a simple
+expression language. The language has the following operators:
+-	``+``: an operator for the Andcondition
+- 	``|``: an operator for the OrCondition
+- 	``\``: an operator for the XOrCondition
+-	``!``: an operator for the NotCondition
+Neverthless if you define really complex conditions it's much easier to define them using the xml structure. 
 The GUI Preferences Element ``<guiprefs>``
@@ -523,10 +630,13 @@
 Here you tell the compiler which panels you want to use. They will appear in
 the installer in the order in which they are listed in your XML installation
 file. Take a look at the different panels in order to find the ones you need.
-The ``<panel>`` markup takes a single attribute ``classname`` which is the
-classname of the panel.
+The ``<panel>`` markup takes the following attributes:
+-	``classname``: which is the classname of the panel.
+-	``id``: an identifier for a panel which can be used e.g. for referencing in userinput panel definitions.
+- 	``condition``: an id of a condition which has to be fullfilled to show this panel
 Here's a sample :
@@ -536,6 +646,7 @@
       <panel classname="LicencePanel"/>
       <panel classname="TargetPanel"/>
       <panel classname="InstallPanel"/>
+      <panel classname="UserInputPanel" id="myuserinput" condition="pack2selected" />
       <panel classname="FinishPanel"/>
@@ -572,6 +683,8 @@
     that represents the pack's image for the ImgPacksPanel. The resource
     should be defined in the ``<resources>`` element of the installation XML
     using the same value for the ``id`` attribute of the ``<res>`` element.
+-	``condition``: an id of a condition which has to be fullfilled to install this 
+	package. 
 The ``<refpack>`` takes only one attribute ``file``, which contains the
 relative path (from the installation compiler) to an externally defined
@@ -685,6 +798,7 @@
     installation this way.) By default it is set to `` update``.
 -   ``unpack``: if ``true`` and the file is an archive then its content
     will be unpacked and added as individual files
+-	``condition``: an id of a condition which has to be fullfilled to install this file
@@ -713,6 +827,7 @@
     windows, mac``) - this means that the file will only be installed on its
     target operating system
 -   ``override``: see ``<file>`` for description
+-	``condition``: an id of a condition which has to be fullfilled to install this file
 A ``<additionaldata>`` tag can also be specified for customizing.
@@ -738,6 +853,7 @@
 -   ``excludes``: comma- or space-separated list of patterns of files
     that must be excluded; no files (except default excludes) are excluded
     when omitted. This is an alternative for multiple exclude tags.
+-	``condition``: an id of a condition which has to be fullfilled to install the files in this fileset
 You specify the files with ``<include>`` and ``<exclude>`` tags that take the
 ``name`` parameter to specify the Ant-like pattern :
@@ -795,6 +911,7 @@
     default is ``plain``
 -   ``encoding`` : specifies the file encoding
 -   ``os``: specifies the operating system, works like for ``<file>``
+-	``condition``: an id of a condition which has to be fullfilled to parse this file
 ``<executable>`` - mark file executable or execute it
@@ -823,6 +940,7 @@
 -   ``keep`` : specifies whether the file will be kept after execution.
     The default is to delete the file after is has been executed. This can be
     changed by specifying ``keep="true"``.
+-	``condition``: an id of a condition which has to be fullfilled to execute this file    
 A ``<args>`` tag can also be specified in order to pass arguments to the

Modified: izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/introduction.txt
--- izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/introduction.txt	2007-11-30 16:37:24 UTC (rev 1931)
+++ izpack-src/trunk/src/doc-reST/introduction.txt	2007-12-03 15:29:59 UTC (rev 1932)
@@ -69,7 +69,9 @@
     is included !)
 -   powerful variable substitution system that you can use to customize
     scripts and more generally any text-based file
--   different kinds of installers (standard, web-based, ...)
+-   powerful condition system that can be used to conditionally show panels, user input fields and
+    execute files conditionally
+-   different kinds of installers (standard, web-based, multi-volume, ...)
 -   launching of external executables during the installation process and
     Unix executable flag support (useful for the scripts for instance)
 -   layout of the installation files in packs (some can be optional)

Modified: izpack-src/trunk/src/dtd/installation.dtd
--- izpack-src/trunk/src/dtd/installation.dtd	2007-11-30 16:37:24 UTC (rev 1931)
+++ izpack-src/trunk/src/dtd/installation.dtd	2007-12-03 15:29:59 UTC (rev 1932)
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@
         <!ATTLIST panel os (unix|windows|mac) #IMPLIED>
         <!ATTLIST panel classname CDATA #REQUIRED>
         <!ATTLIST panel condition CDATA #IMPLIED>
+        <!ATTLIST panel	id CDATA #IMPLIED>
 <!-- The listener section (indicates which listener where to use) -->
 <!ELEMENT listeners (listener*)>

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