[izpack-changes] [Bug #4551] UserInputPanel autoinstall error

noreply at berlios.de noreply at berlios.de
Tue Jan 3 13:30:38 CET 2006

Bug #4551, was updated on 2005-Jul-13 13:21
Here is a current snapshot of the bug.

Project: IzPack
Category: IzPack3
Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Bug Group: None
Priority: 5
Submitted by: perabich
Assigned to : jponge
Summary: UserInputPanel autoinstall error

Details: We have 2 UserInputPanels, where the Users enters some info about which database to connect to. Both databases may be identical, but don't have to. 

When you have entered the info into the first of the two, click next, then realize that you should just copy the JDBC-connect-string from it for the second one, go back, copy it and click next again, the installer writes the information about that (first) panel twice into the autoinstall-script - and unless you edit it by hand, the autoinstall won't work later on.

This is a problem, because we use the autoinstall to upgrade later on.


Date: 2005-Oct-17 06:58
By: phoenixsh

This is actually a bug during the creating of auto-install data. When switching panels, the data to be generated for later auto-install will be written to an internal verctor. But this will cause duplicated entries, as descripted in this bug report. 

To fix, we shall instead copy the auto-install data only once immediately before we write the file out. I have tested my fix on my computer and will start the procedure to put on a patch or update.

See InstallerFrame.switchPanel and .writeXMLTree for details. My plan:

comment out this line: (400)

//ignore root, iterate installdata and write the them


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